Event Favorites for November!


Chicago Staff
Good afternoon everybody!
Let's get those event favorites posted up here :)

- Seeing everyone working together on getting the puzzles done for all the lore drops
- Finding an actual way to get some fast travel going, but goddamn is it expensive
- Having all the auctions go smoothly without anyone missing a cut of the pot. 3 for 3, I'll take it
- Using the Big Post-Its to get everyones name down. Made finding people and getting auctions done soooo much easier (sorry for name misspells!!)
- The good feeling of everyone coming together for "Thanksgiving" at game. There was a lot of great RP this weekend between PCs and this just helped further cement the good feels for me.
- Isabo shooting from atop the balcony. It only works so often but when it does, it's incredible
Rescuing and relocating the badgers.

The big meat feast! (I love the Sar-B-Que)

The wonderful paintings and the lore they dropped.

Building the orange juice for the torch.

The comments about the red-elf and their red-army and their Empire that sounded a lot like communism back during the time of the USSR.

Feeling like a boss when alchemy worked against the diamond bandits.

Finally Dinner Feast; thank you everyone who worked in the kitchen to make this happen.

This weekend was tough for me. It was the anniversary of my wife’s passing (Nov 19, 2019). I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful time, I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you: David E.
The comments about the red-elf and their red-army and their Empire that sounded a lot like communism back during the time of the USSR.
They're literally Pinko Commies. I lurve it.