conflict resolution expert for hire


hi i'm new to hopes reach i go by eakin in most parts mistrider in other being that i am new to the realm i am in need of work i am skilled in "conflict resolution" i can for a fee make sure absolutely that any to parties or more can be taken care of so if you need help be you noble merchant or spell caster find me and i will help
thank you for your time
Would you mind explaining what "Taken care of" means.

I believe good Sheriff Mr. Eakin is referring to his ability be good company either with 1 person or many. "Taken care of" can only mean helping a group if the situation calls on it when they're attacked, or quite possibly referring to his knowledge of the land and potential cooking skills.

I see it as what each and almost everyone of us at Hope's Reach do with our fellow comrades, we make sure each of us is "taken care of". For that, I welcome your arrival, perhaps I will have a chance to meet you this next market day.

Well as sheriff of hopes reach "conflict resolution" generally falls under my jurisdiction. We all work In defense of eachother and this land, there are not many people here who would pay for someone to fight for them when so many would do it freely. And if it is your cooking and companionship your offering then you have met your greatest rival already in the form of mr. Asher.
