Dave Balsome/Gilwing

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Being good.

Any idiot can be a good guy ;-)
Meh... its debateable.
Espescially on what is now a two page thread about Michelle trying to get in touch with Dave.
Nice...only 1 reply and it is already jacked hehehe...I was thinking the same thing by the way Justin D.....
Marcena said:
Well, now that that problem is fixed...I CLAIM THIS THREAD FOR SPAIN! *sticks flag in thread* *heroic pose*

See here! You can't just plop a flag down and claim a thread! That's not cricket! Especially when the previous inhabitants of said thread have an implied possession over it. That's like coming to my house, moving in, eating all the food in the fridge, taking over the living room, hogging the remote, deleting all my Tivo recordings, and...no, wait, those are free-loading friends. Never mind.

Spain now has the thread.

tieran said:
Being good.
Any idiot can be a good guy ;-)

Now let's discuss those great guys. Those are harder to come by. 8-)

And, to paraphrase Ash: "Good, bad, I'm the one with the Life/Death spell."

chriso said:
Marcena said:
Well, now that that problem is fixed...I CLAIM THIS THREAD FOR SPAIN! *sticks flag in thread* *heroic pose*

See here! You can't just plop a flag down and claim a thread! That's not cricket! Especially when the previous inhabitants of said thread have an implied possession over it. That's like coming to my house, moving in, eating all the food in the fridge, taking over the living room, hogging the remote, deleting all my Tivo recordings, and...no, wait, those are free-loading friends. Never mind.

Spain now has the thread.


Muaha! Now I shall make this thread war for independance! Muaha! This thread shall be named Gilwing, of course. I kinda like him. He has adorable children. :)
You get bonus points for Austin Powers references?

How many cool points would I get for a Firefly reference, then?
Marcena said:
You get bonus points for Austin Powers references?

It was used in Austin Powers, but it was British slang long before Mike Myers was even born.
personally i like the eddie izzard "you can't just stab a flag in and say its yours, who are all these people with feathers in their heads running around?"

uhhh okay so...Derailed....hasn't that been done????

and....never died yet...got down to 0 once but someone first aided and healing spelled me....

and....how come all the good magic tags are the bad magic tags and you can use them either way...too weird if you ask me...its like having an autobot and decepticon tattoo at the same time.....oh wait.....
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
and....how come all the good magic tags are the bad magic tags and you can use them either way...too weird if you ask me...its like having an autobot and decepticon tattoo at the same time.....oh wait.....

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