Dragonfall Event Feedback Thread

Thank to everyone who came out to the event. This one was very different for us and getting your thoughts on how we handled this change of pace is important to us.

Please make sure you let us know what worked from your point of view and where we could improve things if we run a similar event in the future.

We will draw from all the comments to award 6 Dragonstamps on September 29th.
This is very brief for now, but I'll expand upon it later with more in-depth analysis after I've had time to fully detox.

I had a great time at the event. There was such an inflow of information that I've got loads of thinking to do in between now and October. :)

Evie and the rest of the folks who volunteered to make the feast such a success, thank you. The food was delicious and you made an absolutely wonderful atmosphere.

The event was a lot of fun.

I was crazy impressed by the feast. The details you guys put into it were really impressive. Flowers hanging, table settings, cutlery and all of it really. Those roast potatoes were real good. Thank you so much to Evie, the kitchen staff, her family (seriously. Thank your family again for us), the minstrels, Annette for the piles AND PILES of bread, Brigit for the piles and PILES of cupcakes. LEMON CUPCAKES, and of the waiters that did not want to see the bottom of your glass.

Good to see Troll Daddy again. I (as always) enjoyed Travis regaling us with stories.

Loved the performance by the Moonless Night. You guys had me in stitches.

For the 10 seconds we were in the Underdark, I had a blast getting my but handed to me. I enjoyed the madness mod and the fight to kill Iz. Yay!

Thank you to Plot and our NPC's. You ran your butts off and I really appreciate it.

I'm missing stuff and not going into a ton of detail but I'm tired so just well, thanks!

Man that was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed getting to play Iggy during a time of relative peace.
The feast: music, entertainment, food, getting Pyke and the King drunk. What more could we want? Honestly though kudos to Genevieve for all her planning and execution.
Games: They were fun and enjoyable, I wish there would have been more to be honest
Mods: I only did a few mods, but the ones I went on were brutal but enjoyable. I felt fairly useful for all the fights.
The Town mod: I just felt like something was missing, it felt rushed and almost unnecssary for the event (not for what we accomplished)

Overall great job as always.

I had a lot of fun at this event. Certainly a different feel, almost Caducus-like with a safe town. Wonderful change of pace event, and I think a pretty good format for a festival.

Thank you to all the people who made this event such a success. Non-larpers coming in to help out in the kitchen/ feast was both a huge surprise, and really made the feast memorable.

Stream of consciousness as I remember the event. Mixing the good with the bad.

Check-in logistics not super smooth, but fine enough. So many people at this event.
Soft lay-on, nice RP with Panic and the Quarter Master. I liked that the chit store was pretty visible and able to be window shopped throughout the event.
Meeting new people, I liked the mini story-line of Emric being interested in Bindomanacy and working it to get started on the path by the end of the event.
Great to see such fantastic reps being 'sold' for completely IG currency. Nice latex weapons and quality costuming. I also thought it was cool that it was available for non-gold. So absolutely everyone was on the same page from the start of the event. A high level player couldn't just walk up and drop 300 gold to buy out the store.
I liked the riddles from the various Nobles. It kinda gave a reason to talk to everyone. Not that you shouldn't in a larp anyway, but there was a feeling of anticipation to start getting the chits because it was first-come-first-served on the store. So if you wanted a particular thing, you had to start working for it.
I was pleasantly surprised with how affordable everything was. If you really wanted a thing, you could have easily farmed up the chits.

The riddle from Sir Mathis was a highlight of the event for me. It was difficult, without being salt-inducing. I felt like it was something written for the event by Matt personally which was cool. The combo of cypher into riddle, that even had the answer in the de-coded cypher. 10/10. Took me forever to solve it, but very rewarding to do so.
"C'mon C'mon" Not my jam, but I liked that they were there. I really liked that it was easy to be left alone once you were clear about not engaging with them.
Friday Night I missed my ritual circle, but by the end of the event I was super-glad I didn't have it. Every inch of that tavern was used for the feast, and it was spectacular.
Casting some Visions. I'm continually amazed at how seamlessly plot marshal's them while pulling double duty. thank you for letting me play a ritualist, without feeling like I'm bogarting one plot member. Rituals are generally not the best Plot -> PC entertainment ratio so I'm glad you guys are able to do both.
Making some items on Friday night and having completed laminated tags within 30 minutes after finishing them. That process was so fast, I am amazed. thank you so much.
I feel bad we didn't do Iggy's thing, but I was enthralled by Mathis' riddle
Drinking contest. I was not expecting that format. It was awesome. I can't believe I had to sacrifice my body that hard, to merely get third place. But it's tough to compete against giants. :) GG guys. For those reading this, the drinking contest was root beer in a period metal pitcher. No IG skills needed, just speed drinking carbonated beverages. Not sure how much was actually in there. Plot? I feel like it was close to 2 liters, but perhaps I'm exaggerating because of how sick I felt instantly afterwards.
Pie eating contest: I liked the format as well. I was wondering how you were going to not ruin everyone's makeup by do it, and I think you picked a good way to rep it.
At this point, people have received many chits, and a mystery bag was purchased. then all the mystery bags were purchased. A tactical error on my part for being so vocal, but man they had some value in them.
Black eyed blade/dust guys whatever they were. I liked them coming in when they did. Just to make everyone a little uncomfortable, drop some plot for later. I specifically remember Chad having a very creepy smile the whole time as his guy, which made me un-easy. Top notch.

