December 2012 Banquet Favorites!!!


It appears that I have lost the game of chicken waiting for someone else to start this post :)

Feel free to post some of your favorite moments from the past event to share with everyone!!!

Here are a few of mine (in no particular order):
- Fantastic food and prep from our famous chef/ inkeep Socora!
- It was good seeing new leaders step up in the town, even if some costly lessons were learned :)
- Paul's gRaVy!!! I really need to get that recipie, it is by far the best I've had!
- Being on the NPC-side for an entire event, I haven't NPC'd an entire event since NoMN
- Courtsey spell!
- Watching Jehyu shoot the rabbit in the archery competition, and bunny breeding
- Gravy!!!
- Banquet competitions!
- Assassin's competition (I only wish I could have witnessed more of the competition)

There were so many more! Thanks for a fun event!!!

Thanks to everyone who made/brought/cooked food for the Banquet. It was good eats all around. Also thanks to those who NPC’d and PC’d for making the story go.

My favorites:

- Dueling lessons with Anthony and Tal. Also putting all 3 long swords against each other in the air before a duel and saying, “I feel compelled to say, All for One and One for All”-Binks
- Burke being Burke
- “Hey, you forgot to “yip yip” to the Kobold with the accent.
- Somehow being the only person to notice Thorgrim being beaten down and robbed by a bandit; healing Thorgrim, chasing said bandit and returning Thorgrim’s stuff to him.
- The Assassin’s game. Unfortunately everyone I camped out already was taken out by Fern, except for one…
- Garth….someone needs to teach you how to throw cast
- Best Dressed Contest—quite some Daper individuals
- The Wolf duels. It’s nice to see some of the matchups and outcomes
- 4 person mini-melee between Lilly/Binks/Gabe/Saito to end the event, just melee madness
- [insert sarcastic/witty remakes made to/from Johnathon/Binks]
- Riddle contest—minus the 12 minutes I spent on problem #2 and still not getting it. 
Thanks for the event, everyone! I'd especially like to thank NPCs for all the work you guys did to make this work. Here are some of my favorites, in no order:
  • Ryan running the Archery tournament was hilarious!
  • Peter's Dark Elf appearing out of nowhere behind my farmer guy running the Farmer's Toss: "You're being replaced." "IT'S ALL YOURS, SIR!"
  • Sanctum of Peace casting. I think the direction I took that ritual took a lot of the viewers by surprise.
  • Crafter's competition! All you guys had great ideas!
  • Every minute that I played as Morde (now with an e on the end, thanks to Rudolfo!) was a lot of fun thanks to the PCs that interacted with him, from Fern trying to convince him of the truth, to Leopold messing with him, to Lilly trying to comfort him, to the gypsies showing off their power to him, to and Roy for making him activate the Sanctuary and convincing him he could channel magic and become a Magister!
  • As a separate favorite, Roy trying to teach Morde how to read and write, using words Morde didn't know before Rudolfo stepped in with more words he might understand: "Q is for quail." " For a what?" "How about this: Q is for Quarry." "Oh, I see."
And probably more.
Thanks to everyone as always...

A few top favorites...

-All things food...Thanks Socora and all the pcs who made items.
-watching the wolf duels was interesting, actually enjoyed all the random duels that happened later as well
-Roy...shakes head in dismay..poof
-All things Rudolpho and I want to thank Vadis for being a good sport...let see at one point he had cheek tusks, was cross eyed, had to skip, howl, and rhyme...and we liked him...
-Also Mord(E) wait your all blood mages..and ABCs but I believe we taught him C doesnt exist thats awkward.
-Is that sanitary and gypsy duck face
-Grand melee was great. I was shocked that it went the way it did. 3:1 should not have ended so favorably for us. But I need to give props to Briar and his thrown ptds that was fierce. Also have to nod to the look on Keallits face when I throw a harm undead at her...She got that spellshield off in record time as she processed a death spell was next. I loved Ferns sorry Kit 19,19,19,19...and finally the Asura winning was great but so was the final duel
-Finally yip/yip...I hate kobolds but playing them is pretty sweet...being a rogue with a polearm was just hilarious personally.
Had a ton of fun at the event, even if Roy didn't. I'm looking forward to next season already! Here are some of the best moments that I can remember from the event:

