Earth Guild


Friends and neighbors,

As many of you know the Healers Guild as we know it has pretty much been wiped out. Garis Stoneshield is all that remains and perhaps Norana, who is missing. I, Bob the Blacksmith, am now second in command and in charge of all recruitment for the guild. I have approached many of you at the last market day and many have indicated their interest to be a part of this guild. I will not make the rosters known, but if you are interested please contact me. Some people I have already given an invite to, others I need to see in action. Know that as a part of this guild you will receive support in learning to become a better Earth caster and a small discount from me in any merchant dealings. We must drive back the forces that would oppress us and we must heal the land and its people.

Currently I am looking for those skilled in Earth Magics, as our capacity increases then I will perhaps find ways of using all types of skills.

Many blessings,
Member of House of Games
PrathMoore's Earth Guild
Royal Blacksmith to King Daefel
Guildmaster of Blacksmith Guild of Horn's End
Guild member of H.E.A.R.T. (Horn's End Alchemical Research and Training)
Steward of Sir Havok's lands
and General Merchant Extraordinaire

I cant really be a member since ah cant cast earth magiks but ah be happy ta give you some potions and elixirs and maybe a bit o coin.

Let me know how else ah kin help ya.

Young Master Jehan,

Your offer of aid is greatly appreciated. I am sure that there will be some important missions upcoming for the Earth Guild and I would be happy to have your assistance then. Your offer of potions/elixers and coin I will pass on to Garis Stoneshield, the guild master. It is good to have a strong friend willing to help.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
My friend Bob,

A healer's guild wiped out? The land in turmoil? I do believe that the land, and its people, need one who can heal both the wounds of the body and lift the spirt with song. Maxwell is on the way my friend, my spell and song are at your disposal.

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia Moore (M.M.M.M. goood!)
Master Bard at Large, Healer of the Wounded, Teacher of the Ignorant, Keeper of Lost Knowledge, Maker of Fine Wines, and Interpretor of Dreams
A reminder

And I will be present at this market day to accept and test new members.