Cool/Unique Mod Mechanics


I'm just working on writing some lairs and one off mods for my home chapter, and I'm just looking for some inspiration! What are some really cool or unique mods/mechanics that you've come across in your adventures?
I really loved one of the things the last Nationals team did. There was a BBEG that would only engage groups that were larger than a certain number. The magic number started around 5, and decreased as the fight progressed. So people were forced to constantly shuffle their teams around.

The final fight in our Maelstrom campaign had an enemy with innate long as you hit its shield. Other than that it was a pretty normal enemy. (Well, an Outsider, but final battle and all.) We also had a creepy flesh wall that the PCs had to take down with a battering ram. The ram took 6 people to operate, did a moderate amount of massive damage once every 15 seconds, and could do a much larger amount of massive if one of the six expended an Eviscerate.
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