Death in game

Not so fun topic... But I was wondering what exactly happens if/when you die in game. I HAVE read the rulebook and all I know is that you get two (I think thats how many?) free "lives/chances". But It will be my first time playing and I dont want to have to leave early or anything if I die because I wont completly know what I'll be doing during battle :p
So should I make an alt character ahead of time in case I die? Or...? Yeah.
Thank you :)
After your first two deaths, there is a chance that your character will suffer permanent death: This chance begins at 10%, and increases by 10% per additional death (10% on 3rd death, 20% on 4th death, etc.).

When their character "perms", many players choose to remain as an NPC for the remainder of the event (which is also helpful to both the Plot and Logistics teams).You cannot usually play 2 different PCs at the same event, though I'm not sure if you could come in as an alternate if your first were to perm (a quite unlikely situation for your first game). Of course, if you permed, you could just leave the event, if you were so inclined. Shrug.

But regardless, as I said, the chances of you perming are minimal.
Your first two deaths are "free", as you said. Basically, they are guaranteed resurrections. After that, every time you attempt to resurrect, you have to draw from the "bag of chance", as detailed in the rulebook. The bag contains 10 stones with 1 black stone for each of your deaths after the first 2, the rest are white stones. If you draw a white stone, your rez is successful, otherwise you "perm" (or suffer Permanent Death).

Your risk of death is related to your character's involvement in dangerous activities and how much the other characters support you. If you're a front-line fighter, you're likely to be dropped to -1 Body many times, but you're also likely to be propped back up by healing. It also depends on your chapter. Some chapters have more deadly plot lines currently going on, so maybe there will be one person rezzing in a weekend, or there may be 20 (or more).

Overall, I'm going to say it's doubtful that you will Perm on your first weekend. If, by chance, you are an unusual case, you can always NPC the rest of the weekend and use the time to work on your technique or try different play styles (healer, c-caster, fighter, rogue, alchemist, templar, scout, etc.) to find one you like for your next character.

I've been playing for a year now and I can't recall seeing a single character perm. You should be more than fine. Just consider the first two "warnings."
No, no, no, this is a FUN topic :D

I have to wonder though, has anyone permed at SoMN? I've been LARPing for a year, and w/in that time I've yet to see anyone perm (granted I haven't been to all the events). I've seen people die and have performed two resurrections myself, but that's about it. :/
There's been a perm in Gaden. Mara Glenbeck met her fate in the Sheltered Lands, and from her idea, the name Hope's Reach was chosen, over the then more popular, "Free Beer City".
Lok of Harbors Far has permed, though Dawson chose to retire him over using the bag.
matrim1985 said:
Lok of Harbors Far has permed, though Dawson chose to retire him over using the bag.

Just a quick note for clarification, this involved a SoMN player but did not happen at a SoMN event. It is up to local chapters on how to do player retirement vs. the bag. In the SoMN chapter, the decision has been made that if you play a character and that character dies, you MUST draw from the bag (not including the two free deaths). It's the risk you take for playing that character for that event.
Death in SoMN is very real. We just happen to have a playerbase that works fairly well together, and thus not many make it to the rez circle in the first place.

Also, given that SoMN is a very young, in terms of lower overall character levels, that a number of individuals have not yet had their initial "free" deaths. So if you spread out the total number of "free" deaths along with the fact that we all work together well, there have been very few character perms. This makes it so that if a character does perm, it is that much more meaningful of an event.

Glenbeck's suggestion of Hope's Reach was finalized, Lok had a large rememberance ceremony involving just about the entire town. To date each perm has left a permanent affect upon the game.

To get back to your original question, I would create a character that you want to play, not one you expect to be cannon fodder for your secondary character. Many of us do have secondary characters but that is a topic for a different thread. :D

To put it in perspective, SoMin has been running games every other month (sometimes more) since March of 2009 - they've had one permanent death and one retirement since then. Don't worry about it, Yummi, you'll be fine.
<pokes his head in quick and scribbles 'players want to see more perms' in his plot notebook before taking off for other pressing matters>
<adds "More Dragon-tossed 'Destroy Formal Magic' packets" on the next line>
Yes, Dave, players DO want to see more perms :D
OrcFighterFTW said:
matrim1985 said:
Lok of Harbors Far has permed, though Dawson chose to retire him over using the bag.

Just a quick note for clarification, this involved a SoMN player but did not happen at a SoMN event. It is up to local chapters on how to do player retirement vs. the bag. In the SoMN chapter, the decision has been made that if you play a character and that character dies, you MUST draw from the bag (not including the two free deaths). It's the risk you take for playing that character for that event.

Lok did not perm... i chose to retire him with one free death still remaining. Ask Paul... I decided I was tired of playing the character (in part due to the year long kobold situation) and lok had done his job in letting me learn the basics of the alliance system.
Just to make it completely clear, each character gets two "free" deaths, meaning you do not draw from the bag at all on the first two. During that time, before your first two deaths, if you die, you can take the free death and keep going, or you can take the free death and retire the character as per the retirement policy (which Lok did).

I was just stating that if you are beyond the two free deaths, you have to draw and cannot choose to retire before the draw, as there were some questions about this that I answered at the last couple of games. You cannot both perm and retire, it is one or the other Out-of-Game. In-Game, a retired character is (edit) usually permed, but it's an out-of-game mechanical difference in the terminology. I think that's where the confusion came from.

Edit: Thanks Nathan.
Retired characters do not nesserally perm, it just means the player looses control of the said character and it can, in some circumstances, become an NPC.

Though usually when someone retires a character the plot decides to perm(Kill off) the character.
Thorador said:
Retired characters do not nesserally perm, it just means the player looses control of the said character and it can, in some circumstances, become an NPC.

Though usually when someone retires a character the plot decides to perm(Kill off) the character.

Actually it's fairly rare for a character to just be killed off when retired, they do usually go 'off stage' as the game focuses on the living and active, not those that have fallen by the wayside. You never know when a retire character might pop up or influence events however
Icey said:
Yes, Dave, players DO want to see more perms :D

:er: Not this one...

I have another question, though: When a character does perm, what happens to the body?
A permanent body reforms were it fell after the resurrection attempt, so where ever your dissipated from is where your permanently dead body reforms.