Delegation to the Black Butte Dwarven Clan


I need the player names and emails for the delegates that have agreed to travel with Kelb and Morgan to the Black Butte Mountains.
Kelb - Dallas Esplin -
Farren - Adric -
Luvina - Jessica White -
Morgan - Sean Graczyk -

Any questions or ideas to add into my initial write up, feel free to email me.

Sean Graczyk
Dallas Esplin = Kelb

In preparation Kelb makes lots of arms and armor. He entertains the idea of securing the caves for a trade rout between sedovia and the Dwarfs. He offers to help Lavina get spirits and brews for the journey.
Dallas Esplin = Kelb

In preparation Kelb makes lots of arms and armor. He entertains the idea of securing the caves for a trade rout between sedovia and the Dwarfs. He offers to help Lavina get spirits and brews for the journey.
Lavina will spend the trip speaking with Kelb and Morgan about the dwarves, their culture, a little bit of history, and whatever they feel to share to prepare for negotiations.