Ooooh, does this sort of work like telephone?
Dawson watched Darkon, looked up a local larp (SoMN), recruited Adam R, who I was living with, who recruited me. My mother told me to bring my sister. I decided to bring my best friend (Nathan K) who was currently spending a lot of time with pretty lady Courtney H. While at our first game, we met Peter H. who happened to be at St. Olaf's larp game, which Dave G had actually gone to years ago. Then Denise and I got Ryan B. to come, who then recruited Ted. C. Meanwhile, Michael H. invented a time machine, went back in time, and started whispering into Mike V.'s ear the winning lottery numbers for the next 30 years while he slept. Which made him think, what would I do with a million dollars? I'd make a larp! And that's the story of how the future ruler of Alaska came by his multi-colored quilt blanket cape of invisibility.