tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 26, 2008 #61 Excellent. Thank you sir. Want a copy?
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 26, 2008 #63 alrighty... just don't knock the power of flash cards ;-)
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 26, 2008 #65 meh. underestimate all you want... hell the more the better ;-)
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #66 I figured they were alchemy globes...I didn't see those when I made my chibi. I used the giant orange thing on her back.
I figured they were alchemy globes...I didn't see those when I made my chibi. I used the giant orange thing on her back.
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #67 That giant vial on her back is the only sample of a Cure Super-Ultra-Mega Wounds Elixir. It cures for 10,000 body.
That giant vial on her back is the only sample of a Cure Super-Ultra-Mega Wounds Elixir. It cures for 10,000 body.
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #68 All of which she would be happy to divvy up if just for one....vertigo....gas....poison!
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #69 No Vertigo where you are? Come play HQ or NJ and load up on them. I'm sure the local Alchemists would be glad to do business with you.
No Vertigo where you are? Come play HQ or NJ and load up on them. I'm sure the local Alchemists would be glad to do business with you.
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #70 I am the local alchemist where I'm from. I'm good, but am just saying that rather than 10,000 pt. curative, I'd take a vertigo gas poison to throw!
I am the local alchemist where I'm from. I'm good, but am just saying that rather than 10,000 pt. curative, I'd take a vertigo gas poison to throw!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #71 Yeha but that one time the dragon comes to town and is down 10000 body he'll be happy to trade you rediculous amounts of magic items for it.
Yeha but that one time the dragon comes to town and is down 10000 body he'll be happy to trade you rediculous amounts of magic items for it.
Telokh_Amdo Exemplar Apr 27, 2008 #74 Hey, give me some credit. I invented that darn elixir. You know how long it took me to milk that platypus? Hours, man!!!!!!
Hey, give me some credit. I invented that darn elixir. You know how long it took me to milk that platypus? Hours, man!!!!!!
tieran Paragon Alliance Rules Gettysburg Staff Marshal Apr 27, 2008 #77 There is no waiting! This is the off-topic board!
M Marcena Paragon Apr 27, 2008 #79 So curatives can be made from platapus milk?! I have GOT to find that out IG!!