Do you need some direction?


Adventurers, mercenaries, glory-seekers, and brave souls of Dragonreach-

If you're having trouble finding enough adventure to sate your desires, wondering how you can get a foot in the door for more government sponsored work, or just want a little guidance because the sheer volume of danger in the area is overwhelming I can be of assistance.
Leave me a message here in the dream realm or send a messenger to my tower and I will point you in the direction of (hopefully) profitable and exciting adventure.
We live in interesting times, the land and the Kingdom of Dragonreach face great foes, it is only by our hard work that may of these problems will be overcome.

Travel Safely

P.S. Also if you're at a loss regarding what to do with your time between gatherings I may have tasks that need tending to and I am willing to pay for assistance.
P.P.S. If you're saying to yourself, "Gosh I wish I understood what was going on in Dragonreach so that I can make more of an impact (or more money)" also feel free to send me a message with you questions and we'll try to get you up to speed.
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I am am interested in working for you between market days. I would accept coin, or your ritual abilities and some high magic, as payment at the upcoming gathering.

Cpl Syver Olafson
Dark Tide Armada

I don't know how to read or write. Can you teach me?

Also, I already forgot all your lessons.

Double also, I am here to help and have no direction. Point me toward something that needs to get hit / tracked / hunted.
