Event Favorites


-All the new NPC's!
-All the new PC's!
-Great roleplay with the aforementioned NPC's and PC's.
-Elder Osmond asking the gravedigger to kill Sam. You are a cold hearted, luscious, bastard, Jimmy.
-Scree trying to lure children with candy.
-Going on a mod, despite having no really useful skills. Sipping a drink and taking notes as a PC dropped.
-The Tavern. Can't be said enough, the Deco team really outdid themselves.

-The aftermath of Sam throwing Necro, particularly Daylen jumping in to reassure Toland at the slightest hint of "We all share responsibility for not stopping the abuse".

-Watching & participating in the growth of relationships between NPCs and PCs. The new NPCs were great about setting up relationships, and watching some PCs becoming "real" Tarndalians makes me happy inside (I'm looking at you, Garrick/Dave).

-Awesome magic and morals conversations with Prashka and Alavatar.

-The NPC food was delicious, thank you so much Gabe!

-The Tribunal and aftermath. The PCs who stormed out, those who argued, the NPCs who were rooting for Rufus. Extra props to Joe ( Bhaskara) for breaking the martini glass. The full force of "Wow, we have no good option here" was brilliant, great props to everyone for really playing their characters to the fullest.

-Watching all the new NPCs jump in, grab cards, grab garb and really outdo themselves. Everyone really gave it their all.

So many more, this was just such a fantastic event all around.
The event was great. Too many to list. But here are a few off the top of my head:
-Having Rufus become a pariah in many PC's eyes.
-Bhaskara's rage quit at the tribunal and the tribunal in general. There was so much rage quitting.
-The Rufus vs. Sam face off and the tragedy that followed.
-Getting to play Blue Eyes again and getting to face off with Avaran. That was enough slays to bail.
-Running the page mod and getting killed by pure adorable.
-All the new people.
-Deco team for the win.
-Fighting alongside the PCs as the Chief on that nasty skree mod.
-Calling Poxy a blood drinking krytid, calling Daylenn a bad father, and calling the Andarians no better than the corrupt... Rufus is seriously going to get killed soon... Mad props to everyone for keeping it all IG. Ron still loves you.
-The rest of the plot team for being great, especially Jimmy. Seriously even removing an organ can't keep Jimmy from being luscious.
-Brian for stepping up last minute to help
What an awesome time! My favorites:

- The Page Mod!!!!! Being killed by cute was awesome. Thank you to all the parents for hanging back and providing guidance and being cool with us for doing something unusual. On that note I want to thank all of the Page Handlers who tried to make sure these guys could get as involved as possible. The Page Mod came about because people who don't even have children came up to Monster Camp and asked if there was something we could do for only Pages. I also saw several people in other combats who would specifically look for pages to do healing or spell shields or magic armors, even if they could already do it themselves.
- Singing cradle songs to Sam on the night of his fall and choking back tears when he asked if it would hurt when they killed him.
- Playing a Skree in love...then playing a gypsy cursed to honesty Skree in love. Whose idea was this anyway?
- A huge thank you to all of the new NPCs for picking up some difficult cards and making remarkably improvements every time they played the same creature. Also for coming in as new Townie's and keeping up with all of the background stories of townie's who were already in place.
- I loved seeing so many new PC's as well. I hope they come back and look forward to getting to do more RP with them next time.
-Staying in the town guard cabin and Hugh running in to yell help. Not something I ever wanted hear. As well as it bringing a lot of new people together.
- Gypsy mod was awesome! Toady also hilarious and fun to RP with.
- Being loved by a skree! It almost made me want to be nice to that one skree. If only the love would last. Made PCs never want to marry Taliya. As well as the drawing of a stick skree.
- Had great revelations about Teth, Alavatar, and nobles.
- Saturday Mods were intense.
- Yames and his "Welcome to Andar"
- So many good townies!
So much stuff to do this weekend, so little time and so much more to do! Overall a really good event; good times! Looking forward to November.

--All of the new people on both sides of the fence.
--Lots of RP (nearly all with PC's)
--The colossal clustermug* that was Sam and Rufus; Gabe and all of the townies were amazing!
--Jimmy rolling with being rolled; thank you for going with that, much appreciated.
--The Corrupt mod Friday night
--Nearly getting old Blue Eyes again, darn spirit recalls; at least we got the golem!
--Making one of the Orange eye'd ones spirit recall away too, but blowing all of my one-shots to do it. Totally worth it.
--Having yet another reason to be proud of Hugh.
--The town guard -- those guys are awesome!
--Having to make some tough choices and some easy ones. Mostly easy ones.
--The Tribunal was great fun for Adam! Yet another clustermug* for Sir Avaran.
--Sitting in on Rufus' and The Elders talk Friday night and almost being hopeful for Rufus.
--Avaran's chat with Hugh on Sunday.
--Getting to see some other PC's true colors on Sunday....Tsk, tsk, tsk.
--The vision with Prashka, Yames, and Alavatar; those three in general.
--Finding a good home for the head piece
--The poker game I sat in on, even if there were wild cards...

