1. Post your favorite moments
Orc Encampment Mod on Saturday. I really like how the field was used and the tents to actually feel like its an encampment. Ever since the dungeon run, I have been jonesing for more "mechanic" actions (the water balloons were really fun!)
Great RP conversation from Ruki and Evo on Saturday night
Watching the shield wall practice Saturday afternoon before the fight
Seeing Illandra!
Heading up a meeting with the leaders of the guilds to further plan out the Orc Encampment and to disseminate the information to the rest of the town.
Being nervous holding my first town hall meeting. In a good way

Fire giants! That's pretty cool seeing Cory and Brooke (and menacing at the same time!) 8ft-10ft high and just chucking spells as we got out of the cavern hallway.
I'll have to echo Randy with chasing after the Warchief that was going after the Strike Team. Just the adrenaline alone was an experience.
Seeing both new and old people come out! Welcome!
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Didn't go on a single mod this month. Mind you, I was busy with meetings and planning. I think this is more on me just not actively going out and searching for lairs and such.
I do agree with everyone with the Avantador fight Saturday night. I stopped going for the tail as it was harming another member of the team if they strayed too far.
3. What would you like to see more of
Obstacle course?
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Arlyne stands at the front of the hall, her heart pounding. People start trickling into the tavern, taking their seats, chatting nonchalantly, having a chuckle. This is something she is not accustomed to at all, being front and center of attention. She would rather be off to the side, supporting her comrades. It was a far cry from how she felt a few weeks ago almost setting the Arcane Sanctums' practice area on fire due to her inner rage. She slowly starts pacing, shaking the nervous jitters out of her arms. She looks down, thinking how shes going to do this by herself, then sees Illandra take a place by her side. Then Master Thistle. And finally, Commander Xamot. She exhales and smiles. It was a good feeling to have, to be supported by her friends. She sees Evo in the crowd and smiles nervously, then nods and clears her throat, "If I can get your attention please..."
5. Please add your thoughts on things we need to review for the 2.0 ruleset
I like the remove skill option