Event review for Thanks for Giving

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Dramm a'dan

Post your review for a "Thanks for Giving"
1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews got you 15 gs, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Let's make those that missed the event jealous over how awesome it was!
Review for a "Thanks for Giving"
1. Post your favorite moments
Sooo many!
- The mod that Nicole ran was awesome. Getting to go back in time even briefly to when Ithawda and Isawda were traveling together before arriving in the Breach was both poignant and sad when it ended. Having each of us have our own individual parts inside the mod, and getting to see each others, makes it a many layered marvel.
- The return of Fredrick (does NO NPC ever get a black stone!?) felt like a very balanced encounter. Plenty of crunchies for the non fighters and newer players to be involved, and Fredrick himself for the high level to try for.
- The Barons mine was my first ritual that felt real to me. Chanting throughout the whole time, while hearing the rest of the party defend me and the circle was great. Then at the end hearing the souls drawn into the stone, and friends asking “What has Isawda done?” was a great twist. Painful, shocking infuriating, but great.
- The vision that told us so much of the past of the Biata and the Duke. Way cool!
- Finding out that Ithawda spirit may be being tormented by the Duke in the rescued stone. I am beginning to not like that fellow.
- Having Kaja and Krow back and being able to assist a little with their training and spell books. Soon Krow will be sooo powerful!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- The big battle with the Elementals. Having both Gifts of Death and death carriers with high damage (and two handed!) felt way out of balance. Thank goodness Gwen as the Fatespinner was generous with the Gift of Life. BUT that was one mod in a long weekend! That means that Plot and the NPC had an outstanding batting average in setting the balance right (for me) in all the other encounters. Wow!

3. What you would like to see more of
- I would have like the Baron mine even better if I had been given the actual Ritual and components by an NPC rather than by a Marshal. Chances are Isawda would not have read it and caught the difference and we would have had the same end result. But it would have been his fault for not reading, instead of it being effectively “box text”.
- Mods where one high level character would lead some of the newer member of the Breach out on missions to make sure they get fully involved. Like Cory did at Nationals. Not just those in one of the Guilds or the Brotherhood.
1. Post your favorite moments
The Gambler, eviscerating Nichole's duergar healer, the whole Duergar fight - it was awesome seeing the two shield walls moving back and forth as people fought, fell back, then pushed forward again.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I can't think of anything in particular. I spent most of Sunday night feeling like boiled feces, and thus missed dinner and all the interaction that apparently went along with it.

3. What you would like to see more of
multi-part mods. Despite being cut a lot shorter than it was meant to be, the Duergar fight was amazing. It really felt like we were making progress through a complex.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Barely armed and wearing borrowed armor, Third stared in bemusement at the group being led away to the mines. He'd been laid up feeling sorry for himself for too long, and now was out of time to so much as grab his sword and shield. All he had was a dagger, which was fine for going to the tavern for dinner, but hardly sufficient in what he expected to find in the Duergar mines.
1. Post your favorite moments
the home guard mod was pretty awesome between our team work and the rp i got out of it.
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we cannot fix)
the big elemental battle was abit taxing. otherwise can't really think of anything.
3. What you would like to see more of
I do like isawdas suggestion about higher level players taking lower levels out on stuff. I would love if we could get more newbie fighters in the homeguard to do something like that taking a patrol of new players out through some "bandits" on the smugglers road :)
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Mar growls his bow digging into his hand as him and his fellow guards leave that melody haunting hanging in his ears. he knew coulson was just screwing with him because he knew mar wanted the music box that knowledge along pissed mar off more. swallowing his anger Mar follows his shield brothers through the portal at least he'd gotten some information.
-The mansion mod was very well constructed and so much fun to wander around in. I wanted to make sure we hit every room in the mansion so as not to miss anything cool or funny!
-Abbey's cooking was phenomenal this weekend!
-Habibs! I was actually completely unsurprised that they were were-creatures.
-Gnollish "Justice League" trick-or-treaters! So adorable! I was hoping you'd drink those intoxicates and fight so we could answer some burning questions about who would win in a battle between Super Gnoll and everyone else.
-The NPCs really gave it their all this weekend, I had lots of great moments interacting with them in passing and in the fights. You guys are ******* awesome!
-Fighting gingerdead men on one of my lairs was entertaining, "sacre-bleu! The second batch is ready!". Also we got a delicious reward.

-Playing while sick blows.
-Boo, death carriers! :p

-Non-combat mods! Using RP to get out of a situation can be just as satisfying as using your sword.
-Big multi-part mods like the mansion! Speaking of that, a neat idea may be to have multiple interconnected large mods throughout the weekend.
-Interactive props like fluffy and the ghost. They were fun to figure out how to avoid, especially if they had something you wanted nearby.

