Drowning my sorrows in ale

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Keara sits in the tavern enjoying an ale and feeling pretty miserable. Death will do that to you!

"Stupid death" she mumbles to herself.

Without looking up, Keara yells "Artie...another ale."

"What's got you so down love?" Keara recognises the voice of her new friend Bunin, which gladdens her heart a little but she still doesn't look up.

"Death sucks. Resurrection hurts like hell. And now I'm totally broke." She takes a large swig from the newly arrived ale.

"You came back and you still have your weapon. Can't be all that bad?"

Keara stands up, removes the blade from her belt and drops it loudly on the table. "This piece of crap short sword. It's hopeless. I can't get in close enough to use it. I'm trained to fight. But the monsters up here in the north are unlike anything I've fought before."

Sitting down, she sighs deeply. "I'm from the coastal plains. My family breeds and train horses for our House. Fighting from the back of a horse...that's in my blood. My mentor, the one that's missing, I told you about him right? He made sure I understood other styles. Sent me to learn from Makos. Tricksy little bastard. Never met anyone who could wield a dagger like him. So fast. So precise."

Finally looking up, Keara sees Bunin twirling her braid and smiling sweetly.

Talking another gulp of ale, Keara continues. "Nothings been the same since I lost my dagger in that stupid game of dice. It was nice that Rynchus gave me a replacement but it's not the same; it's not my Precious."

Bunin was still smiling, almost grinning!

"I think I can see the wheels of your brain turning. What are you thinking Bunin?" Keara asked.

"Get a longer weapon honey." Winking mischievously she continued, "You know longer is better!"

"Yeah...sounds like a great idea...except for the being broke part." Keara sighed, drinking the last of her ale.

"You might not have skills like mine but you've got something to trade right?" Bunin just kept twirling her braid and smiling.

"I suppose. Not a lot of requests for scribing or storytelling out here on the frontier. I could make and sell or trade some alchemical products but it takes money to make em."

Leaning over and touching Keara lightly on the arm, "Honey...go to the forge and see who's there. Talking costs nothing. You never know what someone might be willing to trade to build you a new weapon."

So who's in the forge?

FYI - Candace approved this story and the interaction of her character Bunin.

"...... and besides that if it came right down to it you know I'm always willing." Bunin winks at Keara, "I may be able to aquire you a weapon and Im positive we could work something out for it..." she says and bites her lower lip.
Glancing up from his works Karuna quirks an eyebrow, dressed in his simple tan tunic and his off-hand saber on belt. "What's this now, our good scribe and storyteller lost her things in the past month?" He stands up, coming to pass. "I happen to be acquainted with a few of the blacksmiths in town; did you just need a longsword, or were you wanting to keep a spare handy?"
Keara was almost at the tavern door when Garnett stopped her. His offer to help did not surprise her. He was a helpful guy and had even lent her a weapon the day after she died and came back.

"You overheard our conversation?" she asked. Before he could respond, Keara raised her hand to stop him. "Nevermind. You must have or you wouldn't be asking." Taking a step toward the door. "Follow me and I'll tell you the problem. Maybe you do know someone who can help."

The light was bright when she stepped outside and it hurt her eyes.

"I'm frustrated." She sighed, something she'd been doing a lot of lately. "The pain of dying. The loss of money and gear. My fighting skills. My useless short sword."

Thinking back over her recent conversation, Keara smiled. "Bunin had a good idea - a longer weapon. Then I could adapt my southern fighting style, move from horse to ground. I was thinking of a spear. Not as long as a polearm or lance but something I could work with."

By this time they had reached the forge. It was a short walk. Keara turned to her friend, "do you know anyone who can make a good spear and who is willing to trade for the item?"
The ringing of hammer and anvil can be heard coming from the forge. Dramm can be seen by the glow of the forge working away.
"Dramma'dan is a fellow to consider, there is also Hamish an' two others dwarves; their names escape me for the moment." Garnett replied after a thought, then looked to the forge. "Seems someone is apt and able for your order however. As to the idea of spear and dagger, I would be against a florentine of that variety unless you are well trained in it. You might find your legs tangled otherwise amongst the shaft if at a side step or turn. That said," Passing through the door of the forge and stepping to the side to let her in. "I'll assist with your efforts; I'd rather not see able folk in the area without a means to defend themselves."
Following Garnett into the forge, Keara considered his words for a moment. "Maybe you're right. Perhaps I should consider a long sword instead of a spear. And maybe I should practice with a long sword before considering florentine."

