Dragon Age II


New Hampshire Staff
Chief Publicity and Digital Content Officer
OK folks. I will be making my first jaunt through Dragon Age 2 shortly.

I have read a lot about it, and I know it is a game I will enjoy. BUT, I am horrible at the whole "Multiple playthrough" thing... I just never seem to get around to it. (My pile of shame is HUGE... )

Does anyone have recommendations about how to get the most complete experience possible on the first playthrough?
RiddickDale said:
OK folks. I will be making my first jaunt through Dragon Age 2 shortly.

I have read a lot about it, and I know it is a game I will enjoy. BUT, I am horrible at the whole "Multiple playthrough" thing... I just never seem to get around to it. (My pile of shame is HUGE... )

Does anyone have recommendations about how to get the most complete experience possible on the first playthrough?

Yeah, do Dragon Age 1...it's better.
Also, try going 'evil' on 1 run through then 'good' on another...like Knights of the Old Republic the game plays out differently based upon those choices.
I'd argue that DA2 isn't worse so much as it is different. Bioware wanted to contrast its epic save the world story in DAO with a more personal one. The designers said that the plan was to give a different experience this time and if all goes well will be alternating OMGSAVETHEWORLD stories with stories smaller in scope. My only real complaint about the game is the lack of variety in the dungeon maps, but that's a nit-pick.
SkollWolfrun said:
Yeah, do Dragon Age 1...it's better.
Also, try going 'evil' on 1 run through then 'good' on another...like Knights of the Old Republic the game plays out differently based upon those choices.
So, you're either Mother Theresa or baby-eating Hitler?
RiddickDale said:
OK folks. I will be making my first jaunt through Dragon Age 2 shortly.

I have read a lot about it, and I know it is a game I will enjoy. BUT, I am horrible at the whole "Multiple playthrough" thing... I just never seem to get around to it. (My pile of shame is HUGE... )

Does anyone have recommendations about how to get the most complete experience possible on the first playthrough?

I did not get the most complete playthrough, as I told Anders to stop trying to kiss me.

Play Dragon Age Legends on Facebook. It's free, it unlocks items in DA II (not very good ones though), but most importantly, it's actually kind of fun for an FB game. It reminds me a bit of the old Heroes of Might and Magic, but with level advancement.

I enjoyed DA I in that it held itself to multiple replaying depending on which race you chose -- there were like 6 different beginnings, and then as you played, the other characters reacted to you differently. I also took different characters with me each time so I'd get different conversations and reactions (altough I didn't play all the way through to the end with most of them).

DA II was very episodic to me until the end, where I felt like I was just going through modules with no main point. It didn't pull me into the game like the first one did, and in fact, I put it aside for a while to get other things done.


I took the side of the mages -- which I assume you're expected to -- although I told whats-his-name, the guy who caused the mess, that I wanted nothing to do with him and sent him away. I'm thinking of starting a fighter next time (I was a rogue before) who instead sides with the templars and refuses to take mages with him to see how different it would be. Probably have to play at the easy setting though if I'm going mageless.
If you go Mageless, buy lots and lots of heals and stanima...your going to need them, unless your going easy :funny: Im going my 2nd run though now...as a mage....first run though was as a Warrior, plus I got the Exiled Prince add-on so theres is a few more missions and there is something to do with all the Bows you find.. :funny: other than to sell them all off....
The problem I had with DA2 was that while you did heroic things....you were never allowed to be a hero.

Any side you chose is wrong at the end of the game. Your efforts are mostly too little and too late. you can kill a dragon...after it's slaughtered dozens. You can stop a blood mage...after he murders his wife in front of you.

Lets not mention what happens to your family. It's a game where you can kill hundreds, but not save most of the people you encounter, unless they saved themselves before you arrived.