Defensive Magic timing

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I know it's a niche case, but it's one that I just thought of and can't quite figure out how it would work in game.

You have an active dumb spell defense (Magic Armor, Spell Shield, Reflect Magic, etc...). You hear the evil big bad begin his incant of doom. After he begins you begin the incant for a replacement defense. The delivery method hits you mid incant, setting off the dumb defense.

Do you call your defense mid-incant, finish your incant, and now have the replacement defense in place? "I grant you the (hit) Spell Shield power of a Spell Shield." (Has SS active)
Do you finish your incant, call your defense, and now have the replacement defense in place? "I grant you the (hit) power of a Spell Shield. Spell Shield." (Has SS active.)
Do you finish your incant, which replaces the original defense, call the new defense, and have no defense in place? "I grant you the (hit) power of a Spell Shield. Spell Shield." (No active SS.)

The second "feels" the most correct but I couldn't figure it out from a RAW perspective.
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