Event review for "Cold Spirits"

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Dramm a'dan

Post your review for a "Cold Spirits"
1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 gs, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Let's make those that missed the event jealous over how awesome it was!
This was my first event and all I can say is I will try to be at every event I possibly can. I was only in the Breach for 10-15 minutes and was already out fighting bears. shortly after that was on an adventure to the shadow realm. The emo fairy that we had to cheer up and give hope to was definitely a high light moments for me. The character was played well but was a total light funny moment. Another moment was the old stairway we had to cross or fall off blindfolded, and even though we all were blown up after all the work it was so much fun. The only consolation I heard about it was "welcome to the Breach.", totally awesome. There was a wedding but the funeral was epic. The entire ambiance, emotion and ceremony of the funeral were so well done it was damn near real. That brings me to the highly controversial meta game. Unfortunately Crow met his end and a lot of characters fell including myself, I also found it a good time. I actually had no idea what was going on but could attribute that to my own lack of diligence in not finding the posts that were around the area. Sunday I disappointed myself by sleeping in but arose to non stop battle, was sketchy just going to bathroom. The whole morning was just non stop combat ending in an epic battle, I think everyone was involved in it. After the battle there was a time to divide loot and rp my character. Sadly, the event ended. As luck would have it the weather was totally cooperative and I was never too cold. The lair that was set up inside was a positive and gave a warm area for mods. I was welcomed quite well and actually getting into the game was made comfortable and easy. Being my first event this is all I can say. I had an absolute blast and I am so glad I went. I hope to be at as many events as I can from here on out. Thank you to everyone who helped me and a giant thanks to the people who make this all possible.
Thank you so much,
Tim Quinlan (aka. Broderick)
1. My favorite moment was when I was charmed by a fairy to dance with him and I did my dance that scared him enough to charm me into going away.
2. My least fav moment was having everyone die and Crow perm :(
3. I would love to see more RP like we had this weekend. It was amazing to see everyone go the extra mile and have real feelings ingame
4. Walking to the top of the stairs Sarryn and the group lose their vision and all goes dark, Hammish says that he will be the first to transverse the stairs ahead of us. I decide I will go next trying to follow the sound of Hammish but little did I know that there was holes and no railings leading up, on my way up the stairs only a few steps I seemed to lose my footing and fell down a couple stories, I thought that eh how many times could this happen........ little did I know that it would take me around 8 times to get across even when I attempted to hurl my body up and across the stairs I still fell down and Hammish had just enough time to get a glimpse of me before I fell.

Sarryn (Anthony Percival)
1. Post your favorite moments
I love how much story and history we get from the bracelet mods. I loved that there was a chance for other Breachers to get involved. It's also nice to feel like I have some direct affect on story, even if it's only in a small way so far.
Though I'm not fond of -how- it happened, Crow's death and funeral led to some of the most intense and immersive rp I've had in this game. I was working up a sorrowful look and damp eyes as we stared into the fire, and then there was Stig, fire and embers blowing around him as he stared sternly into the fire. Everyone who was there added so much to the moment, so thank you. I play this game for the rp and that was a very rewarding, if incredibly weepy, moment for me.
I enjoyed getting a gypsy curse. I was sad that, due to the nature of my character, I never got a chance to actually play it out. It's so very rare that Kaja loots anything.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I know there was a lot of discussion about this. The pvp insta-mod was...not as well handled as it could have been, I feel. I was initially excited about it, thinking it would be a really great, but probably quick, moment of confusion and conflict and would then lead to this awesome rallying and trying to figure out what happened. But then it just seemed to never end and there were more and more bodies on the ground that we couldn't help. There was confusion about how it should be played out and it happened so late that by the end of it, most folk went to bed. And, though I understand it was meant as a set-up, I feel like we weren't given enough to really go off of. The illithid and his minions vanished long before the whole thing played through, there were no clues left behind and, I at least, didn't get to witness much of its actions due to being too caught up in hand shaking. Any potential witnesses were being accosted and so the chance to be observant was minimal or taken from us. I get that pcs can't always have their hands held, but with so little given to us but violence and in game anguish, on top of the multiple other large, more prominent storylines that currently involve the Breach, I feel like there was no hook, or that it was so tiny that it took our oog discussion of the matter to get people to even see it.

