Event Review: Ale's Well That Ends Well

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I hope that everyone enjoyed the final tavern night of Winter 2015/2016! Remember to get those IBGA's in! :)
Now it means that it's that time again to ask for your thoughts on the event!

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews get you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Review for Ruki/Randy!

1. So many! This event was so much fun. Chelsea thinking I was her husband, getting protection from The Irregulars, Tengu keeping me on my toes, my IBGA events having consequence/showing up in game...all great. But I think the best part, for me, was the last mod of the night (my first ever mod :D). Infiltrating the sect meeting with the other non-Breachers was so cool...and then attacking everyone in the tavern and turning that into a massive fight? Awesome. The best way to learn combat is definitely to jump in the deep end....

2. I feel like there were a few lulls throughout the night. But I understand that was from the timing being off from mods and such? Also, the lack of music this time (but apparently the speakers were unavailable). And somethign that has nothing to do with anything...my shoes. Playing in a pair of shoes too small? PAINFUL. Never doing that again.

3. More mods! That was so much fun. From walking and getting the description to the event to the combat, the whole package was amazing and a highlight of the night.

Also, the reverse threshhold? That's great for the newbie players...there are so many of us now.

"Oh, Kenneth! It is you!"

"Uhhh....nope. Wrong guy, not your husband!"

"But Kenneth, it is you!"

*repeat this for a few minutes...have it be revealed that Kenneth has a mole on his left buttcheek. Gets dragged to the backroom with the NPCs, Aizer and Siegart to drop my pants....*
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Favourite moment:
The role playing people did. like when Briony was scarred and yelled "Jesus, I mean random person." or Chris' characters drunkenly stumbling out of the way of an awaken being tossed his way, or Kennith's wife showing up looking for her lost husband. There were a lot of fun moments this month.

Least favourite moment:
To fill the gaps between events I tried some gambling. The games were fun but the way my luck was working out I won every practice match and lost every time I played for money. I felt hustled though I am sure I just had bad luck.

Like to see more of:
I little more combat. As a new player I am still getting used to combat. a bit more in-game practice wouldn't hurt.

A moment from my characters perspective:
In on of the rooms in the bar.
"you are all on trial for the murder of ( for the life of me I cannot remember his name right now so I am going to call him Bob.) Bob."
In my mind thoughts were racing. what did I get myself into. I only seen Bob for 5 minutes about a month ago, am I going to be executed? am I going to be locked away for the rest of my life? Will I never get to go swimming again?
A few minutes later Master Quynn walks in and says we she needs me, Xemot and Ruellia for a mission that we were briefed on earlier in the night. Now we head off to infiltrate the Sect meeting. at the end of the meeting we end up headed back to the tavern to fight against the people there in the name of Alzol. My mind races again. I am on trial for murder and now I am going to be on trial for treason. How am I going to survive this?
1. Post your favorite moments
Well the whole event was good in my eyes. I was happy to see more happening for the new players like ruki getting to evesdrop in an ibga and getting good Intel on happenings and even other players he didn't even know, lol, or the infiltration mission being dubbed as new player thing since everyone else is too known by either reputation or guild. RP was all around great I had more time too actually sit and chat with/meet new people which is great.
And yes I had a GREAT time with my RP in the ... her house? Is that what it was called? Ya there was alot of ladies in there, her house sounds right.
Oh and getting to see Wheatly try and fight was hilarious.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
.... I don't ever want to see page 7 AGAIN

3. What you would like to see more of
Props, extra walls and the back storage room used by npcs to hide or enter was awsome. More of that

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
'Ok. Jax say ve go deal vith pimp. Pimp bad. Make girls slaves. So pimp mean slave.'

Travel time

' Ok. Ve here. Goin in. Gunna get dis bad gu..GAAWWWAAA!! Vhat happnin? Why dem vearin no clothes? Vhat dat goblin do to dat guy looks like sarryn? (lol) Huh? Go up stairs? Vhy? BLLAGGHHH!'
Stig hears Jax come around a corner saying something about 'HE' went to sleep.
' oh. Ok. Ve done now. Ve can go. YES? Time to go. Time to go. LOOK. DOOR. Go now go now. Ve going? Vhy everyone talking? Why goblin come over? AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! DOOR.GO.DOOR.GO'

1. Post your favorite moments
It was an emotional roller coaster for Briony this month. The Irregulars are doing great but now her people are in trouble. Briony finally got to cut off the head of the person she's been wanting to decapitate for nearly 2 months. It came at a price and she's worried there may be a price for it later as well.
So many feels.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I can't think of anything

3. What you would like to see more of
Love the fish bowls and the rp heavy mods

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Count Wheatley stepped between Briony and her prey. "Don't kill her!"

Briony bristled. She could hear the midwife weeping bitterly behind her, over the body of the slain child, could hear the refugees gasping. "I will have her head!" the woman yelled, forgetting for the moment that this man she was screaming at could well have her put to death. "I want her head!"

The count held out placating hands. "Let us question her first. And then, maybe, you can kill her."

"Fine." She all but spat the word and, as the men began their questioning, Briony began to pace, waiting for her chance to unleash a fury that had been long building inside of her, the anger of a woman raised among the peasants and the people of the streets, the anger of the child she once was being told that because of who she was born as, she had few options in life. She was not vermin. These people were not vermin. Days like these she gladly embraced her family name of Cannis. Let the blood run.

Wheatley stood, pale, drawn, looking defeated. With a sigh, the sound of hope leaving him, he nodded to Briony. "Kill her."

