Discussion Thread Alliance Las Vegas


*is sad to see that there's no frowny-face or disappointed emoji*
Well, that decision definitely doesn't make the organization look good. /sigh
I would consider new chapters for ANY larp a joyous event.

As a moderator I would encourage you to reach out to your local owner or to Riddickdale as the Alliance costumer service representative to share your concerns.
I would consider new chapters for ANY larp a joyous event.

As a moderator I would encourage you to reach out to your local owner or to Riddickdale as the Alliance costumer service representative to share your concerns.

I've been speaking with Gilwing and local chapter owner. The many players involved expressed concerns. They do not appear to have been acknowledged, but I appreciate the direction.
For sake of full transparency:

I should have locked this post initially and allowed for discussion in the actual discussion forum.

I'm going to have a moderator split this thread and lock this specific post as it should have been.

I would encourage anyone who has specific concerns to come and talk to me.

Thank you PoE.

And I appreciate everyone's understanding. It's been a rough day at the Duetzmann house and I neglected to lock the thread.
Thank you for linking this thread in the original thread.

A discussion that brings concerns as to the character (oog personality) of a new chapter owner is an important discussion even if management doesn't want to have that conversation. The fact that concerns have fallen on deaf ears is an even greater concern. While my chapter may have split off recently, I do plan to continue to play and support the Alliance. However, the handling of these concerns is most alarming. I hope that the concerns raised are addressed and the necessary actions are taken by the Alliance owners in regards to the new chapter owners.
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You're welcome. It was never my intention to stifle comments. They were just supposed to be separate.

I appreciate everyone voicing their concerns. I can say that feedback given up to this point was reviewed and considered by the owners (and other chapter owners), but I welcome anyone who would like to add additional commentary to reach out to me. I can gather information and present it to management.

Thank you,

I would urge people to consider how this thread looks to someone who has no idea why there are concerns about a new chapter opening up.

Joseph Siegel
I have zero horses in this race, but the things that I’ve heard from continuing Alliance players with both firsthand and secondhand knowledge is...concerning.

I don’t begrudge the Alliance to any degree, and I would love for it to continue to provide an incredible experience for those who play in it. I certainly hope that poor organizational vetting doesn’t end up derailing its success, especially during tumultuous times.
What concerning things have been heard? If people are going to make vague comments in this thread I would hope instead they provide examples. Why is this of a concern, what has been said? If you want Alliance to be more than it was please identify the concerns you’ve alluded too.
Not my place to turn the forums into a flame-war by posting them. I’d prefer to leave that to active participants.
In the interest of being transparent. This thread remains open. However, lets make sure we keep it constructive.

Vague comments should be discouraged especially by admitted third parties.

Please continue discourse but lets keep it constructive.
Wouldn't be a bad thing to provide more detail, if people are that concerned. If nothing else, so people from out of state know what to look for before deciding to travel to the game once travel exists again.
Just realized this thread was still being sort of active. Given that my name is at the top, so people think I should be replying but also given the harsh pushback I've received on my complaints, I feel I need to reply. I've since given up trying to "fix" the problem here that triggered my original post. I will not be adding further to this discussion or spreading further info. If you want to keep discussing, I encourage others to do so...I just won't contribute, given the responses I've gotten.

Due to the way the pushback came in, I must also add:
- Everything I have said is my own experiences and opinions. I am not a "real" staff member in any chapter at this time (I'm a limited-purpose marshal, so I don't represent anything per se)
- At no time was I spreading rumors or attempting to sow division. All complaints were valid based on my personal experiences.
- I am not being vague to get people to reach out to me. I legit gave up on this and don't want the pushback against my chapter, when it had nothing to do with them.
- I am not a separatist. I'm sticking with Alliance, despite my complaints. Not sure where that rumor came from.