Deep Waylay Questions

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Just for my own sanity, I'd like to clarify some points on Waylay (I think I know the correct answer to MOST of these).

A.) Is Waylay effective if the target is aware of the performer, and that the performer may mean him harm.
B.) As above, but target is aware that the performer may try to Waylay him.
C.) Does waylay protection negate the damaged of waylay, (Ie Waylay one lands on someone with waylay prot 2, does he take the 1 damage?)
D.) What is the proper call for a waylay that is not effective due to waylay protection, due to knowledge of assailent's attempt
E.) Does Waylay damage go straight to body? If armor prevents the waylay, does the armor take the damage?
F.) Can I Waylay someone who is waylayed(sp?) already to refresh the count?
Lurin said:
Just for my own sanity, I'd like to clarify some points on Waylay (I think I know the correct answer to MOST of these).

Most of these questions are answered pretty definitively by the rulebook.

A.) Is Waylay effective if the target is aware of the performer, and that the performer may mean him harm.
B.) As above, but target is aware that the performer may try to Waylay him.
In general, Waylays are ineffective if the target knows that the Waylay-er is around them and hostile - the rulebook has a reasonably good guide to whether it should work or not (page 56). This is one of those things which it's possible for players to attempt to abuse, in which case they need to be spoken to by a Marshal; there's always a grey area and it's up to the judgement of the players and the Marshals on the scene.

C.) Does waylay protection negate the damaged of waylay, (Ie Waylay one lands on someone with waylay prot 2, does he take the 1 damage?)
Rulebook pg 55: "The damage from a successful Waylay will bypass Armor Points and will affect Body Points" (emphasis added)
Rulebook pg 56: "For example (...) Her helmet provides protection against the attack and she takes no damage" (emphasis added)
So no.

D.) What is the proper call for a waylay that is not effective due to waylay protection, due to knowledge of assailent's attempt
No call is necessary - the person takes the damage and keeps walking around, which should be indication enough. Alternatively they might as a courtesy state "Taken".

E.) Does Waylay damage go straight to body? If armor prevents the waylay, does the armor take the damage?
Rulebook pg 55: "The damage from a successful Waylay will bypass Armor Points and will affect Body Points" (emphasis added)
Armor is never damaged by Waylay, whether successful or not.

F.) Can I Waylay someone who is waylayed(sp?) already to refresh the count?

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
As a final follow up then, if someone is hit with a waylay 2, but does not fall as they knew the assailant was there, they should take the 2 to body. But if they have Waylay protection 2, that should take no damage?
Lurin said:
As a final follow up then, if someone is hit with a waylay 2, but does not fall as they knew the assailant was there, they should take the 2 to body. But if they have Waylay protection 2, that should take no damage?

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