Earth Guild Members

To All Earth Guild Members, and interested parties.

Our guild leader has charged me with a temporary special task. While my talents lie in other areas, it is all of our tasks to grow and in his wisdom high Councilor Cass Darin has ordered me to mind our relationships to another earth guild.

It has been some time since we have made peaceful contact with the Northlund's Guild of Healers and I wished to head an expedition up there as well as speak to you all and gather your vocal reports since no report has been forthcoming for 2 months.

I am to understand there will be a short gather soon. I will be there around the noon hour, please attend to me.


Dair Nearwander
Earth Guild of Terna
Apprentice Councilor.
Dair Nearwander,

Should my schedule allow it, I will be glad to attend, while I am a staunch supporter of the Earth Guild (and indeed an acolyte I believe in it's ranks) I may be assisting our local knights with other tasks that take precedence.

Lord Enan Bluewater
Apprentice Councilor Nearwander,

I will be in attendance to this upcoming market day and will gladly meet with you to make peaceful contact with the Northlund's Guild of Healers. You should be able to find me around the the local gathering place. I will have drinks and a midday snack with me if you would care to join me for them before we head out.

May your travels be smooth,

Eve Rosenfeld-Thorberry
Sister of the Brotherhood of LifeStorm
Initiate of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna
I, and my traveling menagerie retinue, stand at the ready to assist the Earth Guild, as well.
Apprentice Councilor Nearwater,

I will always be available at your convenience.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
I don't suppose you could be more specific on WHICH of the healer's guilds you're looking to talk to? The Stone Elf's, or the Dwarf's, or one of the Kyn tribe's? Because the Nrothlands aren't just one country, and there's some... politics going on between the empires that'll probably make whatever contact you're trying to make harder than it sounds. I mean, you do have that kind of knowledge of what you're getting into, right?
