Different races dating?

Different races dating?

Dose it work does it not well i want to know what you think. If a beta went out with a high orc would it work or would they just drive each other nuts. :nerd:
Hey do me a favor and sign your dream posts so I know who I am speakign to.

Yes, its possible for a High Orc to date a Biata although its a bit unlikely.

What who wanna shake bushes? How hard you hit things? Gorka got standards.

- Healer Gorka
Apparently we're free love ci'y. Go a'ead and do wot you want with who you want wherever and whenever ya want t' do it. Run around stark bloomin' naked if y' like. There's no modesty or propriety 'ere.

I 'ave no clue who you are so there's no way of sayin' 'ow things would go for you- not that I'd be the one t' ask by any means.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
But Tavern ladies don't like when you shake bushes on the porch, and Fern not always like ether. Consent and Discreetness. So how hard you hit on?

- Healer Gorka
Umm.... uh....

I almost feel as though I've entered a nightmare realm here... My eyes are horribly violated by the sight of some of this stuff. I think I need to go off and find some proper healing for my eyes now...

~Brother Icey
Gearfree hear

Who ever this is keep your question to a small trickle if you want atvice ask me the stud of the Von Ommeren clan. I can tell you all you need. Don't plag the good people of the dream realm with this, I can help.
Icey said:
I almost feel as though I've entered a nightmare realm here... My eyes are horribly violated by the sight of some of this stuff. I think I need to go off and find some proper healing for my eyes now...

This is the reason we Dwarves imbibe rather heavily!

Good, consent and discreet, now you've got it. Please don't hurt Gearfree too much.


Having drunk Thorador under the table I'm up to the challenge.


PS- Alyce, it's Free Beer City!
Oooooh, did I hear Fern just claim he drunk me under the table?! I think not sir, I believe I was the victor in that challenge!

With drunken cheer,
Thorador Boulderfist
I'm pretty sure I outdid you...some dwarf! BAH

and the only winner was Mcgregors Coin purse that day....I didnt feel my best.

Perhaps we were too drunk to remember the winner!

Thorador Boulderfist
I'm pretty sure you were too drunk to remember I won.

Fern :p
Perhaps, but I remember you beating me in the beginning, but then I got serious and over took you by the end of it.

Thorador boulderfist
i'm uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is going...

Tazoulti, please tell me you have enough liquor to help me get rid of this horrible nightmare.

~Brother Icey
I'm hearing that it's drinking time... Sounds like a blast!

I'll bring the intoxicates to mix for the next market day's drinking party (and hopefully the free love party afterwards).

-Tarqaq, the fox who's gonna win the next drinking contest
I am up for another drinking contest! Though I pissed endlessly for like 8 hours after that last contest with Fern...

Thorador Boulderfist
Well... I suppose a competition in drinking will help me drink more in an attempt to win and therefore more then likely erase this terrible nightmare from my mind... hopefully.
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