Off to bed, still haven't solved Mathis' riddle.

Saturday morning, back to the tavern to work on the riddle. Success! Well worth the effort
Not a fan of the egg bake for breakfast but it's decent, and I understand breakfast for the masses is tough. Could I request some salsa to mix with breakfast eggs?
Golem fight round 2, not for me, but everyone seemed to have fun. Also people are now actively hunting for chits. Which is good to see the engagement.
Celestine elf. I loved the logic puzzle. It felt light on chits from a reward perspective for the amount of work required. Overall reward you would get for various things seemed like a bit of a crap shoot. Then again, it's probably not worth the pre-event effort from plot to balance out everything. there were plenty of chits to be earned if you wanted them.
Scavenger hunt: I've felt so loved. Thanks Tadron. From a plot perspective, that was really cool. It was a big question mark for me pre-event with how this was going to work. In order to do it right you were going to have to actually hide things around the site. Which.. you did. and Much better than I thought of. using multiple teams so it was real race, and burying actual things was really cool. Not like find the 4 red handkerchiefs, but cool maps and a fun race. Puzzles + combat. Good stuff.
I don't think I'm the only one that doesn't/didn't fully understand waymaker stones. re: Radi or no Radi. If your name is not Banradi, one person activates it at a time so you arrive in a staggered manner.
The Scavenger hunt mineral fight thing. Not going to lie the all the reflects were starting to get to me OOG, but then I noticed Tadron checking if they were dumb defenses which they ended up being and I was instantly desalinated. Shame on me for not testing all possibilities before getting salty. Plus our team got first place, which helps.
Holy mother of chits as a reward. Time to buy all the things. I liked that I walked into what appeared to be a rush on the bank "It's a Wonderful Life Style." The town had bought into the event and was working that store. Kudos for having PC nobles able to handle those transactions. Who knew they were sometimes useful
Saturday afternoon lull. I didn't go on the poison mushroom sadness fest.
Not sure which order these others things happened.
Golem battles were fun. I wish we could have gotten some more people involved. I guess PCs were doing other things. PC's wearing prop armor smacking each other around = Good times.
I liked the Life Knight. Awesome armor, and a clear 'presence' short interaction but memorable.
Thaum. Oh Thaum. In general this event highlighted Travis' character RP to me. The rep was obviously fantastic. But the tenor of Travis voice, and his word choice to stay n character and express displeasure was really awesome. Plus a great way to get information out.
At the time I didn't think the tavern needed to be closed off. I was wrong. Totally worth.
Hunting the Air Mephit. Was a pretty cool mod. I got to feel important and DFM the ward. Also, lessons learned from the Scavenger hunt battle, exhaust all options before adding salt. It felt real good to find Inger hiding under a bed.

The Feast:
This get's it's own segment because holy crap wow.
Atmosphere was amazing. All the decorations and servers. Walking appetizers, wine guys, real glasses and silverware. very cool. Those lights in the mason jars on the tables were also very neat added a perfect amount of extra light.
I really enjoyed the tomato+cheese stick thing, and the bruschetta.
The dinner itself was formal enough to make me uncomfortable. So... cheers. It felt very regal. Assigned seating, King being served first etc. While it wasn't my most enjoyable dinner from an OOG perspective, it was certainly one of the best IG dinners from a "This is big Deal dinner" perspective. I loved the story of the feast. The food was amazing. Just the formality of it made me uncomfortable, which was on theme and cool.

Post feast Visioning: Again, I love the double duty marshaling.

