Congradulations Graduates



In reading the Jedi post by the way congrats to you! I realized there are a lot of people graduating this June.

A special Way To Go to Cassandra (Pearl) Congradulations!

Also lets not leave out those who are not done with school or college.
Well done and goodluck on next years classes.

We wish you all well, Praise the Shrega?
Congrats Cassandra!!!!!!!!
Yeah what they said!!! congrats Cassandra!!!
Val said:
In reading the Jedi post by the way congrats to you! I realized there are a lot of people graduating this June.

Wait, what did I say? No, I'm not graduating, my sister is. In fact I get to go to Amy's celebration later today. You don't know her, but you can still congradulate her. I, however, deserve nothing of congradulations, save for being an all around cool guy. I think. Maybe.
I'm graduating

I am graduating HS from the NWA on Monday.

I Congradulate all others who are graduating in the coming days, be it from High school of College!!

Rossic :D
You graduated from page status, isn't that enough for you?

NONONO...what about graduating from the 8th grade...don't you know we graduate???
Well, I extend my congradulations to those graduating from Middle and Grade School as well, and those who graduating from pagehood. Good luck to all of you on the next path in life whatever that may be.

There should be three players at the september event who are not pages anymore...

Myself- Jacquelyn
and the guy who plays Lazarath (not sure how to spell name)

Yes, congratulations to all who pass into a different state of life.

Be it pages or JR High, High school, College or Technical Colleges.

I myself graduate on the 19th from College a big step for me, as for all who graduate.

Way to Go! Congratulations! Wow! You made it!

To all who are still climbing the ladder, keep it up, we know it's a tough path to trod.