Current Guild Points

Please be aware that with the new system I will have to go through and rework all of the guild points.

Please be patient with this transition. If will take me a few more days to gather all of the needed information in order to make sure the new point system is up to date.

For the past gather (08/14-08/16)

Sapharia - Active guild leader (2)
Brander- Active member (1)
Redcloud - Active member (1)
Zeb - Inactive member (0)

I will be updating totals and will have them added to the guild roster.

Sapharia Barran'i
Points for gather (9/11 - 9/13)

Sapharia - Active guild leader (2)
Brander- Active member (1)
Redcloud - Active member (1)
Zeb - Active member (1)

Points for gather (10/16-10/18)

Sapharia - Active guild leader (2) {Promoted to Tradesman}
Brander- Active member (1) {Promotion pending to Tradesman}
Redcloud - Active member (1) {Promotion pending to Tradesman}
Zeb - Inactive member (0) {Promotion pending to Journeyman}

Total Points as of new guild guidelines

Sapharia - Active guild leader (2) Tradesman
Brander- Active member (3) Tradesman {Local Chapter no longer tracking}
Redcloud - Active member (3) Apprentice {Promotion pending to Journeyman}
Zeb - Inactive member (1) Apprentice {Promotion pending to Journeyman}
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I spent the last month in service to the guild, scouting the area around Geistbadden looking for new Gem mines/caves/veins. I was told this would be sufficient enough to maintain my active status this month even though I would not be physically present at this months gather. I figured somebody would have let you know, I guess that somebody needed to be me. Sorry for the miscommunication. I shall see you again in the spring.


(OOG- I used my between event writeup to maintain my active status in the guild.)
Current points as of the last gather (April1-3)

Sapharia - Active guild leader (2)
Redcloud - Active member (2) (extra awarded for exemplary member)
Zeb - Inactive member (0)


Sapharia - Tradesman (4)
Redcloud - Tradesman (2)
Zeb - Apprentice (0)

Please be reminded that after promotion your points reset to 0 for tracking of that rank.

If you have questions please look here.

Sapharia Barran'i
Current points after last gather (April 29th-May 1st)

Active Members

Sapharia - Active member (1) (working on master's thesis)
Redcloud - Active Guild Leader (2)

Inactive Members

Zeb - Inactive member (0)

Total points and current rank

Sapharia - Tradesman (5)
Redcloud - Tradesman (4)
Zeb - Apprentice (0)
Just fyi, since I saw you note yours here. I have already written my master's thesis and an constructing the physical components now. I will be budy in the gulid halls until august, but I hope everything will be ready for testing and submission then. To whom do I submit my thesis?

Current points after last gather (May 27th-29th)

Active Members

Sapharia - Active Guild Leader (2)
Redcloud - Active Guild Member (1)

Inactive Members

Zeb - Inactive member (0)

Total points and current rank

Sapharia - Tradesman (7)
Redcloud - Tradesman (5)
Zeb - Apprentice (0)
Current points after last gather (August 19-21)

Active Members

Sapharia - Active Guild Member (1)
Redcloud - Active Guild Leader (2)

Inactive Members

Zeb - Inactive member (0)

Total points and current rank

Sapharia - Tradesman (8)
Redcloud - Tradesman (7)
Zeb - Apprentice (0)
To all guild members. I will be working with the Alliance GM to clear cut the previous postings of guild points in all of the Guilds so we can begin anew with a fresh set of postings that reflect the new system. I will be working on this over the next few days. I will simply transfer the information over to the new posting for guild points.