Fighting Iz's town:
Not the best town mod. 30+ pcs with varying levels on 4-5 npcs. It's a larping tale as old as time, and doesn't make for a great experience. You either play appropriate cards and just get axed out of existence instantly, or you make the individual cards pretty butch, and takeouts/burst damage become pretty uneconomical to use. You guys went with the second option, but either way it was going to be tough to please everyone.
From an IG story perspective I LOVED that we could spring that on you guys. I'm not sure if that's what you were expecting us to do Saturday night as a big town thing, it felt like it was something we decided. Kudos for rolling with it if it was a surprise, double kudos if it was not a surprise and you know your players that well. IG I really enjoyed that we were able to get a bit chastised by Thaum, then use a resource we just bought from the chit store, to solve a problem that was kinda back burner simmering for months if not years.
So a great IG story win, but a rough OOG mod to try to entertain everyone. It's a great problem to have a growing chapter.

Thanks for a unique and memorable event.

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I don't usually respond to these threads because you know. I don't like discouraging people from posting. So I hope my post doesn't do that.

I pretty much was stressed out that the whole event about if it was going well or not. Every so often we'll have an event that relies on pcs doing stuff to fill the void. This gives you guys chances to catch up on any plots that *you* want to do. Instead of us filling the docket full of more stuff.

I have control problems. I don't like giving up control over the pacing of the event. I especially don't like giving up pacing of the event for large role play heavy things.
I can entertain people in a combat scenario and I have a really good idea if a combat heavy weekend is going well. This event was not any of those things. That added a lot of stress to my weekend, and it wore me out really really quickly.

I've seen a jillion iteration of the games. They've never been for me. It often turns into high level players stomping low level players, or some player taking too many hits and another player feeling cheated, and it being a big ordeal to undo. So we avoided a lot of player v player games that involved character cards. I've been burned by them as my pc in that way, I'd beaten a guy double my level and he just refused to die because it would have looked bad. It's common.

So we spent a lot of time thinking about how to do this in a way that will engage people, even who hate games.

I think it turned out well. I'm happy with it. I learned a lot.
@jwconvery it was a liter of root beer in each pitcher. I didn't consider food allergies in regards to the pies. That was very unfair of me.
Next time, maybe we can take that into account. (Or maybe someone with allergies can help us pick better pies).

I can't sing @GenevieveAnn's praises enough on the feast. I seriously think she should go into wedding organization. I was blown away. I rarely get blown away by something when I'm a game runner.

I hate playing Lycregis for long periods of time. I was equally uncomfortable at the feast but, I think it showed. He's much better at being a leader in times of crisis. I think that showed, and I think that helped make the character more human. So I'm happy with that. Over the past 3 years he's gone from entirely unapproachable to a person with clearer motives, burdens, and ideas. That's what I larp for.

The Iz fight was not good. We left Saturday open intentionally. We gave you tools to solve several problems. This is exactly the game we want to run. The players took it upon themselves to fight Iz. That part I'm a huge fan of. This was great. You all make me proud.

The fight itself was bad. As Joe mentioned, we've doubled our player base this year. This event was big. Travis needed to be in make up. And one of our npcs was worn out. We had 4 people on the field, all 4 of us were exhausted. Joe kind of hit the head on the nail. Either the cards are crazy, or you walk through the 4 npcs. Walking through the npcs isn't really an option as Saturday night gets later. We have a finite amount of energy. If a larger Saturday night thing fails to be taxing enough (physically, emotionally, and statsly (not a real word)) then we have a lot of players who go to bed frustrated, or don't go to bed. Which means players want to do a ton more stuff saturday night. That sounds great but, our shelf life is very limited that late into the event. (Especially this weekend, I got 3 hours of sleep Friday night).

Honestly, you all walked through the 4 npcs anyways. We stopped ramping the cards because there was a fair amount of low level players, and the real way we could have challenged you was by breaking the group with a lot of voice radius effects causing the people who survived to scramble. We had a few but, they were generally super isolated, and not devastating.
That sucks even more for some of the newer players we had. So I decided it was better to not do it.

I can understand frustration in this fight. And that's largely on me, not Travis, Chad, or Lou. I was running the stats on this.
I'm going to share this next piece but, I don't want anyone to feel bad about it. I'm not trying to shame people, just sharing some information.
At that point in the event, not a single player had shown up to do an npc shift. I don't think we had a double hooked anything. Later TC and Brad offered to help me finish running some mods.

