My only issue with giving it to Biata is that Dwarves, Stone Elves, and Dryads all specifically state that the race is just really good with X thing in general, and Biata (if I remember correctly) doesn't? A natural negative reaction to Celestial magic doesn't mean they're naturally really good with Earth magic (at least not to me).
I've already mentioned (moreso implied, I suppose) that Hobling/Create Trap was based solely on them currently having half cost Legerdemain, and I feel that they should still get something similar after Legerdemain is removed; I'd like the connection to be a little better than that, though, since the three races previously mentioned have specific text stating their talent for the appropriate skill, but none of the races (that I recall) state a talent for working with traps. :/
ETA: Reading over the racial descriptions in the 1.3 book, you can make a case for either Barbarians (which I believe are getting changed or removed at some point?) or Biata to have reduced Create Potion cost, with Biata being the much stronger contender; both entries state at one point or another that the race is either "close to the earth" (Barbarians) or "attuned to Earth magics" (Biata). When I get around to writing the full proposal, Biata will for sure have -1 Create Potion cost included in it.
No race specifically mentions traps at all, but Dwarves and Mystic Wood Elves come close, as both mention that they are great craftsman in general. (This is pretty frustrating from an "I'd like something more concrete to base my proposal on" point of view, but in hindsight I think it would be sort of strange to specifically note that one race is really good at working with traps, and I'm not really sure what I was hoping for in searching.)