A moment from Valka's perspective:
She flipped through page after page of scantily clad goblins and squiggles, the others standing over her. As they reached the last page there was a faint click followed by the sound of air escaping . . . The world is swimming around her, colours mixing and brightening, sounds becoming visual things. Valka looks down, in her hands is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. She takes a glance around at the rest of the party, everyone else seems occupied. A quick, predatory grin spreads across Valka's face, "hey baby, lets do this right now", she leans in and gives the woman the most seductive kiss an 18 year old under the influence of drugs can manage.
1. Post your favorite moments
It was such a great weekend!
- Feeling so welcomed back! You guys are magical and I love you all!
- Being able to participate in the bracelet mods. Getting to know some more intimate details about characters.
- The mansion mod was just plain fun!
- The Scarecrows were very scary.
- Moral Dilemmas
- Gnoll Puppies!
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Early in the weekend it felt like a lot of people, npcs and pcs, were getting driven into walls/props/unsafe areas, and while folks would say 'get out of there' they wouldn't really give them the space or time to. It got better as the weekend went on though.
3. What you would like to see more of
I love the long mods. I love the rp dilemmas and would love to see more of those. (either rp to solve or after a hack and slash, being forced to recognize the consequences of what's happened.
4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
It was a good life she had led, and it was good to be back in the Glade. As she looked up, Kaja saw old friends from Parson's Breach and she smiled, a broad smile. Her people, those whom she loved, her mentor, her father, her brother, all were there. The sky was brilliantly blue, the leaves almost acidic green and... What? What were they saying?
A frown crossed her face. How could her friends tell her that this wasn't real? How could they want to take away everything so beautiful? But there was a tug at her heart as the Tari-Nor around her became...needy. That wasn't right. Her people were strong, independent. These people clung to her, and, with very little provocation, they attacked the Breachers. Kaja's mind swam. How did the Breachers even get into the Glade? They'd have to have been invited. Why were her people attacking then? Why were they so needy? Things weren't making any sense.
1. Post your favorite moments
Honestly too many to count, it is good to be back. That's probably the most succinctly I can put it. The amount of RP at this event was staggering, I loved how everyone's characters were interacting and reacting with both other players and everything that plot threw at us. I loved how many disagreements, fights and differences of opinions there were between players, it was a nice change of pace from when we usually all just fall in line.

It was awesome to see Frederick again, but it was also cool to meet a dragon, and see the biata memories, and deal with the duregar.... There was a -lot- of plot this event and I thank you all for it!

It's really interesting trying to take on the role of the teacher as befitting my rank in the Earth Circle. I found myself standing back to see how my apprentice would deal with a crisis more than once where in the past I would have bolted towards the trouble myself. I felt that not only were Ember and I able to come back this month, but we had some real and much needed character development of ourselves, so thank you guys.

I loved my interactions with Valka, from our disdainful reintroduction to our happier chats near the end of the weekend, it's interesting to see how everyone views the race that you play and how others play it compared to you.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I know I stated this already, and I know this is simply a fact of how little power I personally have as a player, but death packets were killer. Literally. haha
I don't mind death carriers, or even gift of death's, because those can be mitigated with spells and abilities. However whenever someone threw an Arcane Death packet it made me useless as I wasn't able to mitigate the effect for the player, and neither was I able to bring them back from the dead. So again, just a me issue but definitely my least favorite moments.

3. What you would like to see more of
Also, I think RP should have more of a place in our LARP, I like it and I want more of it.

Plot did a stellar job this weekend and I cannot thank you enough, all of the story that happened was incredible and incredibly moving, there was more than one moment where I had the feels.

4. Gives us a moment from the perspective of your character
Returning to the breach via the King's Road the laughter and banter of the small group quickly dissipated as a frantic and obviously terrified dwarf ran past the commons screaming to himself. "Spirits be damned... every time I leave Kaja in charge I come back to a giant mess." Krow thought to himself, brandishing his staff in one hand, the other hand helping Isawda carry the shard of his homestone.

After placing the ancient stone down on the ground Krow scanned the area, there were figures about, though they belonged to fellow breachers they all appeared to be running or hiding from something...

Then a familiar voice weakly called out from the woods, "...go away, the ghosts are about"

Turning, Krow instantly recognized the doe-eyed, terrified expression of his apprentice, alone in the woods.

"Come along Kaja... why don't you tell me what happened -this- time."
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