This is a problem that we'll have to solve. We've gotten pretty good at fighting large groups since we've been doing this for 6 years and never really had npcs. But, even with Louis we've hit our limit. We're growing at too fast a pace now, and we can no long sustain full town mods.

We'll come up with a solution. But, this problem is a problem plot can't solve on it's own. We'll need the community to invest in this solution with us. It's a good problem to have.
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I had a fantastic event:

-The Contest pacing was fantastic. Everything ran on time as far as I could tell as well. Rewards were all value-able too. Most of the time it is one or two good things with the rest meh. This help keep the value of chits going all event up until the end.
-Almost participated in every contest (missed on the crafting contest and fighting in a golem).
-Big troll comes strolling up to me "YOU! You gave them hope!". Travis did a fantastic job nailing that character, both in costume and character acting.
-My goal for the weekend was to help Robert get the shade book. We accomplished our mission early and was able to help every gang member of the Moonless Nights to get something they wanted.
-Going to the sewers expecting to kill bandits. Killed a couple of homeless persons accidentally instead. Thanks Inger and crew for keeping our game going late Saturday, I know you were tired.
- The feast was over the top. Thanks Gen/Gen's family/Mike N/Company/Lilith/anyone else I forgot who jumped in to help. The atmosphere was crazy with waiters serving appetizers/drinks. Food was great too, I was stuffed.
-Moonless Nights' "Mostly" True Tale of Bleak & 'Bleak is afraid of fire and darkness' wait, what? lol
-Getting leads on personal plot
-Accidentally stumbling into Freyguard area. Opps wrong way.
-Appreciated plot allowing us to jump into the big Iz fight seamlessly while returning from another mod
-Town wide scavenger hunt contest that didn't have us all running to the same spots for our clues/find
-I really liked Cyn's song as well at the feast.
-Getting to play with Rezzik. It so rarely happens in all the time we have been doing alliance because we are usually on opposite sides of the fence (PC/NPC).
-Getting to play with Dirt-in-Eye/Malakai. Really hope you return!
-I am sure there is more.

Only minor downside
-Iz Fight: Don't care much for the march down and loop around the building, pivot (which involves groups switching left/right sides) a couple of times. Lots of trails, just need to find a good loop. Fight was very similar to Oni fight earlier of extracting an Oni from a ward. Realize that this was left open to PCs to decide direction and the difficulties of designing town fights, not even counting constructing said "town fight" at the event to accommodate PC actions.
I would like to add a few thoughts myself.

I've already posted about the feast as well as just talked endlessly about it. So I'll just reiterate that it was one of the finest things I have seen in all the time I have played. I am forever grateful to Genevieve and the whole of her crew in helping us set the bar so high on our events.

I was nervous about the games and "willing participant" crunchies from the start. My concern was if they were not fun or interesting enough that some players would totally opt out and we would start running something else right in the middle of the event. Instead not only did the community jump in with both feet, but the community started to really push together toward a fun goal.

That said I feel this statement finally quantifies the event for me: The whole of the chapter and it's community came together to improve the event in their own way for the sake of everyone; that was why this was a great event.

From a huge feast and non-larpers contributing, to PC nobles and PC merchants contributing to the atmosphere, to PCs helping PCs with the multitudes of personal plot/projects that were taking place, to OOG players donating reps, materials, and time... it was fantastic to see the community respond this way.

Watching all the non-typical challenges be a good time for everyone was fantastic. From a drinking contest to seeing the scavenger hunt teams stack up so quickly...

On that note I'll also confirm I was nervous while were doing our very best to run as open an event as possible without weird awkward lulls. I appreciate people's understanding with us stacking the mods and trying to respond quickly to player-driven challenges and drive. That's something we are always working to improve. Taking the fight to Iz was an awesome shock to me. Several people said it was because Thomm did some grumbling but he grumbled about a lot of topics (see: literally everything he said). That was all you guys and your To-Do list of doom. As a plot person I couldn't have been prouder of the community and the execution of the plan. Iz never stood a chance.

On the note of NPCs I have to agree. To maintain the standards of play through what we have set down over the last half decade we are going to need more hands on help through this fantastic period of growth. The fact that no one wants to miss a game to NPCing is a massive compliment to us. Personally I am getting into better shape than I've known in a long time... but even still the challenge is growing beyond the staff's ability to simply power through our fatigue anymore. Some ideas will need to come together over the break to find out what steps must be taken next to keep this wild ride a great one going forward.