3. What you would like to see more of
I love the intense rp and would to see more of that. (though maybe we could try emotions other than sorrowful ;) )

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
An expectant look was on the faces of the men who called her name. "Kaja, there's a slaver outside," Hamish turned to lead the way outside
"What?!" The Tari-nor shot up out of her seat, asking Morrigan to excuse her. As she walked to the entrance of the tavern, Third pointed out the slaver's wanted poster.
An icy finger ran down Kaja's spine. We have nothing but our own selves. Anyone who profitted, indeed made a living, by removing the agency of others, they were the worst of the worst. They were the waste of the land. In selling others, they sold their own worth.
Outside, Kaja attempted to pin the Orc as Hamish circled around to arrest him. If he cannot run, justice will be meted out. And then the silly thing requested trial by combat with Hamish. "Good." A smile almost tugged at Kaja's lips. A cold thing. Hamish was a strong fighter, the orc would die.
And when he did, she was gifted the final blow. And it was with immense gratification that she sent the Orc's spirit off. She hoped there was no one in his chosen circle to receive him. She hoped his life could haunt him as he waited for his body to be returned to him. She hoped that the pain he felt would be enough to reform him.
1. Loved every bit of this event. I haLimited intense RP then i thought i would ever get as a simple talking fighter Barbarian. Two awesome moments with crow at the fire made for two awesome late nights. Don't get me wrong the funeral/death of crow in essence was the last thing i ever wanted to do in this game, and the fact that my chacters MAIN REASON for existing in the lands we act out this fantasy life has been extinguished and he has no purpose (for now ;) )i still had a great time because i can now create an entirely new path for Stig.

2. Dislikes? Improvements? Not to sure. Yes ill agree the PC vs PC saturday could have been a bit more controled but i do uderstand that there was reason too it (Stig is currently actions due to the chaos) and it wasnt just "hey lets make em all die". Chaos brings confussion but if you think past it there is a plan.

3. more crossover mods. Like haveing the iron root mod spill into the breach and others a chance to join for a time. Also would love to see more communication between the PCs on things happening. Some groups tend to keep info to themselves that could be very usefull elsewhere.

4. Stig stand over his cousins lifeless body. Anger burning inside. He cant comprehend the words around him, just that there are voices. he can tell that his brothers are around him and it take everything in him to muster the words
"bruders start pyre"
He sees the bodies move to start it for him. He waits. The leading bloodline of KARR THUL is now gone. He can not wear the tribes name upon himself anymore. He removes it and carries the body to the pyre. angain he waits, he waits until the pyre is grown enough so its heat over powers that wich burns within him...

Scott patridge
Stigandr Raskülf
1. Post your favorite moments
The overall murder mystery was cool, I enjoyed the fact that literally anyone could have done it, then it turned out that everyone did do it! fighting the entire adventuring group of NPC's in the dark and snow was awesome (except for my very early termination, but I landed on Eric's cloak on the snow and it was nice and warm, till Crow healed me)
Myself, Tim (new elf) and John (Bard) were seemingly the only ones still up and unaffected by the Mind Flayer Mod and as we began trying to assist those cut down, the overwhelming number of hands being pushed in our faces "SHAKE MY HAND" were disturbing, it was a true 'bodysnatchers' moment and actually scary for us, the idea of not shaking Magnus's hand correctly and fighting him had all three of us sprinting across the yard and up behind the cabins to hide. When a group passed by looking for us (Maybe?) John's terrified whisper to me was priceless "CONTROL YOUR COINS!!!!" (on my belt) as the group stopped outside cabin 7 to look for us, apparently after hearing something (this as it turned out was right as Magnus HAD heard my coin belt but didn't know exactly where it had come from) - I was sorry a few characters died permanently - definitely, terrifying Mod - absolutely - 100% successful in my opinion. My question remains - if you were a mind flayer how else would you have dealt with a strong group of adventurers? Make them kill each other while you laugh about it in your mind flayer PJ's back in your mind flayer apartment - undoubtedly.
I really liked Cara-vale - this was actually the first time I've met her IC and to be invited into the circle to 'witness' the deal - a great honour for sure - buuuuuuut not for me, I wanted to keep living and I doubt I would have been coming out of that one alive......

