Dinner at Dayfell's


I am looking forward to the Dinner at Dayfell's,i hope to see most of you there.But to the person who made that remark about Dark Elves at the last dinner...i will be MORE careful of what you say.No knowing what will happen if such things was said again.Take this has a early warning.
I look forward to seeing you at the dinner as well Crow. Most people I know don't talk bad about Vornae, or dark elves in a bad way ever. Most adventurers I know have been conditioned against such behavior. If indeed you were slandered then I would indeed bring it up to Sir Garoth. He seems to be good at handing out punishment to people he thinks deserving. Make sure to let the law handle it though, because I can tell you first hand taking things into your own hands will only leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

Guildmaster of House of Games (HoG)
I do not intend to take the law in my own hands. I has well know what that sour taste is like my friend,and i don't want that . If anything foul is said be sure that i will take to Sir Garith.But i must say it took alot for me to hold back after that last comment was said,but i will obey the laws i swore to fellow.By the way...tell Rezzik we are not done yet,he will know what i mean.
Just to clear any confusion, I believe Crow is referring to something I said. I made a joke in jest, as is my nature. I understand some townsfolk are more sensitive about humor then others. Perhaps I should speak more carefully with this red sash at my belt. However I have many friends of many races and haven't felt the need to temper my speech yet.

I would like to state that I have never 'slandered' a particular races using nasty slurs, or demeaned their right to exist as productive members of society. I merely find opportunities for humor and take them.

Crow if I truly offended you, I apologise. You may accept that or not, as if your option. If you would seek retribution, I can be found around Horn's End. I hope to make the dinner however often the ways through the mist are treacherous.

Idris....i do accept your apology and i thank you for coming forward with this.You showed great Honer and i hold no grief with you.I am just senative when i hear others speak about my people.Thank you for being honest and i wish you well,hope to see you at the dinner.May the stars light your path to Honer.
I see it has a misplace of words and not understanding the Dark Elves,no harm was done,and the subject is closed. But if you have qustions about this matter I am not hard to find.
I make no statements on the issue in question. It is of no concern to me, and as you said the subject is closed. I make only an observation clearly known to any true Dark Elf, that personal sensibility has nothing to do with honor. Either something is or it isn't. I have no questions. I understand completely. However if you wish to share your vast knowledge and no doubt great understanding of honor, I would be entertained to hear it....at the coming banquet when I arrive.