*If you get that reference, you win 500 nerd points.
Sweet gods above, there were so many great and shocking moments...

Everything Sam-related... Samuel Fireheart, previously Samuel Mercator, I will miss you.
-The fight with Rufus and how a handful of people tried to stop it while the rest watched the Jerry Springer: Tarndale Edition moment -- the shock and awe of getting pushed down and slapped really ran the emotions hard too.
-The incredibly touching moment when Bree was singing to Sam... totally made me cry even harder. I wonder who else saw it...
-Getting ready to play Sam before the Tribunal and Amy was already acting the part of Marla offscreen lol Oh Amy...
-The tribunal... wow... so many envelopes pushed everywhere, so much anger, so many tears... Totally took place in my memory as my current favorite scene of all time... I really wanted to know what everyone thought and felt at every moment and every line.
-Having the black bead pulled... I really liked Sam...
-Hearing Rufus bargain with everyone as I walked out of the Earth Guild out of game to put Sam's body back in its place
-Getting to play Weekend at Sammy's for the next thirty minutes or so. Being a dead body is entertaining, you get to hear awesome things, but it's really hard to keep breathing shallow enough to be a dead body...
-Getting to turn the most dysfunctional family in Tarndale into a Independence Day / 2012 / Day After Tomorrow return to love story over the death of their son -- I hope the family stays on the positive growth direction after this
I think this sums it up the most:

As Darien:
-Learning how to dodge... err... get out of the way of packets with Polare
-Getting the drop on a small group of foxes with a sneak up close and a quick magic storm. Payback is awesome.
-Holding the line against the Draxians and corrupt long enough for backup to seriously come up -- felt really epic
-Being on the corrupt mod and feeling like there were real large scale tactical fights in Seattle after all... really awesome, seriously.

Oh yeah and getting covered in Skree. Thanks Ron. I will be sending the Losua a drycleaning bill.
This event has taken the place of best event ever in my book, no question. Some of the highlights:

-The Elryon Feud. Oh man. Just...oh man.
-Actually making progress on the stupid language to the point that I can recognize and read some of it (and dream in it)
-All of the crazy visions. They were pretty amazing. Special props to Matt and Carmen for helping with those and giving us so much information.
-There was so much astronomy!!! Barbara was so happy!
-Gypsy mod! It was so awesome to finally see this story line progress. :)
-GYPSIES. You all were so awesome. I love every one of you!
-Conversing with Toland about why having us take control of the Draxian and using them against the Corrupt is completely out of the question before the Tribunal, and then having Toland come up afterwards and say something along the lines of, "we will free the Draxian and let them go."
-The page army of healing awesome. It was nice to have a whole slew of them standing behind us ready to pop in and get us more magic armours and the like
-The night mod where we retrieved the top of the sceptre or wand or whatever. So much efficiency!
-Alavatar and Yames.
-Watching Rufus spur Sam into casting Necromancy. So many emotions, and so much resignation.
-Yames and his "Welcome to Andar" comment. And then getting yelled at by Rufus for laughing when he told me.
-Sam. The whole Tribunal and failed resurrection scene was one of the most powerful I have ever experienced. I will definitely remember it for a very long time.
-The Skree at the very end who tagged me with 3 assassinates. First time I've ever had to use a dodge, and one of the top three "I am in SO MUCH TROUBLE!" moments I've ever had. Win!

And so much more! Such an awesome event. Thanks to everyone for making it so special!
He he he... I R KING SKREE!


- On the Skeleton Mod, whoever popped out of protect the page duty as I was hurting the little dark elf page, batted my weapon down and yelled "NOT TODAY SUNSHINE!" You seriously made my night.
- To the guy who plays Chicken Leg Jack (sorry, I'm so bad with names), thank you for being so cool about being Skraptured.
- On the Sunday Skree mod, going out to one on one with the big guy in red and realizing "in character" that the prisoner thing was actually a duel. Oh the hilarity!
- To the new female dwarf player. You've made Aaron Miller really respect the martial adventurers. They're the ones who really seemed to go out of their way to help with his rat problem. :)
- To Poxy: Thank you for giving me and my wife's NPCs someone to hate. Those things go a long long way towards a believable character.
- To the gent in the green breastplate and Alashtar, Alvatar... the tall guy with the warpaint and weird eye contacts... the fox fight with you two in the door was great, thank you for letting us play with your stuff on the picnic table.
- To the group we found just outside monster camp with all the pages. I'm SO glad you guys played it up, ran and all were safe. It was a great fight and you played it up PERFECTLY.

