Confusion about Harbors Far

Hello everyone,

Recently, I've heard several stories from fight practices or other out of game meet ups. I just wanted to clarify that Harbors Far was loosely based on a concept for a D&D game that never got off the ground. Some of our friends have heard stories about that D&D concept and are making assumptions about Harbors Far. I apologize for any confusion that this has created.

David (Aselrik "Zell" of the First Forest of Harbors Far)

*Adam straightened out some facts for me and I've edited this post to reflect them.

No worries. Sometimes it's difficult to assimilate an existing group into a complete game world when you bring them from a world that was already complete. I defiantly recommend you all give the new players handbook a read through, it will give you a good idea of where you can have come from. Also you characters may be from other chapters land if you wish, chapters frequently post thier players handbooks on their websites. In the Allinace universe, we all exist on one single "planet" and simply have lands separated by magical "mists". Most other "lands"(aka the game setup for a single chapter) do have oceans if you'd like to maintain the Harbors thing. Might I recommend the Oceans of Ashbury, which is the section of the world that the HQ chapter. Hope that helps, if you'd like a more thorough look at Fortanis (the Alliance world) don't hesitate to look around and ask!

I love the Harbors Far thing and so do many of the new players. Basically, our concept is that Harbors Far attracts people from all over the world. My character was originally from a different land but has spent a few decades in Harbors Far. Hopefully, next weekend will allow everyone to experience a little more of our culture :)