Last but not least a personal thank you to the whole chapter from me. This event and the last has made me reflect on SoMi years in the past. Thomm is an intimidating monster for me to play, so much so that those that met him the first time he arrived years ago might remember that he hardly uttered a word relying on a Kobald wordsherpa. Iz is so dark a character I had to listen to evil mood music to hypnotize myself into a properly cruel monster lest I flub the whole thing. I was always nervous to play Ko because of the impact he and other nobles had on characters that I didn't fully understand. Even just looking back on old pictures how the team built props and propmonsters compared to today makes me see how far we have come. I feel like I have learned a lot in six years and I have the staff and the players to thank for it. This event really highlighted a big "look how far we've come" moment to me.

So thank you, very much.

Edit: I am not solely responsible for the Thomm prop. The praise is kind but there isn't anything that comes out of this team that isn't an effort of the whole.
Hello everyone!

Feedback is a little harder for me this event, because I really wasn't exposed to much due to my time in the kitchen.

I just wanted to say that I really have so much love for all of you and I had such a high bar set for the feast.
This last month of planning, the whole time all I thought was, "can I really do this?"
The only way the feast was going to work is if I got enough help, if there were enough donations so I wouldn't have to break budget, if the PC's went along with everything and gave me time in the tavern.
There was just so many things that could go wrong.
I had a specific vision for the tavern of flowers hanging from the ceiling and bards playing softly in the corner.
Would the bards who know nothing about larp come? Would the three people I have to help me in the kitchen back out at the last minute, not wanting to make the almost five hour drive for something they aren't even really a part of?

A month of planning and effort could have all gone to waste in seconds.
In LARP as a plot runner you see that happen sometimes. You plan this specific mod, or specific story line and along comes an adventurer to do exactly what you didn't want them to.
I knew that happens and though I wasn't on plot I knew this feast, along with everything I had planned could go the same way.

But it didn't.

I'm still baffled by it really. I cannot believe how flawless everything went and how my vision came to life.
It's thanks to everyone involved.
Thank you to the non players who came to cook with me.
Thank you to my little brother who went from cooking straight to NPCing and back again.
Thank you to the merchants. Thank you Nicole and JT for the amazing silverware and place settings donations. Thank you for helping us set up and getting out when server training started.
Thank you to Michael's cousins who came to play music for us and their amazing drinking song.
Thank you everyone for participating in that drinking song! My heart grew three sizes listening to it.
Thank you to my WONDERFUL serving staff. Trellis, Ardos, Lillith, Katrina, Louis, and of course, Chad as my Expo.
Thank you to Chris and Travis also rolling with the time I needed to set up and giving me 100% trust that I would make it happen without even stepping to check on us.
Thank you to all of you PC's who didn't gripe or grumble as you were told you couldn't come into the tavern for over an hour. Your circles are in there, some of your belongings didn't manage to make it out.
I absolutely understand that was frustrating, but thank you so so much because without that time I couldn't have set the scene.
Not one single person who was at this event made me feel like I was asking for too much or being too demanding or bossy. And mind you, I ran that kitchen and serving staff the way I would a restaurant dinner service.

So thank you.
Thank you all so so much for everything and helping me hit the bar I set so high for a very first feast.
Thank you all so so much for everything and helping me hit the bar I set so high for a very first feast.

Note the "first" there people.

Dragonfall is an annual holiday.

Take good care of our Genevieve/Collette....

Or the feast gets prepared by Thomm as a fall back.
Hey all!

So, my review won't be quite as long because I had very little idea as to what exactly was going on. OOG I'm a pretty busy guy, so I wasn't sure I was coming until Thursday night... And I changed my character on my way to the event!

But! All that said, I had a wonderful time. Combat was surprisingly tight from many of the npc's, the pc's were generous and kind (even laughing at my amazingly bad jokes). I was blown away by the costuming and Phys reps (thaum, Ogre daddy, was very well done!), And the feast was.... Well, that was the best 10 dollar dinner I've ever had. Or ever will I imagine.

Big thanks to Genevieve, for helping me through all my silly questions. I would've been completely lost with out you.

And a big thank you to scarlet, 13, sorrow, and the Bomb. Y'all were both hilarious and dramatic, helped make my weekend. Lucas, Ardos, Josev, Gwen, Lilith, emrick, etc, etc, etc all too kind. I can't wait to hit more things by your side! (Might even get a hat of bear slaying!)

