Event Favorites


I would love to hear some of everyone's favorite moments at the event. Mine were:
-Playing in the Fortune's Followers group. Andy's stone elf was amazingly creepy. The costuming rocked.
-Getting to do some Losua plot and the Sunday ritual.
-All the PCs I got to interact with in my various roles.
-Shen confiscating my sticks as my skree was attempting to test the flammability of booze, next to a poorly made still. Greg and Chas are vikings for "sampling" that awful mixture Carmen made. I could smell it through my mask.
-Draxian swarm.
-Dirty MWE jokes.
- Makin' the moves on Elryion, Marla, and Jenali. I think the latter *might* be unattainable for Kasuni :(
- The Mushroom Mod on Saturday night!! That was way fun! I also like the location of the set up (huge wall in the center of the Monster Camp circle)
- Casting the vision w/ Prashka! It was my first vision, and way fun!
- Interviewing the people interested in the town guard... Everyone was so fun to talk to and learn about!
- I had a blast getting to go on the mod in the ruins on Saturday before the mushroom mod... and waiting for Kiarra to cut me free from the spider's entangles! ;)
- Talking to Elder Osmond, Marla, and the other townspeople about the laws and chaos... oh my!
- Raganzi's gypsy curse. He created my new favorite skree :)

Thank you everyone for such an awesome event! I had a great time going on mods with people, talking to y'all, and getting to know some more of you IC and OOC.
I would say that I'm late to the party, but it isn't much of a party... ANYWAY, my favorites:

--Best thing was being the most honest skree. I'm sure we all left that situation more enlightened than before.
--Sitting in the tavern while people are insulting Mr Mibbs right in front of me. You know you've played an annoying character right when people are still bothered by it.
--Going in full blue makeup, showering, and getting back in full blue makeup. Fortune's followers are so awesome.
--Cave spiders! Always conveniently behind you.
Let's see...

-Rolo's awesome cooking. This should probably be higher on the list, but then I'd have to copy/cut/paste and I just can't be bothe...oh what the hell. I'll even list it twice!
-Rain and that whole situation was highly entertaining (Shane is awesome)...
-Talking to Elder Osmond until the wee hours of the morning Saturday morning (thanks Jimmy!)
-Meeting, if only briefly, the many new faces from Andar...even if all they were doing is pumping me for information.
-All of the great RP!
-Rolo's awesome cooking. This should probably be higher on the list, but then I'd have to copy/cut/paste and I just can't be bothe...oh what the hell. I'll even list it twice!
-The Mine mod that Carmen ran that I got to do on with Zodiac peoples and Polare. Doesn't happen often, but when it does...oh man, heads roll quite nicely! My only real mod of the weekend since I was busy with other stuff!
-Getting Reganzi back.
-Gypsy curses!
-The fortune favor's...er...followers...group! Awesome costuming and get-ups (which can be said for most of the NPC encounters I had/saw).
-The honest and forthright Skree was awesome!
-The trader and his accompanying minions. Very cool.
-Kasuni steppin' up! Or at least giving it a go.
-Ghost stories...
-Krieger's sign language! **** waffle. :lol:
Friday night calm...wait, no, Draxian roaring swarm of death cows that send -Dalynn- into Zeth's arms (Healing Arts you'redownWHAT?OMGCUREMORTALCURECRIT). When I ask myself wtfisgoingon, it means I had a good time.

RP'ing with my bruddah "Fwynn" about "Dawynn" and "Kiwwyan." Adorable, haha! We coons crack ourselves up.

Meeting Prashka-The-Cuddle-Golem for the first time.

Being able to read formal scrolls for the first time.

Feeling rather useful for the first time! Although, this meant more work....alas....

Burninatin' the fungi side!

Hu hallucinating...no, I don't have something on my back, I swear....=(

Elryon being rather nice to Zeth. Shane might not realize it, but when he said "Always a pleasure to work with Zeth," I wondered if the last thing Zeth would see was a cheerful elf deathcaster. It was....unnerving.
Friday: Draxians...1st a trickle, then the small groups, then the horde. Ugh, I need to hit for more.

Saturday: Early morning sweep - what can I say, I enjoy wandering around alone 1st thing in the morning.

RP with everyone (PC and NPC)

Sunday: Golem ruins (dealing with 2 arrow tossers, couple weapon stabbers, and being Dominated for the 1st time (yeah?))
Seeing the Bandit resurrect, and declaring how he's giving up trying to do any kind of honest banditry here in the valley.

Walking around looking for adventure with Flynn and Amara. "We can't find Zeth anywhere, and Bowie's not in town. Fine then, we don't need a healer."
Flynn is Lukes favorite adventuring companion. We walked around the woods to find that the icy winds had totaly trashed the crap out of the forest. Mother nature is scary.

Killing giant rats we're supposed to be saving and promising not to tell anybody about it. "It was either us or them. I like us more."

Being hit with a Halucinate during the big mushroom mod Saturday night and RPing it. Everybody turning into animals in front of Luke was entertaining for me at least, and I got to give animals
to everybody.