Lightning scores two points for zee concept of populous plurality!
Dear Disappointed,
Zee enforcement of a "gentleman's agreement" among adventurers from a year or so ago is improbable in zee light of zee constant growth, and unfortunate attrition, of zee group as a whole. Zee only way to ensure such an agreement continues to stand is to get others to buy into it as they arrive in town. Zat is the way to get people to self police and zat is also the honest thing to do.
Stating a past agreement as though it vere established law and/or unacceptable to refine is, as it vere, disingenuous and misleading and vill of course lead less people to join our cause or simply to ignore zee established concept in favor of their own opinion. I'd much prefer people engage in such discussion, feel free to challenge it a bit and gain zee chance to understand vhat we do and why we do it and to give new commers a chance to "own" this agreement and buy into it too.
Vithout a Knight, Magistrate, or local nobility making such an edict's still at its base, an unenforceable agreement, but a fantastic discussion point vhivh many of those new to these lands could feel a part of rather than being told "this is how we do thing! no discussion". I vould welcome discussion, because discussion begets buy in.
Onto zee main points of discussion:
I for one, strongly support zee sharing of treasures of note: Items of power, formal scrolls, catalysts, etc and maybe, if pushing it, components because zhey can be done swiftly, fairly, and without too much fuss most of zee time. Of course, if zee vox populi vish to truly dig into zee coppers and disarms be it, I'll share happily down to zee least potion or elixir with my comrades. On zee other hand, unless given force of law, I vill not enforce such a concept so stringently myself as I simply don't care to. Of course, others are welcome to shake each other down over copper.
You stated:
"The concept of a bag person can make some one feel as important for collecting if they do not feel adequate in other combat aspects. There are many positive things to see with a centralized collection."
Zis is a very good point, and one I don't have a very good answer to. I think it does, if people trust zee town "bag person" and trust zee town to split things equitably...I don't see anything wrong vith having a designated bag person.
You also stated:
"I know that you all want to get your shares and are pretty treasure oriented, or have been stolen from, but keep in mind that we have found something that works aND has for a while. Changing it now will take another year and by then I am sure we will all just be keeping what we find and not sharing at all."
No, I am not pretty treasure oriented and I am fairly certain many vould disagree with that assessment or your exclusion from it, I was in my past, but now I find my needs are fairly well taken care of. As for changing or altering or even discussing better alternatives, i feel zee need to point out zee logical trap for you in your appeal to tradition. Still, I think zee people here would welcome your and lady fallingstars opinions as you have been at this a long time and your opinion undoubtedly vould be taken into account with roughly zee same weight, if not more, than most.
Change need not be a bad thing, nor need it take years of effort, nor need it change all zat much. No one is proposing much in zee way of a change...simply balking at zee concept zat there is to be no improvement to be made, or room for discussion with an imperfect status quo. Zat if anything, should disappoint you not Cyn, Aramis, Arsita, and Frederick vanting to discuss it more in depth...if anything zhey might find either a: a better solution, or b: find zat the current solution is still zee best one.
Jehan T Wyldweaver