Distribution of found goods as a town

Aside from that passion, I do not feel this discussion has gotten out of hand, and would prefer to hear anyone else that has a thought they would like to contribute. I am not sure why anyone feels the need to request discussion to stop on this topic. Jehan was correct in his request to determine what authority was behind her statement, which was worded more as a declaration of fact than as a notification of tradition. Confronting things you find incorrect is not necessarily adversarial and there have been some good points of discussion, such as the wood chips, that even if not adopted might lead to ways to improve our methods.

-Enan Bluewater
I am not one to worry over coin to much. As long magical items and ritual scrolls are bring sold and split I am happy. Perhaps we should put this all up for a vote, one person for each point takes a moment and says their piece on the matter, and then we, as a town, vote. If we get another large serge of adventurers, then we vote again.

I think the issue here is that in the past it was agreed that we split loot a cretin way, but so many new faces means its time to re-decide.

Fredrick Crawford - Saturnian Journeyman of the Solar Guild of Wayside
I like the idea of voting, but, as my journey calls me elsewhere, I will not be at the next gather. I suggest that, if we do hold a vote, we should contact someone directly saying where we stand. Give them until a certain day before the gathering then close the voting.
I beg your pardon, Lady Fallingstar, and you as well Eldandiril, but I was not in Wayside two years ago when the subject of how we split the loot was discussed, so why would you assume that the less seasoned adventurers could have heard of it? Is it posted somewhere? I assumed that way we split loot was for fairness sake.
Anyways, I do like Aramis' idea of the chips. Should we decide to do that, I would love to help in anyway I can.

~Terra Jane
As it really does not help the way this is being discussed, I would ask you all not to make this a fight that includes jabs at the "seasoned vs unseasoned". This is not about skill level but instead about fairness.

I have made an effort in all my endeavors to be fair to those who accompany me regardless of how long they may have adventured. I have even been set to task to be a mentor to the newer faces which I admit did not go the best this past market.

This discussion on splitting only happened last year, it was the fairest way determined by majority, and I do not recall when or where it happened but I know that equal representation had to have been there considering that I was a quiet part of it for the most part.

I don't wish to fight anyone on this but I also do not wish to see thieves taking more what is fair for them for the others to suffer. As some one who refused a share of large treasure for more than three years (ask tadron, he tried many times to give it to me in many ways under the guise of something else) after being accused of being a thief of said treasures and merely making my money off wandering monsters and my own skills, I want to see that everyone feels like they have received their fair shake. The money in which I did not collect went to the "town box" which Sherri Tets still holds on to.

How ever you all decide to do it is fine, I just want to make sure that this doesn't turn into another us against them argument as it pains me deeply that some feel that we can't get along because some of us may have been around longer.

With love and laughter,
Eldandiril Zanabanath
Party Planner & Loreist
Adventuring Community,

I have received the basket for collection of found goods. Some of you saw it a couple weeks ago. It was deemed secure and workable for the found goods collection.

In the coming week I will finish 4 zippered bags to put inside it - to be used for individual adventures. They are being made of material NO ONE will want to steal. So that will make it possible to collect and carry up to four adventures found goods before an auction and distribution. Also these pouches are big enough to hold a folded list of adventures who participated - something I shall attempt to make before hand as much as possible.

Is this what the community wishes?

By the way- I in no way wish to be responsible every time for found goods, but will be when needed.

In Service,

I appreciate you taking the initiative on this issue, as it is a constant source of disagreement and distrust among our community. I'd love a chance to take a look at what you've put together.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Circle Master of Fairfax
Greater Earth Guild of Terna
I would like to touch on the "wooden chip" idea. We could make a set of four different colored chips, one set for each bag, say 50 of each color, and after we get back, before everyone walks off, they each grab a colored chip. This gives us an actuate number of adventures that went on the mission, and gives us a way to make sure everyone is getting their share. If a group wants to send one person to collect, they give that person all their chips. If something unfortunate happened to someone, we set aside a chip for them. This would make it simple and remove the need to constantly take down a full list of names every time. This also means that if you run off right away without collecting a chip its your own fault. Splitting loot can always be postponed, chips can be handed out over the course of an hour or something.

Anyways, since the next gathering is fast approaching, if someone is to inclined to make 50 chips for a trial run, that is something I do not have the skill or tools to produce.

Fredrick Crawford
So, did we ever collectively get this procedure nailed down?

I'd just like to minimize the potential for free-for-alls directly after big group loot draws is all.


Biff Sterling, Adventurer... AT LAAARGE!!!
If the masses would like me to create the chips i can do so.
Again, I cannot recall any loot split where wooden chips would have changed things, I believe that is going to be extra effort that is hard to maintain long term that does not solve a problem. Asking people to wait until something is resolved to 'grab a chip' is going to lead to more problems than it could solve as often time not everyone can wait. Our existing process of counting noses works fine, it's only the matter of what goes into the group bag that needs to be nailed down as a town.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
I for once agree vith Lord Bluewater (twice in a year do I get a medal?) zat wooden coins would be needlessly complex. Zat said if zee overwhelming majority of folks really want to revamp zee system I won't stand in zee way of progress.

I vill try anything once, twice if it seems smart, three times if it doesn't.

I will bring the basket and bags to next gather.

If they are used - wonderful and if not I am sure I can find use of them.

All I ask is they come home- empty- with me at the end of gather so I may use them between gathers.

Thank you.

In Service,