Community in the Voridium Shard


Greetings, citizens of Fortannis!

I will be joining the expedition to the Voridium Shard in about two fortnights and was looking to see who else from across Fortannis will be there? I know a fair number of people from throughout the Realms, and as I have no specific traveling companions I am hoping to find familiar faces to bunk with in whatever accomodations we find in the ruins of that realm. I can offer a Ward and my personal protection to whatever location I stay in, in addition to what I like to think is pleasant enough company.

Separately, as is the case with any large gathering of Fortannis people, there is bound to be a measure of conflicting norms and expectations. I understand that the closest location through the mists is the land of Acarthia, and I've spoken to some of its citizens at length about their laws and been assured that they cover a fairly "normal" set of circumstances (don't cast Necromancy, don't murder or steal from other people, and so forth). If others are so inclined, might I suggest that we agree as a community to follow the Acarthian laws so that we have a convenient starting point for discussion and arbitration in case complications arise? I suspect that many potential problems might be averted if we have a standard set of expectations to refer to in what is otherwise sure to be a wild, lawless place of untold dangers.

-Lord Polare Lissenstine
Lord Polare,

I'm happy to hear that you will be joining this expedition as well. I agree that coming to an agreement on basic laws is a good thing. I'm more than happy to help support and enforce whatever laws are decided upon within our camp. It will be nice seeing you again in a few weeks.

By my hand,

Squire Kendrick Eisenhal
Might Bones suggest that we discuss this during the Orc Feast? This High Orc knows that a lot of the nobility of Acarthia will be joining the Bleeding Eye in celebration for the initiates. Bones thinks that this would be a good time to discuss the laws as well.
That's a great time to host these talks.
We may wish to forestall these conversations until we may ascertain the population and preferences of any extant inhabitants of Voridium. Additionally, an Orcish feast may be a very loud place to discuss matters that have a tendency to reach a passionate level of volume even when they are not discussed at an Orcish feast, and which require a level of attention to detail which may be missed in such exuberant environs.

There is also the matter of the organizers of the expeditions, namely the Archaeological Guild and the Liche's Hoard company. They may have some preferences as to how their representatives in this shard of Fortannis should comport ourselves, and as their agents in a long-closed land, we should probably hear their opinions on our comportment first.

Lady Vellis Valeriana Tsalarioth, Psychopompos
Squire to Baron Sir Marcus Husarri Saephis of House Phoenix
If I may:

In my travels, it has oft been stated that "Ignorance of the law does not exempt one from their letter." Regardless of the rule(s) that has been formulated by the natives of Voridium, the Acarthian Archaeologists' Guild, the Liche's Horde Trading Company, or the residing nobility (who since they are not within the lands where their dominion resides have no rule of law, except over their own vassals and subjects, if I remember my Code of Chivalry correctly...); even unheard laws must be established and adhered to.

I would caution any and all visitors to the Shard that travelling to other lands requires a soft touch - especially one that has been unconnected to the rest of Fortannis for so long. What cultural norms may be commonplace to you may not be for everyone.

Therefore, regardless of what laws become established in our short time present within Voridium, know that you are dealing with a great many races and cultures. I encourage each visiting noble to make themselves a beacon to their people, and the people, even if not represented by their nobility, to flock to a banner, so that they may be under a wing of protection of compatriots.

There is strength in numbers, and responsibility may be carried by weight of the bundle, rather than the single stick. Communication to the Nobles and other representatives may be spread easier to the common folk if there are direct ties.

Should laws be made public and said lawmakers wish their knowledge to be spread, I offer my services as a humble scribe and orator to spread the word to all visitors to the Shard, regardless of Noble House or allegiance.

-Brother Faux
[OOG: This response is from an NPC run by the National Plot Team]

Greetings travelers from around the mists!

My name is Lord Finther Ashbury of the Order of the Shining Light. I want to start by thanking Lord Polare Lissenstine for suggesting some law and order on this expedition. I'm sure the other factions and organizations have goals that will advance knowledge or their own pocketbooks, but where is a group that is looking out for the less powerful? Where is a group looking to do what is Right not just what is profitable? Your questions and answers have inspired me to put together my own faction like the Liche's Horde or Archeologists' Guild for the good of the travelers to this shard. My initial research suggests that there is not an active government where we are going and we will need to guard against corruption and lawlessness among our own. If this appeals to you, I will offer membership in my organization, the Order of the Shining Light. I want to primarily focus on preventing murders, thefts, and the use of Necromancy at this gathering. Anything more than that might be too ambitious a mission, though I am willing to certainly shift the direction of the Order if that is what luminaries such as yourselves from other kingdoms wish to do.

Thank you for getting this ball rolling, and I look forward to working with you in Voridium!

-Lord Finther Ashbury, Order of the Shining Light
Thank you, Lord Ashbury.

I am gratified to see that you share my concern for the interests of the likely less powerful natives of the shard to which we are bringing a significantly powerful and potentially dangerous force. Of course, should there be none in this land who may speak, which seems thus far to not be clearly known, our task becomes much simpler, as there may be no mores and standards of the land which we must consider when governing ourselves.

Though my primary goal in this expedition is indeed knowledge, I would be honored to be included in any preliminary discussions the nascent Order will be holding about which cultural mores they will be holding the expeditions to, and in what ways. Am I correct in assuming you will be joining the expeditions yourself, given your presence in this conversation? I understand there is some time yet until our departures, but as the originator of this proposed organization, is there a time near the beginning of the venture that, barring the kinds of noisome and unforeseen interruptions much of Fortannean procedure is plagued by, you would recommend having this discussion in person?

Lady Vellis Valeriana Tsalarioth, Psychopompos
Squire to Baron Sir Marcus Husarri Saephis of House Phoenix
When the time and place of these talks is established, are only representatives of the various lands' households and noble orders invited, or can representatives of other factions attend and add their voices? Specifically and as an example, in my case I would be speaking for my family and people, rather than for the barony I am a part of within Acarthia.

- Lagarde Rhoade

[OOG: this message is delivered/dreamed both in text and crayon-drawing format for the reading impaired]
Am I correct in assuming you will be joining the expeditions yourself, given your presence in this conversation? I understand there is some time yet until our departures, but as the originator of this proposed organization, is there a time near the beginning of the venture that, barring the kinds of noisome and unforeseen interruptions much of Fortannean procedure is plagued by, you would recommend having this discussion in person?

Indeed, I shall be travelling with 3 or 4 retainers to the shard and setting up a central meeting place. It is important to my organization that everyone is well fed and rested so our first task will be finding a kitchen so my Quartermaster may begin to assist in the preparing of meals. I suspect Thursday evening would be the best time to have such discussions. All are welcome to attend as the rules by which we conduct ourselves in the absence of a formal government where we are travelling concerns all. Nobles are certainly welcome, but I would encourage anyone with an interest to attend and have their voices be heard.

When the time and place of these talks is established, are only representatives of the various lands' households and noble orders invited, or can representatives of other factions attend and add their voices? Specifically and as an example, in my case I would be speaking for my family and people, rather than for the barony I am a part of within Acarthia.

- Lagarde Rhoade

[OOG: this message is delivered/dreamed both in text and crayon-drawing format for the reading impaired]

Please attend! The more voices the better. In the end anyone that wishes to join the order will have a say in what we choose to protect people from, the only "non-negotiable" things in my mind are a prohibition on murder, theft, and necromancy. I prefer things simple myself, but am open to whatever others think. I want this endeavor to be helpful not bureaucratic waste.

-Lord Finther Ashbury, Order of the Shining Light