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Nothing in game - I had a great time, the NPC's were awesome, the plot was fun and exciting. only thing, which was out of our control, was that I slipped on the ice literally EVERY time I crossed the concrete area, didn't fall, but always thought I would.... - I hope all those who did fall are OK now! (I saw a few)

3. What you would like to see more of
It seemed that we had a larger number of NPC's this time round and this was definitely a plus. I'm not saying that we need to be attacked by huge groups, but having different things going on at the same time, and the larger groups made the event better all round. this extends also into NPC's who can come out and 'hang out' with the players during the day/early evening and just shoot the breeze IC - that was great too.
I can't remember if it was this event or last when they were served, but I would also love to see more of Abbey's scalloped potatoes, holy $#1& those were delicious! - any time you need a potato side dish and can't decide, just do the scalloped potatoes!!

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Freezing cold and standing in shin deep snow, hiding behind the cabins from our friends and allies - we duck back in as the large shape of Magnus strides by on the path - What has happened to everyone? was that a mind flayer we saw entering the tavern? Do we run down smugglers alley now or wait till they get closer?? Shhhhh quiet!

IC - Rovinder Kitt
OOC - Chris Gray
1. Post your favorite moments

I had two favorite moments. One was the confrontation with Philippe and Dayna’s NPC’s over the kidnapped children – loved it. I believe it was somewhat comical for others to see short little me go up against tall Dayna…but Morrigan wasn’t scared cause she is well….her … and she had back up in the form of a rather large polar bear-kin deputy. ;) The other one was the spill over encounter with our Iron Root mod that ended up both in and out of the breach at the same time, with a few of our friends sucked in to help. It was awesome to be able to share some of this magnificent story line with others and let them witness Nichole’s brilliant writing.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

Least favorite thing for me was hearing about the events of Sat night with the PVP and Ilithid bad guy chaos…it is sad to hear of characters dying and out of game that people didn’t enjoy the way something went down. That being said, the mod has been addressed and apologies made so I think that it was a good learning experience for many. This is the way these reviews work, tell us what you didn’t like and we can explain, apologize and fix it so that going forward we are a better LARP!

3. What you would like to see more of

More cross over experiences….the IronRoot mod involving the rest of the breach was great, it allowed for some great RP afterwards with questions of “what the hell have you guys gotten yourselves into”. It would be nice to see other “group” story lines do the same thing once in a while…like the AS, HG and EW mods…not just for the finale either, but once or twice along the way. I think it will promote relationships between guilds/organizations/groups and characters…the guilds/special groups will get a chance to share a bit of what they are experiencing with others from the breach that are not allowed/invited to journey with them on the many missions they do. It is often heard someone saying “where is so and so” and the reply heard “oh they are off on another guild mission” and then nothing is shared when those players come back as to what they are going through. So, once in a while a little glimpse into these guilds/organizations missions first hand would help all the players feel that they can be involved and are able to maybe ask more questions from those that go on the smaller missions so that they can keep up to date on the story so far. As well perhaps those who go on the smaller missions will be more likely to share what happened if they know that everyone kinda has seen part of what they are doing already. :)

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Stern, the guardian, ordered her into his circle of power, and the bracelet warmed at his command also compelling her to enter the celestial circle. Celestial isn’t as bad as her parents would have her believe, but she still is nervous about the damage to her innerds…..deal with that later. Right now there is a battle to be fought. She stood in the circle with Stig and the guardian feeling tingling in her skin…watching as Hamish and Third fight the ancient Biata in front of her and the circle. Stern runs a final pass over her with his hands and explains what he has given her…looking down her arrows and armor shine with a layer of sparkling crystal. He bids her to exit the circle and go after the Biata commander. As she steps out of the circle, Third goes down in front of her. She reaches out and using the magic that Stern just bestowed, she heals Third to full and gets him back into the fight. Then she turns and following Stigs yell, she advances on the commander. Slowly as they fight, the guardian pulls in each of the others into his circle and gives them the crystal coating that is damaging the commander. Hamish, Third, Eric and Ilandra can’t seem to hurt this guy, so they turn to focus on the other Biata that they are able to affect leaving her and the rest to take on the commander. The battle rages for a long time, until Stern himself exits his circle and comes to face the Biata commander as well. With a flurry of massive attacks he confronts him, but she keeps firing arrows and sees the others are still attacking the commander as well. Now they must protect the guardian. Finally the commander goes down, the portals begin to close and those from the Breach are returned there while Morrigan and her group find themselves standing in front of the guardian in his room in the temple once again.
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