It was my first event and the BEST RP experience I've EVER had. Hope to see what life is like on the other side at the Oregon event coming up.
Hehehe yeah, Mrs Miller is very much not a fan of Poxy. Probably shouldn't have told her you drink blood. :P

What a great event! I had fun NPCing, and that's rare for me! I used to be in a smaller larp like Alliance when I was in my early 20's, and NPCing was never this fun! Especially since I wasn't playing anything really special. Mostly crunchies and my Townie, who in the grand scheme of things, wasn't that important. But you guys interacting with her, making her evolve into a busy body old bint, THAT WAS AWESOME! I didn't feel particularly inspired when I first got the couple lines that described Mrs. Miller. But thanks to interacting with you, she now has a fully fleshed out personality and everything. :)

And I had too much fun playing the Draxian on sat night. I broke myself a little doing it. BUT OH MAN I EARNED THAT PAIN! :D
1. The fight in the tavern with the Draxian was intense. I'm a completely new player and I got caught up in the action with some of the enemies swinging for 27 and 90 Slays! I can't even take a single one of those blows! I made myself useful by carrying downed players to the healers and by herding the pages out of the tavern. Watching so many high level players and monsters duke it out was incredible.
2. Watching the events unfold in the tavern during and after the Tribunal. Rufus is either going to end up becoming an exemplar of the community or turning to necromancy himself. Amy's banshee wail from inside the Earth Guild when Sam failed to resurrect sent a chill down my spine. Gerrick's roleplay afterward on the trail leading to the tavern was very moving.
3. Having never seen a large LARP battle before, the fight in the main field with the Corrupt was just crazy to watch, I don't know how you guys keep all of the spells, damage and effects in your head without going crazy. The colored eyes are a great mood setter!
4. The fight at the graveyard was very satisfying. The pages were healing, the fighters fighting. Whoever was playing the big zombie/skeleton with the two-handed sword -- you were a handful. I swear I fought you three different times after you rose again and again.
5. It may seem little but the RP between all of the Brotherhood of the Stars members including the bickering was very good and seeing it so early really helped set the mood for me for the rest of the event. Thank you!
Glad to help, Aaron Miller! Or as Pasca would say, I'm thrilled to have been of service. :)

I really appreciate how helpful and patient everyone was with me. Logistics on Saturday allowed me come back not twice but THRICE! I'm figuring it out...

My favorite single moment, oddly enough, was when Aiken announced he was going to get something to eat, in his drawn-out Dryad drawl. Someone at the table asked "What do you like to eat?" We had just been drilling him about Dryad life. Aiken pondered the question and in the same super-slow speech, answered "Sand-wich." Deliberately nodded and moved off. It was hysterical.
Oh man where to start?
-First, all the RP. The great conversations as Adelle with Garrick about Earth magic, getting experimented on by Bhaskara, with Toland and Alavatar about Celestial magic. The compassion of Garrick and Bashkara after hearing.
-Roleplaying between the Skree and the PCs at the tree ritual, "That's his favorite tree!" "Do you have that in writing?" "Hey kid, want to be a Skree?"
-Second, all the pages. I loved being the Page Piper and hooking the pages to their very own mod.
-Third, the tribunal of course. Watching Absilon and Bhaskara rage quit the tavern. Getting a feel for how my townie felt about this event and the adventures.
So, first off, thanks to all the PCs, and all our new NPCs.

Onto my favorites:

-Ron, Ron, Ron.... And Brian. You two have unintentionally messed Julia's whole world up. And all hopes of making up with a childhood friend (Sam, for those who don't know) are officially completely crushed. "Get out of here, home-wrecker!"

- Getting Elryon to apologize. I win. :)


-Chasing Daylynn up and down the back trails as Skree trying to take him on, and the grin on his face as we pause and say, "Let's get him, he's got to be almost down." You, sir, are fast.

-Corrupting on Saturday. Two words: Frakking Rebirth.

-wanting the children as Skree. "Pretty flower for a pretty lady? You need flowers. Kids, too. Kids need flowers."

-The poker game. Polare.... worst loser ever. :P
-All the fresh faces. Feels good that we keep growing and putting out quality.

-Sam...man, I was crushed.

-Graveyard mod. Trying to organize people somewhat and getting them to press and take out the person raising them. It was fun to play defensive, barking orders, and pushing some tactics on group work.

-Draxian overrun. 2 doors busting open and my mouth opens up to 'Oh balls'. Trying to buy people time to get out and realizing we were pretty screwed.

-bringing in the new group of people, taking people down to cabins, and putting up some new folk. Swift showing up later going, 'Who are these people?'