- Everything involving Morde, including but not limited to walking him through channeling a sanctuary, teaching him to read and write, and watching him bash his head against the table while we did our gypsy cursing. (love you Xander!) Which leads me to my next favorite. . .
- Gypsy curse shenanigans! Thanks to Ted for putting up with our ridiculousness. We're never removing that last one though. It's just too fitting/funny
- "Is that sanitary?" Part two. All the best conversations. Love the conversations we have.
- The Dragon versus Leopold, battle of wills! A truly epic moment. I was scared out of my wits.
- Sitting in the woods with Talitha and scaring the pants off a sneaky Binks trying to win the assassin's tournament.
- I loved all the competitions, but the wolf duels and the riddle competition stuck out in my mind as my favorite events.

There are a ton more, I'm sure, but I can't recall them all right now. I may add more later as they come to me
Thanks to all the PCs and NPCs for making this event happen. Tournaments are HARD to put together, though they seem so easy in concept. :) Thanks for being patient when we weren't quite ready with things and when we had to make last minute changes. Ya'll are really great and wonderful people.

So, favorites!

- Car time with Rob D. That was really nice, thanks! Getting to know folks out of game is extremely rewarding.
- Cloaks and capes. Seriously love them. The weather we had was perfect for cloaks. I want to make a new fashion statement IRL.
- The Romani Riddle Room. How fun! Too bad no one failed the last riddle so I could release my Romani wrath!
- The Ahnkeg. Playing a hole was surprisingly fun. Teague, your mods are always so creative. Thanks for that!
- Darla. Oh sweet, messed up Darla. Ya'll were so sweet and patient with her and then you thought it'd be great to give her horrifying nightmares. Sick and twisted, my friends. (AWESOMELY sick and twisted, mind you.)
- Andrea helping me through my first resurrections. I'm so glad they were successful!
- Hobbling time.
- NPCing with Buhrke, Alexander, Nathan, Brent, and the others. It's always interesting to take not-so-bad cards and then have experienced NPCs play them to their full abilities, like in the corrupt fight. The not-so-bad cards ress'ed 5 folks! Though swinging 15 massive was pretty nasty. Sorry :(
- "Brent lost you to me in a poker game, Kristin" "Oh. ok." *snore*
- The Crafter's Competition was really unique and fun. Thanks for creating entries, you 4. They were terrific!
- FOOD! Need I say more? Dang!

Thanks again to everyone who makes these events possible. It's so rewarding to see people engaged and enjoying your stories. Here's to many more!

Completely forgot Car time..and becoming one of the people of
Hey guys! Great event, It was awesome to be able to see everybody again and to take part in this season of LARP, I can't wait until next year when the games start up again and I can don my beard to join you guys in adventure-filled weekends, but now onto the favorites.

-Pre-event forgetting my tags and swiftly needing to get new ones so that I actually had weapons to use, now I have backups! :funny:
-Watching Devin walk away from NPC camp in the awesome costume that was assembled for him, I honestly didn't recognize him at first, that outfit was nothing short of AMAZING!
-The Wolf Duels, even if I was paired up against a very difficult matchup, they were still fun to watch and the one round I took part in was very fun, I know that I sure wouldn't want to duel Fern again though. :noway:
-The Ankheg, it was really cool to see and it was a fun and interesting mod, even though the nasty beetle broke my shield :pinch:
-Getting robbed, not the most fun thing to happen this event, but it definitely developed Thorgrim as a character, making him less trusting of people, although I probably should have avoided the thief in the first place. A HUGE thanks to Binks for saving my purify, although I accidentally wasted it in the dark as a cure light. :D
-The drinking contest, I walk in, acting all superior, only to be intoxicated by the first drink, I'm sure that I made dwarves everywhere proud. :funny:
-The Death Elemental, I chugged a spell shield because I thought he would be throwing death spells... Then he didn't... Also dagger fighting the elemental was pretty fun, I'm sure that I did more damage that way than I did with my shield.
-Prepping for the banquet with Victor and Tauran and watching the vampire dude come in, very sketchy in-game and pretty funny out-of-game, I especially like how when the vampire-thief turned his back, Victor gave us the no-go sign. :funny:
-The Banquet, THE FOOD WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Chess, it was fun to play, although both of my games against Tauran resulted in stalemates :funny: I'm just too good at delaying the inevitable. :D
-The Corrupt, Thorgrim was extremely upset with how the node hunt went, but it was fun to do some wave battles nonetheless.
-Coordinating Tavern defenses, Volpe and Iganeous were very attentive guards, and I was sure that when my dad walked in, he was going to get beat down. :funny:

