Did you recruit somebody? LET US KNOW!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey there!

I am busy going through the MI Picks spreadsheet and updating people with all their MI Picks, and I need some of you to help me with some information. As you may know, you can get MI Picks from recruiting people to the chapter (1 MI Pick each for their 1st and 2nd games as a PC, not counting their first game). If you recruited anybody to our chapter in April 2010 to the present, please post here who you recruited, or send an email to the logistics address so we can properly credit you if you have not already been credited. I have a shrewd idea of who most folks recruited, but would like to get a more definite view.

It's in your best interest, so let me know!

~ Alexander
SoMN Logistics Wizard
Ted Cincoski
Travis ???? (known the guy 2 years and still don't know his last name. I'm a horrible friend)

I was recruited by Denise Cheek.

-Ryan B
I brought Chloe Shields in :D
I recruited Ryan B. for sure, not 100% sure who else would count :-p
Lurin said:
I recruited Ryan B. for sure, not 100% sure who else would count :-p
Let me know folks you recruited after April 2010 or later.

... and I still won't give you any MI Picks! ;)
What if I recruit someone who shows up to the next event, but is not currently in the chapter, would get the MI pick before or after this next event? (the next event being the August event).
ThorgrimStoneaxe said:
What if I recruit someone who shows up to the next event, but is not currently in the chapter, would get the MI pick before or after this next event? (the next event being the August event).
You unfortunately can't get Picks for recruitment during one game:

  • If a recruit NPCs their first event, you will get 1 MI Pick for each of the person's next two events that they PC (whether it be the next games, or a few games later).
  • If a recruit PCs their first event, you will get 1 MI Picks for each of the person's 2nd and 3rd games that they PC.

So, if you recruited someone in August, you wouldn't get any Picks, regardless if they PC'd or NPC'd. If they PC'd in October, after attending August, you'd get 1 MI Pick after October. Same after November.

I hope that helps!
It does! Thank you! Now to bother my friends... :twisted: muahahahaha!
I recruited Kasia, you allready knew that but just confirming
you know who I was recruited by... mostly because it was you.
Paige recruited me October 2010 :). Don't know whether to hug her or to punch her!! Hehe. Though I did also get Brent out of this deal so I feel like I came out of on top. :) A hug it is then!
I recruited Carly Baehr.
I got my brother to come to one event. I'll be bringing him back...
I recruited Dave G?

I just wanted to be a part of the fun :)
Ooooh, does this sort of work like telephone?

Dawson watched Darkon, looked up a local larp (SoMN), recruited Adam R, who I was living with, who recruited me. My mother told me to bring my sister. I decided to bring my best friend (Nathan K) who was currently spending a lot of time with pretty lady Courtney H. While at our first game, we met Peter H. who happened to be at St. Olaf's larp game, which Dave G had actually gone to years ago. Then Denise and I got Ryan B. to come, who then recruited Ted. C. Meanwhile, Michael H. invented a time machine, went back in time, and started whispering into Mike V.'s ear the winning lottery numbers for the next 30 years while he slept. Which made him think, what would I do with a million dollars? I'd make a larp! And that's the story of how the future ruler of Alaska came by his multi-colored quilt blanket cape of invisibility.
The Mariah recruited me. I have recruited the Marshal and Mike Mattson - both of who will be there in August for their first offical games. ;)
I recruited Dan though a connection to an old camper of mine, Tamara, he was running a zombie larpish thing that she invited me to Thats where I skinned my elbow so bad right before Nationals.

I also helped set Alysha and Ethan up and ready to larp, helping them make weapons and lots of sewing. Maria also help so I don't remember who got credit for them.
I recruited Jarome Aubrey who has NPCed one event (looking forward to getting him to come and PC)
I recruited Ben Botenel who has NPCed one event (looking forward to getting him to come and PC)
I recruited Mike Hickey who has pregeistered to NPC this coming event (looking forward to getting him to come and PC)

(I know...no points yet...but the potential for greatness.)