Craftman Other


I am curious as to which are some of the most effective in terms of IG knowledge/perqs, etc, or coolest RP skills that people have found useful to them? Are there any craftman other skills that you have found to be a waste of time/build? Thanks!
ohhh this is gonna start the old 'COs are silver producers only' arguments.

For my bang, I take COs as my toon becomes interested in the subject in game.
Like the man said, they're just for getting silver and representing OOG knowledge. Only real other thing they could be used for is between-game actions. Although I've seen people allowed to use C/O : Tracker to do just that, but I assume that was an LCO thing.
Some chapters have rules for there use
NJ has rules for Shipwright and Carpentry and Engineering
I took Craftman others that fit my character and what I wanted to be/do basicaly a Sailor and sometime soon ship captain

Whenever we can use your skills, we will, but sometimes there is just no opportunity. I certainly have marshaled situations where someone said "Well, I have craftsman <whatever>, can I <do something unexpected but within what would be reasonable for someone with my skill to do>? and I always say yes...
Fearless Leader said:
Whenever we can use your skills, we will, but sometimes there is just no opportunity. I certainly have marshaled situations where someone said "Well, I have craftsman <whatever>, can I <do something unexpected but within what would be reasonable for someone with my skill to do>? and I always say yes...


Quite often I will allow someone to use their Craftsman other skills to gain some amount of knowledge as long as it fits into what the character could reasonably find out or do if they had such skill. Thye only time this should be 100% innefective, IMO, is in PVP situations.
Fearless Leader said:
Whenever we can use your skills, we will, but sometimes there is just no opportunity. I certainly have marshaled situations where someone said "Well, I have craftsman <whatever>, can I <do something unexpected but within what would be reasonable for someone with my skill to do>? and I always say yes...

Are there some skills that come in handy more than others?
that's a relative question.

relative to your chapter, your plot writers, your marhsals, you character, etc etc etc.
Certainly they are useful in write-ups you may send the plot committee.

Here's what the Ashbury Players Guide says about plot submissions:

Plot Submission Guidelines

Once you are playing in the Ashbury campaign, you can use the time between events to do research or to have your character travel to meet NPCs. However, keep these restrictions in mind:

• Your character cannot travel all over the place in a short period of time. Do not send us a submission saying how you plan on traveling the entire duchy in the three weeks between events. Generally speaking, you should not offer more than one submission per month.

• You may have to spend in-game money to accomplish your goals.

• Your failure or success will depend on a number of things. For instance, if you are doing research and have a Craftsman skill in that area, your chances are much better than if you cannot even Read and Write.

• Remember that we are a live roleplaying organization, with the emphasis on live. Whenever possible, we attempt not to write out personal encounters but to have them happen in-game instead. If you make a submission to the Plot Committee saying “I am going to go and speak to King Kelanor” you will probably receive the response “King Kelanor is aware you are looking for him and promises to meet you in Ashbury in a few weeks” (i.e: live, during an event).

So then what is a Plot Submission good for? Primarily for studying, researching, and gathering basic knowledge. Traveling to other places to gather information is acceptable; traveling to other places to have adventures or find treasure is not. Remember: Live roleplaying organization!

Plot submissions should be emailed to and must include your name, character name, and character race.

Maybe we should put something like this in the next Rule Book, assuming other chapters have the same basic policy.
Seeing that my character is a nerd type, I have several ranks of Craftsman: Sage and Craftsman: Historian. It is presumed that the plot committee takes this into account when he goes and spends the month in libraries for information.

I have Craftsman: Barrister and have been requested to serve as a defense lawyer in the past, though that may have been more because my character has a stated and well known interest in the law (You'd have to ask Mike really, it was his character the Magistrate who has always asked... ;) )

Basically rules wise, all you really get is a silver at logistics. If you've got a plot team that is the bee's knees you may get little boons every now and again. If you think your craftsman skill may be of value in a random isolated situation, ask the marshall/plot dude on hand. You may get a little extra bit of info.

aka Cedric "I've probably blown a levels worth of build on Craftsman Skills" Fruvous
On the vision ritual scroll it says that the ritual marshal/plot guy can take into account any levels appropriate craftsman skills (prophet, fortune teller, etc) when determining the strength and veracity of the vision recieved. You still have to warn the plot commitee that you are casting the ritual (so they can think about/write a response), at this time you can tell them that your character has applicable craftsman skills.

I guess this only cool if you actually get the chance to cast such rituals (or have them cast on you). But it is another use for the build other than just gaining silver.

Air Raksa said:
On the vision ritual scroll it says that the ritual marshal/plot guy can take into account any levels appropriate craftsman skills (prophet, fortune teller, etc) when determining the strength and veracity of the vision recieved. You still have to warn the plot commitee that you are casting the ritual (so they can think about/write a response), at this time you can tell them that your character has applicable craftsman skills.