Again guys, thanks for the great time, thanks to all the PC's and NPC's and Staff who work hard to make this game what it is. I can't wait to see you guys again next year!

-The Feast of course, special thanks of course to Christina for making the bulk of it!
-Burke being Burke, of course (one moment that strikes my funny bone was him asking if I wanted my shoe back when he was playing a Corrupt, and my refusing)
-Alexander's spellcasters were great
-Life vs. Death in the Empire, or as I viewed it Alexander vs. Burke :P
-All of the competitions, although the only one I saw in its entirety was the Grand Melee
-Kobolds with High Magic, it's always fun to see that
-"Here's a really powerful spell! I grant you the Gift of Life! Oh wait..." Or "I call forth an Ice Storm!" "Bane." "Ouch..."
-Matt: "Does anyone know why we fought all these kobolds?" Then I proceed to jump onto the ground and drink from the fountain XP
-Me and Gabriel going around town spreading about how we have Free Wizard Powers, not knowing the added side-affect we now have.
-Healing the Grand Melee. I actually felt pretty useful as a healer, thank you NPCs for not taking that at least away from me :D
-Garth's terrible aim with spells, hitting Briar with a Pin
-Getting a new Apprentice, Tauran(sp?), hope to see you next season too!
-Following Fern and Asura closely at the very end of the Melee
-The Dream Mod during the Wolf Duel. I think Anthony finally learned the lesson of opening boxes. Two times in one event he gets turned Undead though... He has some serious Necromantic issues, methinks :P
-"So who rezzed?" "Basically... The Black Wolves and Sakora." Although I do love the Black Wolves.
Wow. I just had such a great event and it was an amazing first event to be at! There's so much stuff...

-I looked so good! I came into the event with nothing (unfortunately all time that would have gone into costuming went into studying for my finals that were the day before), but i was given costuming so that I didn't look out of place! Thank you so much!
-Meeting people was so fun! Especially some of the NPC's
-Arguing about ice vs other elements
-Managing to predict the looser in almost every round of the wolf duel... by predicting the wrong winner. :sweat:
-Getting accepted into the Earth Guild and becoming Icey's apprentice
-Absorbing a huge blow from the Ahnkeg with my Magic Armour
-Fighting the Death Elemental, and realizing that I really couldn't do anything if someone died, and afterward, being glad I wasn't needed.
-THE FOOD! ALL OF THE FOOD!!! There were so many good things!
-Waiting with Victor and Thorgrim while Dave or Jim or George or James or whatever his name was walked in.
-Interrogating above individual (I actually felt kinda bad for him)
-The Best Dressed contest, watching Earl (the drunk farmer) Gangnam Style.
-Managing to somehow stalemate two games of chess with Thorgrim, despite having the upper hand.
-The Corrupt fight! I felt so useful as I ran around the battlefield healing people, then completely useless as I ran out of spells...

Even though I had to leave early, it was a great time and I met a lot of awesome people! I can't wait for next season!
Hey now, less than half of the present Black-Wolves rezzed...

Definitely had a lot of good moments this event.

