I made a dryad as my first character, too! Being a barkskin, I play her as incredibly patient and slow (because trees live so long and grow so slowly, she hates feeling rushed or hasty. Mayyyybe a little TreeBeard Tolkien inspiration there, haha.) I decided to have her first awaken from the Great Sleep just before her first event, so she was in awe of everything around her, very trusting and naive. She remains very trusting, always giving benefit of the doubt, always believing the best in people because she wants to promote harmony between the "modern world" and the "first forest" she remembers. She feels compelled to advocate for the forest and the good of the earth, because she recognizes her position in the modern world as a "Child of Autumn" gives her a connection to the forest that few others have, so she is pretty passionate in her advocacy for the good of the earth. She's a nerdy scientist/researcher/bookworm and very loving healer.
In short - slow, serious, sincere, scientific. Hehehe, I made a little alliteration for her.
Do you have any more specific questions? I love to chat about character development! What chapter(s) are you hoping to play? You may be able to find local race packets for other culture tips!