

Baltimore Comic Con: Sept. 7-8
Pittsburgh Comicon: Sept. 27-29

There are at least two cons within the next 6 months where we might find new players if we had a presence (Cleveland still hasn’t confirmed a date). Is there any kind of plan to attend these events? Should there be? I’d love to see our player base grow and thrive.

If there are plans, is there anything I can do in the mean time to help out?
It's not gonna be a BAD thing if we show up and represent, right?
I'll probably work on that. It looks like Pittsburgh has at least 2 cons, actually. The second is the last weekend of July.

I'll drop you a line sometime soon. I'm going to ping the convention heads and see what they want from exhibitors.
People also get Dragon Stamps for doing cons in any sort of official capacity.

Just sayin'

We also have con space for AnimeNEXT, but our two leads had to leave the project. We're willing to share.

Actually, were desperate to share.
We do?

What do you guys need help with Collin? I'd be happy to help out for either / both games there.
I plan on coming to Anime Next. But I won't get there till between 4-5 on Saturday. I plan on bringing my Gear and help out however I can, I just can't take lead. I'll talk to whoever at the Gettysburg event, to get stuff nailed down.