-Topping it off had to be Vadis' 'victimization' by the gypsys. That entire RP was phenomenal and I completely failed at keeping a straight face at any point. Props to Alexander for faceplanting into the table over a dozen times to stay in character.
-On the above note "I Rudolpho, wield one dagger...and fourty seven gypsy curses!"
-As much as a pain in the rear as it was to deal with in-game, the Corrupt attack was super well done, definitely had the PCs running around clueless for most of the fight between the node and the Tavern.
-Courtsey spell.
-"I feel some hostility here, there are a lot of people giving me the stink-eye"
-Vadis' realization that he got rolled by a vampire protecting Lilly on the road to the banquette.
-The Lifescale encounter was very interesting.
-The banquette itself was great. Thanks to everyone (especially Christina) for putting together all the delicious food!

As a finisher. I've had a great time this season and I'm very glad to have come out to each and every event. The community at SOMN has been fantastic and welcoming, and I plan to make it as much as possible next season. For those of you I don't see before then, have a great winter!
Could not have asked for better weather. The Banquet was great. The site was large and plot was fun. :) I'm totally glad I came along.

Some of my favorites:
Getting a glimpse of my outfit for the Banquet. Dashing, regal, but not complete!
Seeing Katira again, I totally missed you girl!
Alexander's ritual for the sanctum. Creative, inspiring and just plain awesome.
Finally meeting Binks. He's probably just a favorite person of mine.
Acting as 'guard', maintaining watch for Talitha and Jon from a distance as well as shadowing the vampire we captured.
Getting robbed by said vampire, having a sentimental note stolen!
Sparring Katira, having soft blows landed to my nose and groin, but acting debilitated by them all the same.
Lily's unique encounter of consoling.
All of the dream mods I went on. I never once jumped into one of those situations knowing what I was getting into. Very exciting. :D
Receiving a spellbook from Roy! :)
Keallit's resurrection of Anthony. Oofta is all I can say.
Jon. 'Nuff said.
two of my most favorite things were being in the wolf duel and the banquet (the food was most excellent!!!), least favorite being the first one taken out in the grand melee, but guess the most threating one is usually taken out first.
I always have such a difficult time with choosing my favorites and hence why sometimes I simply give up trying to post them on the boards.

Here are some of my favorites (in no particular order, of course!):
  • The Wolf Duels, particularly because it gave me a chance to show off Volpe's personal code of honor. (whether it was apparent to anyone else or not!)
  • The Drinking game. If there was any single reason (and there were more) to make me regret not playing Taz during this event, this would be it. :oops:
  • Teague's Ahnkeg - When Jamina said "look, shineys!", next thing Volpe did without thinking was jump into the hole!
  • Farmer's Toss - threatening to bite off Jehyu's finger when Jehyu blamed Volpe for his loss while poking at Volpe with his finger, & trying to convince said drunken rabbitkin to throw the carrots & not eat them.
  • The Feast. Oh, all that yummy the FOOD!!! :beer: Thank you, Christina for the great food. And those tasty loaded mashed potatoes, Paul!
  • The "Fashion Show". One of those moments where I regretted not playing Taz - I had to bite my tongue, because Taz definitely would've commented about Fern's Pantaloons! I nearly lost it several times during his antics.
  • Death Elemental - That bit of RPing with Alexander involving Volpe's bumbling while continuing to learn how to use townie magic during battle rather than his tribes traditional method of weapons.
  • Sanctum of Peace casting - I absolutely enjoyed Alexanders RP for the whole thing. I don't know if anyone caught Volpe going, "So that's what a ritual is like? My tribe's Destiny Callers don't get to do fun stuff like that..."
  • Crafter's contest - Yet another "I should have played Taz" {facepalm}. :blush:
  • When Vaughn/Thorgrim's father opened the door, that surprised look of suddenly coming face to face with two battle ready sword & board fighters was priceless!
  • Being very confused when I courageously stepped up to a line of three corrupt ready for a fight to the death, having them tear off before I did anything, belatedly realizing I was behind them completely unnoticed. No wonder why Binks asked if I could waylay!
  • After feeling totally left out during the "Battle of the False Corrupt Node", hearing Gregory Binks come up and say "We need you over at the tavern", then letting him down as I proceeded across the bridge & nearly getting my butt handed to me by DG playing a Big Nasty. Then trying to be a healer to the group after said Big Nasty chased me back across the bridge to the rest of the group & me telling them to watch out for him but getting ignored with disastrous results. That'll teach them - Huh, DG? :twisted:
  • Barely surviving the flight back across the bridge yet again, successfully making it All. The. Way. Back. to the tavern - Only to get surprised by Teague, who opened the door & squished me like a bug.
  • While in the fury of fighting inside the tavern having this short humorous dialogue "Step up & fight him!" Me:"I've been pinned by him.", "Well, can't you cast magic?", Me:"Yeah I can, But I don't feel like healing him. Why don't *ONE OF YOU* step up & hit him?!?"
1) Of course, the food. I particularly liked the stuffing with sausage.
2) Teague's bug event. I think it was called an Ankheg. In any case, I thought this was a well designed encounter. It felt like fighting a big lumbering monster. The pit forming mechanic for the battle was smart, and a good way to make for an interesting fight with a small number of NPC's. Really great work, Teague.
3) Alexander's ritual casting of the Sanctum of Peace was well done. In character, it made Mithrodates rather uncomfortable, and furthered his general suspicion of magic. Out of character I think it was a great performance.
4) Putting on the armor / cape all together for the first time
5) Had a good conversation regarding the history of Mystic Wood Elves, the benefits and disadvantages of being a short lived race, and the peculiarities of the mysts at the bench Saturday evening. Was fun to role play a bit in a quiet situation.
6) Teague exiting via the window while I walked past him with a plate of turkey. The food dulled my instincts, and it did not quite occur to me that the assassin was escaping until it was too late (not that I could have done anything with the Sanctum up).
7) Taking off the armor for the last time that weekend. I do not know if everyone knows this about me, but I do not typically wear plate armor out of game. Also: It's heavy. I need to construct some additional shoulder padding to better distribute the weight. Today marks the first day raising my arms does not hurt!