Turning to toward her friend, she kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you Garnett. Your help and assistance is appreciated."

Looking over at Dramm a'dan, giving him a quick smile, Keara continued. "Should I leave you to talk to Dramm or would you like me to discuss arrangements and trade?"
Looking up from his work. "Hello there lass, what can I help you with today?"
Karuna gave a wry smile and nods. "Always ah' pleasure to be assistin'. But ya might want to stick around, as there are a long of variations within the name of the longsword." He glanced back to Dramm and gestured for her to explain the situation.

"Tis' your sword, make it as you will. The one you were using from me by the by is about 85 centimeters in length; vbut should you be able to hold the weight of a larger blade, they can got as high as a hundred ten, or so I'm told."
Keara smiled "Thank you Karuna. If you could help me get a new long sword that would be wonderful. And I know Dramm makes a quality product."
Having finally found where Keara has been hiding, Math approaches her
"I understand you lost your alchemy book. Having suffered a death myself a few moons ago..." Math pauses and shudders as he recalls the horrible experience his soul went through trying to find its own way back, "... I have been a bit paranoid about losing my own book, since its my entire livelihood. I was hoping we could enter into an arrangement where if one of us lost our books, the other would be willing to let us re-copy it.
"I'd be happy to start this by allowing you to copy mine. However since this is an act without recompense I would feel remiss if I did not set this up as a contractual obligation between us to ensure that you return the favour if needed. Hopefully I can get other local alchemists on board for increased coverage."
As is typical when he is calm (which has been rarely in the last few weeks) - his tone is rather matter of fact and to the point, but he does have a tendency to talk at length and ramble. He does pause here, however, and allow for a response.
Keara shudders as she recalls her recent resurrection experience. The harrowing pain of the soul being ripped from the netherworld and returned to her body. The confusion and dismay following the return and then to discover the loss of her personal possessions.

"Math I will consider your offer and the contractual arrangements required. I will be leaving Parson's Breach for a few weeks as I travel with my friend Bunin. I believe we are to meet up with a friend of hers and then coming back to town. By the time I get back I'll have an answer for you. It is a good idea, I'll give you that!"

Keara turns back to Dramm and asks "As long as you have the specifications and design, you can have my new long sword crafted by the time I get back?"

OOG: This interaction between Keara, Garnett, Math and Dramm would have taken place after the July event and my travels with Bunin and Harlequin are covered by the time of the August event. Keara will be back in Parson's for the September event. Make sense!
"That sounds like a reasonable plan. I will draft up the contract proposal which we can hash out when you get back."
Math seems in no hurry to stick around as he darts quickly towards the Fire Pit, casting a disdainful look at the Celestial Circle behind the tavern before he is around the corner from it.

OOG: Likewise - I'm technically in a conversation both in the Blacksmith and in the Tavern 'at the same time' per the IG forum rules - but as this thread is dated 'August 1st' and the post I made in the other thread was 'September 3rd' but didn't start getting replied to until now it make sense that they are separate 'times' for the conversation - it's not like I sat in the tavern all week for Hamish to reply to what I said... Oh except weirdly I wrote as 'red feather' math which didn't happen until the August event... oh well it's all unimportant stuff that's a technicality that will hash itself out by the time we're back In Game this weekend. (I had also died in the July event - so THAT timeline is not messed up - and I thought about discussing this with you in August but hadn't seen you 'cause you weren't there that event. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey... stuff!)
*** OOG*** Since we have had an event on August 24, this thread is now considered dead as of August 23, since two of the party members were not at the event so can not be talking to the blacksmith. So the last three replies to the thread can not have any effect.***
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