Event quotes (April)


"No one wants to tell the story because... we lost. We saved the town but we lost the world." - Kauss

"That's it, if I get attacked again on this trail I'm hitting them with my bottle!" - Zane

Brewer and friend, as hobling marauders, encounter the Undead Trail Bandits
JP, as Skeleton: "Our hunting spot... go away."
OOG Brewer: "What do I see?"
OOG JP: "Skeletal figure"
Brewer, as Hobling: "Okay...." (whispered) "Run.... run.... run...."
Nate, as Undead Baddie: "What were they?"
OOG JP: "Oh yeah, hey, Brewer... what do I see?"
OOG Brewer: "Hobling"
Holly's Skeleton, as Nate and JP look at each other: "Shouldn't we kill those?"
Brewer: "RUN!!!!!!!!"
My favorite was the ultra pathetic squawking of Holly on Sunday as the pinned Harpy was told to "follow me."

I'm sitting there and thinking, "I know I should be offended by this, but it's just too, damn, FUNNY!"

A hoard of zombies shambling towards theri victims, moaning "Brains... Brains... Brains..." One mutters a little more quietly, "pineapple..."

No, this didn't actually happen in game. I was merely joking around with another NPC out of game, after a great zombie battle, when he tells me his idea. I don't think I'll ever attempt this in game, because I just can't see myself doing it without cracking up. Poorly supressed laughter would ruin the joke.

My other favorite quote, as I mentioned in closing ceremony:
Vanyel: There's gullible written on your sword
Kasuni: *looking at sword* "Nuh uh!"
Vanyel & Alabaster: *hysterical laughter*

v.v There wasn't gullible written on the sword v.v Sad
OOG Becca: emily do you know where your character card is?

OOG Emily: ya its right... (looks through bag..)

OOG Becca: You rift out 1.. you rift out 2.. you rift out 3..

Alabaster: just when i thought she couldnt get any wierder...
"YOUR GOING IN THE BAG!" -Zane (how could no one say that?)

"Watch out the window is gonna get ya!"

"Chum....chum....chum...chum" -Zane


I cant remember all of them but these are just the ones on the top of my head.
Eli: 2-Earth
<sorry I can't remember your name> : Magic Armor... Damnit Eli!!


Eli:With mystic force I disarm your Eli
<Again... can't remember your name> : Spell sheild, Stop blowing my protectives! :(

Hehehe... What a great time... and the "Your goin' in the bag" was damn awesome aswell
sitting in the house and from far off i can here "YOUR GOING IN THE BAG"

and i loved story time saturday night even if we were up really late! i spent the majority of sotry time rolling around with tears running down my face i was laughing so hard.
All's well in monster camp. . . silence. . . then screams. . . shouting, combat, things go silent again. . . more screams. . . combat. . . silence. . . screaming. . .

Ah I love the undead. "Ninja Vanish!"

"Bring your shins over here so I can kick them without moving"
"I'll kick your *** and leave hoofprints!"
"amber, don't be stupid"
I loved story time to hear of the havock wrecked in other chapters. Plus there are few things that make me happier than to talk endlessly about nero times.

Here are a few I really liked.

"Are they always like this?" me talking about the undead in the tavern...
"*sigh* I'm not allowed to say" undead at the door

"that was when I lost the first shoe..." story time... i don't know who

"Did you leave yourself in your other pants?" Aaron yelling at me for forgetting my character card.


ps thank you to all whom have sent me mail complementing the story. It is a retold master peice from a long time player of nero. I have many more and can't wait to share them... though hopefully I will have the restraint to do it only when asked........ :D
Alabaster said:
OOG Becca: emily do you know where your character card is?

OOG Emily: ya its right... (looks through bag..)

OOG Becca: You rift out 1.. you rift out 2.. you rift out 3..

Alabaster: just when i thought she couldnt get any wierder...

I can get even weirder than that XD muahaha!
Tom said:
A hoard of zombies shambling towards theri victims, moaning "Brains... Brains... Brains..." One mutters a little more quietly, "pineapple..."

No, this didn't actually happen in game. I was merely joking around with another NPC out of game, after a great zombie battle, when he tells me his idea. I don't think I'll ever attempt this in game, because I just can't see myself doing it without cracking up. Poorly supressed laughter would ruin the joke.

Oh really? You doubt me?
The same words that everyone told Aeris throughout that whole event...they were such cool words.

"This is all you're fault"

"I trusted you"

And this is one of the best ones...

"I still trust you" - D
Nate said:
Oh really? You doubt me?

'Scuse? I don't quite follow you there. What do I doubt about you?