Corsith Cup 415 goes into overtime!

Jesse Grabowski

Bayenna wins the Corsith Cup of 2015 in Overtime!

Since the passing of His Grace, Duke Jonathan, fans have anticipated the rivalry that would heat up once again between these two teams. Normally scheduled biannually, this was the first lacrosse tournament since 411, previously won by Bayenna. It was a close game, with Bayenna scoring 6 unanswered points in the fourth quarter to get them into overtime. It was sudden death but legendary star, Seyton Manchester, drove home the winning point. There were several fights after the game between fans and the town guard were there to break it up. Several were arrested and charged with small fines, however, these were way fewer than reported in 411. Corsith Cup 2017 cannot come soon enough!

Rivervale 5 6 1 2 0 14
3 3 1 7 1 15
Good game, Bayenna! When Squire Tomain Burnscar scored the first point of the match for Rivervale, I hear that the stadium lost its ever living MIND! Follow that up with Ian Merseyside's merciless onslaught for the green throughout the entire game, and I was sure Rivervale had the cup in a deadlock. If Jones hadn't dropped dead in the center of the field like a frightened goblin, sticking his legs out accidentally to trip Clyne on the way to the goal, the fourth quarter would've been a different story, I tell you that much. We'll see you in Nayad's Rest in 417, Bayenna -- glad you like green because we're going to paint your whole coast that color then!!!

Well, in the mean time, could you do me a favor? Could you bring some of that green paint to New Acarthia when you get a chance? I mean our championship flag needs a new number painted on it and I think its a green number this year, because the last one was blue.

For the record though, Jones wouldn't have dropped down in the field had it not been for being shoved to the ground in a clear penalty play by Merseyside and Glendower. They had been playing dirty for the entire first half. Would have been a more decisive victory has Marston not got injured early on.

We'll be ready for you in Nayad's rest. Just be sure to bring something to catch all your tears in when you lose for the third time in a row.
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