EDIT: **I forgot about the Kobolds, yip yip. They were great, yip yip**

Great event. Looking forward to next season.

-Mithrodates / Andrew (OOG)
Whatever vengeful spirit the Black Wolves seem to have upset made its presence known again this event. Despite that (or perhaps because of it) I had an incredible time. Highlights:
-Holy cow, the food was incredible. Paul... you made my day.
-The Black Wolves getting to show off their dinner clothes. You couldn't pay york to dress 'fancy' but sometimes he understands the need to put on 'dinner clothes'.
-Lily and Jon's bickering. Still not sure how that's going to shake out, but so far, I'm enjoying it.
-Some wonderful therapy at the expense of some bandits and some Kobolds (and stomping a bunch of bandits and feeling quite good about myself until I looked around and noticed York had vanished.)
-Playing chess. It's fun having the reputation of the 'clever' wolf.
-And of course, Jon's horrible, terrible, no good, very bad weekend. Who would have thought that being tricked into leaving his happy Province 5 fun times would be pretty much the high point of his weekend? I feel bad for him, but worse for the people that have to put up with him.

Ton of fun was had, and I think it was a great event to end on! Can't wait to see you all again next year!
I hope everyone got their card or at least a candy cane as I know some of the people on my list were not there when they were handed out. Happy holiday's to you all and I'll miss you guys over the winter. Hope to see ya'll next season when the thaw brings birds back north.

I don't have many but here they are.

~"This gravy will change your life." total personal count on my end? 4 lives changed, one life twice.
~All things Asura and Fern
~Hushed crowd as the fight becomes real.
~Sacora pointing out that my canes would not do very good for walking.
~Feeding the Lord some Pie.
~"sweet nothings" oooh ho hooooooo! How dare he dissappear like that.... rawr :P
~Bowl of orange with Keelit.
~"something has gone terribly wrong"
~two words, Pumpkin pants. Fern Woods, still wanted for sexy.
~"Sera Elle has already claimed the whole pie"
~Surprise Eve, The mists do some screwed up things so why not just enjoy it and eat the food?
~Third Place sleep item and Brent's face.

Thanks to the NPCs and other staff members who put on the events and put in hard work to make it a good season.