He was distraught, the mercenary barely noticed. She stomped her way to the woman sitting on the dirty street, her fine clothing disheveled, her face turned up in disgust. Wrath, well named in this instance, swung down in a swift and clean swoop, ending the woman's life and Briony turned cold, stoic almost as she removed the head from the lifeless corpse. She grabbed it by its hair and held it. "I will do it anonymously, but I'm putting her head up on a pike somewhere."

And another argument was struck.
1. Went on a mod. Yey. For the first time! Hell yeah! Master Quynn's experiments talk (so sorry, Æzir ^_^)
2. Reverse threshhold caught me unawares. Didn't expect to hit it with fours and spent half the fight dumbfounded. Not sure if requires fixing - maybe will learn to see it coming with more experience.
3. More mods (yeah like that's happening), more fishbowls (doesn't hurt to ask), more magic items (guess "more mods" covers that)... Guess I don't have no constructive criticism o_O
4. "...worse case scenario, I should be able to reverse the curse, but for that we might need to break every bone in his body. Would you like to watch, dear?" - Quynn looked at a girl at her table with a sly smile. The smile changed to a look of mild surprise at the response of "Sure, I'd love to". Cyrill raised his hand from across the table - "Er... Would it be a bother were I to join you as well, master Quynn? I'm pretty handy with a scalpel..."
First Review from Arlyne/Liz :)
1. Post your favorite moments
Quite a few!
~The licking of the frog
~Xamot refusing to pay money for something for good luck. Said it was waste of money and the NPC (Rachel) proceeded to rip him a new one. He just kept egging her on.
~Ruki getting into some tense moments with being mistakenly known as "Kenneth"
~Seeing the general flow of how a tavern is run This is my first event (ever!) and I thoroughly enjoyed it
~General role play. It was great!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
~I would agree with Ruki, there are some moments where it felt like we were just waiting around.
~This is moreso for myself, but learning more abilities.

3. What you would like to see more of

Not sure yet! We'll see in the next event

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

~I keep losing my daggers, dammit
~I forgot the name of the character, but he was the general of the guards and he was trying to recruit me and Xamot. When he came to ask me why I have not yet joined, I just laughed it off. To which he says, "This is no laughing matter" or to that effect. And I just kept laughing... (sorry my memory is horrible- Dayna was the one that I was having the conversation with)
~Getting hit by Scarlett when I was on the same team in the end fight. I gave him the dirtiest look. I didnt mean to!
1. Post your favorite moments
I had a lot of great moments this month, from meeting so many new characters to tying 6 people to horses naked and parading them through the streets, there was a lot of fun to be had at this event and I loved it :D

Originally I thought about posting this in my less fav moments, but I think this has actually been some great character development for me. The last six months or so Siegart has had a lot of issues with gypsy's and I'm really glad that over this winter not only has roleplay been able to reconcile that but it's actually had him come to understand them as a race more. This event however I have found a new enemy from two instances of the human justice system, Siegart understands that we live in a human kingdom however he still can't understand how or why the human's came to power when they seem to be so naive about what justice pertains to.

I can't wait to see how this develops in the future!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
T'weren't nurthin. Loved it all :)

3. What you would like to see more of

Inter-character roleplay. LARP is like an inside joke, the more people that are involved and invested in roleplaying, the better it is! I would say for the new people, now that you've had a few sessions under your belt, start thinking about your characters history, why they are where they are and how they would react to some of the in-game storyline that goes on.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
-REDACTED- (Just realized what I was going to post isn't for public eyes, hahaha!)
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
-REDACTED- (Just realized what I was going to post isn't for public eyes, hahaha!)

Gotta keep the secrets a secret!
1. Post your favorite moments
Feeling useful in the end battle,even if I was just repairing armor.
Haveing some issues come up due to IBGA that may become opportunities.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
From my characters perspective the above IBGA issues sucked, but as a player didn't have any least favorite moments

3. What you would like to see more of
I love how the stories are coming along.
More RP!

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

"For Alzoon!" A mob shouted as they entered the tavern interrupting the trial. 'Crap' I thought as I drew my blade, 'what to do, what to do?' I decided to protect Countess Kalstacks and saw that she was trying to be ushered out of the tavern to safety so I provided an extra blade to block incoming attacks.
'Great, now that that's done I should help on the line.' That was short lived after seeing someone that looked like he could break through my sturdy armor in just a few hits (Abe swinging for 13)
"Triage in the corner!" I heard the former fatespinner shout and decided to put my blacksmithing skills to use.
1. Post your favorite moments
- the usual, lots of RP and I loved it.
- the small advance I made in expanding the outfitters.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- Not realizing that Lisa was on our side and hitting her lol.
- Getting messed with all night by Azier. (you're a **** btw's)

3. What you would like to see more of
Would like the music back when the speakers are fixed :)

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Tengu knocked an arrow in dark wing and handed it to Scarlet. Scarlet looked the weapon up and down. "Wow, this is the first time I've held this since I made the full thing, I don't remember it being so big."

Tengu returned the joke with his usual stoic face "It had a growth spurt" he said sarcastically. "Alright, so just pull back and fire at that stone wall." he said, pointing at the wall in front of them. "That way you won't hurt anyone."

Scarlet lifted the bow with all of his might. "Sure thing" he said as he pulled the string back, not really aiming at anything in particular. The bow made a twang noise and the arrow made a fwoosh before it crashed through the stone wall. "I-... it went straight through!" he exclaimed.

Tengu looked shocked but said nothing.

"wow" Scarlet said as he examined the bow again. "I can't wait to make my own one of these!" he said as he handed the bow back to tengu

Player number: 150
character name: Scarlet
IRL name: Logan-Thomas Stevenson
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