Much Love,

Nik 'Hit' Las
I was so blown away by this weekend that I decided to make a profile just so I could talk about it. I do have complaints, but they are largely personal touches or an "outsider's" perspective that can be difficult to cater to.

-Having a pie eating and drinking contest was a great idea. Big thanks for not having it the same day as the feast! I would appreciate pies being labeled or separated by flavor to help people with food allergies, but it was an easy thing to not consider.
-LOVED the riddle idea. I wish it would have been more clear who had riddles as not everyone participated, but searching for them made finding them all the more fun.
-I stayed in the tavern until about 3-4am, and I always felt like there was something to do. I don't think I was ever bored.

-I didn't love the egg bake; that being said, I did understand that the attention was on the food for the feast.
-After trying for about 6 hours, I finally solved Mathis' riddle. The cipher/riddle combination was fascinating and I had to stretch my brain to figure it out. I do feel the answer could have been more satisfying if it was something not so personal to the region, but no hard feelings!
-I am not calling anyone out here, but there was a point when I was trying to solve a riddle and someone blurted out the answer. I don't think they knew I was trying, but a little more consideration would be appreciated in the future.
-I had no idea who Troll Daddy was before Saturday afternoon, and I feel cheated out of not meeting him sooner. :P
-I enjoyed my time helping with the feast, even if it was only sweeping. I was more than a little proud when someone approached me and commented on what a difference it made.
-I don't know the name of the person teaching the servers proper etiquette, but he was wonderful. And the king having a personal server was a great touch. Getting to hear some of the comments was a treat. "You do look for poison, but always in the kitchen." and "As soon as he takes a sip from his glass, fill it up again." I love seeing little bits of behind-the-curtain work.
-The feast itself was a huge success! I especially loved the mushrooms and creme brulee. I am a notoriously picky eater and my only complaint was I was full too soon. Nothing but glowing things to say!
-I didn't go on the town mod, so I kept Ricky company instead. We talked and napped. I promise it was more fun than it sounds.

-I never felt like our lives were threatened while we were in the tavern, and I've decided that was a good thing. There are too many ways for a feast to go wrong without bandits and monsters. I know I appreciated having some space.
-The chit distribution could use some work, if it ever returns.
-The staff's attentiveness to one of my vacuum packs was unexpected but SO welcome. I especially enjoyed how non-obtrusive those interactions were.

I am missing a green silicon funnel. I did already contact staff (or whoever runs the FB page) about it. If anyone knows anything, please pass it along! :)
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Thanks so much for everyone who made this come together! Without each and every person there the feast wouldn't have been as completely perfect. The bards, artists and people who took the time to serve others made it really feel like a holiday.

Outside of the Feast I liked the puzzles and games as a whole, it made it feel like a festival and not just a day of doing whatever leading up to the main event. The scavenger hunt was one of my favorite things I've done at a LARP

See you all in a couple weeks

Haven't been able to think exactly what I felt about this event. I loved the event. Made pyke feel very uneasy because the atmosphere was flipped and he couldn't get used to it. Made myself as a player remember the world we play in comes in many forms and need to know you never know what to expect.

Can't believe the feast. Was purely a once in a life time feel to be apart of.
Could not of thought of a better execution that had transpired.

Just happy to see the level you guys strive for and do every time. Never Bored and can easily find something to entertain myself when I want.

Can't wait for the season closer.

Jared Sisco
I had a great time. All the mind traping was a lot of fun. RP with Pkye is always fun as we are polar opposites. Thank you plot of including Aramis in a number of ways. I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt and the feast. and awesome job dinner crew.

Jon D
After months of planning, refining ideas and hoping against hope, this event finally happened.

It couldn't have gone better.

Genevieve, you did an amazing job. You might not have done it alone, but don't let that stop you from accepting that you had a vision for that feast and willed it into reality. Complication after complication came up, and you handled everything that came at you. Well done.

About a year ago, I visited a larp in Canada called Duche de Bicolline. It's a fantastic event that hosts 3000+ people over a week-long fully immersive experience. The lucky few of us locals who have gone refer to it constantly. It has ruined our local experiences with how amazing it was. It's difficult not to measure our local Larps to it. I call it the "Bico magic", the sense that you are "really there", the full immersion. Until that feast, I had never experienced Bico magic outside of Bicolline. Sitting there, pleasantly full of delicious food, surrounded by friends, singing a drinking song....that was Bico magic. Gives me hope that I can create that somewhere besides Bicolline.

This event was truly special for me. Thank you EVERYONE for making it possible.

-JT/Joseph Smith
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