I guess this only cool if you actually get the chance to cast such rituals (or have them cast on you). But it is another use for the build other than just gaining silver.

I had an awesome experience with this in NJ. Aauen/Perry was casting a Vision ritual and he passed out afterward. Erethizon/(me, with about 7 levels of C: Prophet) went to check on him. As soon as I touched him I got blown back ten feet and passed out into a vision, too. Awesome use of the skill and it gave Perry an IG reason to buy some levels of C: Prophet for Aauen.

Plot doesn't have to give you anything. But with an awesome committe, appopriate uses of Craftsman skills will come around!
Plot will often take craftsman skills into consideration, but be aware that having craftsman skills doesn't entitle you to anything other than your coin at logistics.

I sometimes get complaints of "What do you mean I can't do X, I have craftsman XY?!"

Any additional bonuses besides the coin are at the discretion of the plot committee. Sometimes even though you have a skill, there may be some other reason why you are not able to do something extra with that skill. Maybe you have tracking 4, but that NPC may be particularly good at avoiding detection. Maybe you have craftsman: vintner, but that doesn't mean that somebody will sell you the secrets on how to make their special wine. Every case is individual and there are a ton of other factors that weigh in on it.

They are often taken into account, as we like to reward players who spend build on non-combat skills, as well as players who think outside the box to solve problems rather than just beat it to death; but you're not going to hit the bullseye every time.
Fearless Leader said:
Certainly they are useful in write-ups you may send the plot committee.

Here's what the Ashbury Players Guide says about plot submissions:

Plot Submission Guidelines

Once you are playing in the Ashbury campaign, you can use the time between events to do research or to have your character travel to meet NPCs. However, keep these restrictions in mind:

• Your character cannot travel all over the place in a short period of time. Do not send us a submission saying how you plan on traveling the entire duchy in the three weeks between events. Generally speaking, you should not offer more than one submission per month.

• You may have to spend in-game money to accomplish your goals.

• Your failure or success will depend on a number of things. For instance, if you are doing research and have a Craftsman skill in that area, your chances are much better than if you cannot even Read and Write.

• Remember that we are a live roleplaying organization, with the emphasis on live. Whenever possible, we attempt not to write out personal encounters but to have them happen in-game instead. If you make a submission to the Plot Committee saying “I am going to go and speak to King Kelanor” you will probably receive the response “King Kelanor is aware you are looking for him and promises to meet you in Ashbury in a few weeks” (i.e: live, during an event).

So then what is a Plot Submission good for? Primarily for studying, researching, and gathering basic knowledge. Traveling to other places to gather information is acceptable; traveling to other places to have adventures or find treasure is not. Remember: Live roleplaying organization!

Plot submissions should be emailed to and must include your name, character name, and character race.

Maybe we should put something like this in the next Rule Book, assuming other chapters have the same basic policy.

is it possible to inbetween events say you are seeking training in a Skill?
can this be like a fighting skill?
can it be a Craftsman other skill?
can it be A spell slot?

To answer your question Frank: sort of.

No you cannot acquire most skills merely through writeups. There are a few exceptions:

If you NPC in many chapters you can get a teacher card. You can pair that with a writeup to explain IG who actually taught you said skill. Example: You NPC an event and get a teacher card for Blacksmithing. You can then do a writeup which says you went to the Foundry and met with Douglan seeking instruction in fundamental blacksmithing.

You can also use writeups to explain things that do not require teacher cards. For example, you can say in a writeup that you spent your winter training with the Town Guard, and that's why you can now do 2 crit attacks instead of just one. Now, once you have crit attack you don't need to get a new card for each time you take it, so you can do that within a writeup. You could not do this if you did not already have the teacher card.

Non-humans can use their writeups to explain their growth in racial skills, as those do not require teacher cards. For example, an elf can say that they spent time in meditation to strengthen their mind and learn to shrug off mind-controlling effects (resist command).

You can use a writeup to explain a craftsman skill (as these also do not require teacher cards). For example, let's say you wanted to pick up the skill craftsman:navigation to go along with your sailor background. You could send in a writeup that says you traveled to Evorra to learn navigation from one of the naval academies there.

Please note though that you do not HAVE to do a writeup to get a craftsman skill, nor a racial skill, or even to explain NPC-earned teacher cards. This is merely to add flavor (and possibly get plot).

If you do not have a teacher card writeups are still an option for you to learn a skill. If you send plot a writeup that says you are looking for somebody to teach you, say, Celestial Magic, we can point you in the right direction if there is already something in play for that. If there isn't something already in-game we'll know that this is something we can send out at a future event. Note that you will not learn the skill through the writeup, but the writeup is your way of notifying plot that you are looking to learn said skill and we can make sure there are avenues in-game for that to happen.

Does that make sense?
actualy yes
I didnt know craftman skills didnt require Teaching :)

but yuppers got it thanks
