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Kai makes her way to the Duchess' estate. She goes through the motions; waiting for an attendant, showing her slip of paper, and making her way to the library. Her mind is elsewhere though: what is happening to Illandra right now? Will that magic armour I gave her offer any protection? How do we as commoners protect her from another noble? And what is happening to that lady who got bitten? Could we set her against him and solve two issues at once?

Kai blinks, and her eyes refocus on the book in front of her. She has read this same paragraph four times, but she's just too distracted to absorb any content. She puts down the book, sighing and rubbing her forehead. "Arrrg!!" Kai gets up from her chair, stretching, and begins to put the books back where she found them. She nods a polite goodbye to an attendant in the hallway, and sees herself to the door.
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