Event Review: Back to the Ogre's Head

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Hey Folks!

Our first tavern night is in the books for the season. Please post below:

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Well, that was an interesting evening. ^_^

  1. For starters, that was the biggest gathering of Arcane Sanctum members I've ever seen, and it was great to see us working together. Also, I very much enjoyed seeing the stories unfold from multiple Plot contributors (shout out to both Liz and Nichole for putting the RP back in LARP) and watching the Snob Biata sow chaos. Roleplaying with Liz, Chelsea, and Cory was especially fun.

  2. Strangely, as powerful as it was (and however much I enjoyed the alarmed stares from the tavern) I found playing in the Golem Posse to be challenging from a number of perspectives. Golems are obviously a major unbalancing force game-wise, and it's very hard to keep all of our abilities straight. And because of the nature of the situation (Arcane Sanctum quest, Golem power gap, limited circle of power) I felt like we ended up excluding a majority of the players from some significant plot developments. I don't think it's up to Plot to fix it, but I'm certain there were a number of folks thinking "WTF just happened?" on at least one occasion. And we didn't really fill anybody in.

  3. I definitely enjoy having several plot arcs (mods)running in parallel, with all sorts of opportunity for roleplay and overlap. Keep the cross-storyline interaction coming! It's a great way for various groups of PCs on their own missions to come together (or sometimes be at cross purposes!) Having one group's actions affect everyone is scary but exciting. It adds accountability.

  4. "You're mine now, my thrall." I'm looking into the soulless eyes of the witch Karavale herself, and I feel my mind begin to slip away. A warning pulse on my wrist yanks me back to consciousness and I begin to fight back, glaring into her face as behind me the young Helena begins to wail in terror. The world fades from view and our egos lock in silent struggle for an aeon stretching out over mere seconds. My grim sneer of triumph breaks the stalemate-- I have help, this time.

    I wrench the door open and shout as I retreat, "KARAVALE IS HERE!" Expecting an onslaught, I prepare my mana but find no one following me. Racing back, I see the witch's shadowy form and send fire, but the moment is over: she has escaped yet again. I put a protective arm over our rescued charge, tragically unaware that Helena's doomed fate has already been written.

Evo Escariot
Lore Teacher, Ecthroxenologist
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1. Post your favorite moments
- Creating an Earth Circle just to clear it out of my Spell Store to make room for a Life Spell, and then having undead come through the walls a few minutes later. As a result I was able to offer the Countess shelter when she was bitten, and lend my Earth Blade to our newest member of the Circle so she might face the undead with a worthwhile weapon. Combined with having a couple of Destroy Undead castings actually work, was a great feeling! <grin> Actually got to do something worthwhile other than being a walking healing potion!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Looking around our group an realizing how poorly chosen our group was to entertain a spirit that would not release us until we did! Thank goodness for Third and his ability with riddles! Shocking to realize none of us even knew all the words to Jingle Bells! <blush!> Thank you NPC to getting us through that!

3. What you would like to see more of
Deeper RP like that was had with all the High Blood Biata. Some NPC and some not, but none seems to be just a hook, or there just to make a brief plot point and leave. Since more than half of those were PC's "maybe" the quality of the RP is up to us! <grin> Shocking! But the NPCs did a great job of stirring the pot to get us started.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Nodding to the three High Bloods, Isawda responded as patiently as he could.

"I agree that the Stone should be a Biata matter, and that sitting in the Breach is hardly where it would seem to belong. However, if you wish it moved I suggest you seek the Stone, and perhaps consult with the Golden Gryphon. They both have indicated that, for the moment, that is where the Stone should be."

"As for the "lower" races that cause you such discomfort by being able to see and approach the Stone. They have risked, and in some cases lost, their lives to rescue the Stone. I would respectfully (barely) suggest that only those who have done as much speak to the quality of their courage, and the quality of their spirit."

"As to why I live among them, they have made me welcome, and defended me as I have defended them. They are in all important ways, family."

With a wry grin he admits "Not a family without scoundrels, but a family none the less."
1. Post your favorite moments
Having that many Arcane Sanctum members at event was awesome. Playing those golems was fun though they are overpowered a bit.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Don't have any

3. What you would like to see more of
Saving unexpected people during your mod

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Dont really have one
Sorry this is so late, but the holidays sort of ate my life this year...

My favourite moments were ( in no particular order): being told that Dru's mead was actually pretty good, comparing furs with the Biata boys, trying to get the name of Sam's character (aka Surly), realizing Nydranis (sp?) bought a wolf puppy, getting to talk with Malathon, the brief excitement of Karavale coming to the tavern, watching a grateful Magnus destroy the last of my chicken, chatting with Yetta about "professions", and going on the multi-pathed mod.

My less favourite moment was the last battle at the very end. There did not seem to be enough space between the tables for everyone to move smoothly, and a couple of times I stepped on a packet and almost lost my footing. I'm not sure what we could have done besides make the mod spade a bit smaller, since we did seem to have an epic turnout that night.

I would *love* (with hearts and flowers and a cherry on top) to see more of the choose your own adventure style mods. Also mods that can result in new plot, or character growth: my example being the wolf pup that Nydranis is now raising. (I inquired to plot if Drusilla could buy another one of them, and never really heard back.)

A moment as my character: The gentlemen were discussing fashion, and there seemed to be no harm in joining in, until he asked her whether the fur she wore was regular rabbit, or a kin. Kin looked just like big animals, and yet here they were treated like people, but it was wrong to kill people, wasn't it? But then the fur on that polar bear was so exquisite- "I-Uh, it- I-I-it-I-Uh... " she sputtered like a landed fish for a moment, blushing red and flailing slightly. Finally she regained some composure and managed to mime something small with both hands, "small, uh... regular.. " she managed to blurt out.
1. Post your favorite moments
Being back in the tavern where I walked in almost a year ago and first encountered many of the people I now call friends.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not really an issue but I was looking forward to gambling at the gaming table, now that i'm not a level one character with no money - but the gaming table was absent! (probably due to the volume of stuff going on and how busy everyone was, but maybe it will return another time...)

3. What you would like to see more of
The sudden burst of combat near the end and the ongoing 'honor' duels were awesome.
The availability of all sorts of random NPC's from lords and ladies to random people was great, made for a much more tavern atmosphere than I have seen previously (please remember I have only been to one other tavern before heading to the breach!)

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Fortunes, fortunes told one and all, I am so busy with them, that I had some people make an appointment for next time i'm in town...... is that an unliving coming right for me?......
1. Discussing research with everyone was pretty fun. Having another Tari Nor to talk with was also nice :)

2. Ican't think of any.

3. The more rp I get, the more I want

4. Kaja watched as Third approached the two incredibly rude Biata. She understood that, as non-Tari Nor, they probably couldn't help it, but she was willing to indulge her less mature side and watch her well-armoured friend try to rile the pair up. She, herself, had been having a few goes with them. She supposed she ought feel guilty for such juvenile behaviour on her part. She knew she was, as every one of her people, an unofficial ambassador of her people to the outside world, but she didn't deal well with bullies. Not since Kennedy. Not since she learned that there were those who would seek to bind her and that it wasn't all just stories told to keep children cautious.

Third was returning. She smiled a small, crooked smile. No luck then. Ah well, it was still early in the night.
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