1. Post your favorite moments
- The First Part of the Drake mod was super adorable, and I loved it. It gave a nice respite from how dark and depressing the plot has gotten as of late.
- Actually having a Hammer Outfitters meeting. Haha I've been meaning to do that for months.
- Having dodges was nice.
- That thing with the people in the place really messed me up, but it was still a really cool experience to have.
- Making nails for Robin, was seriously amazing in and out of character. As Scarlett, it was refreshing to make something other than weapons and weapon related things. And OOC it added a bit of realism to blacksmithing, as it would make sense that the you would make other things besides combat things. Even in a militant outpost.
- Loved teaching some of the Breachers dancing, lol it was a bit amusing. You all did fantastic by the by. (Sorry to Rachel for running away... but.. well... there really was no pleasing your NPC

It takes literally days to come up with a coherent performance, especially when attempting to co-ordinate with live music.)
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- the Armor combination thing kindof came out of no where. I mean I get it, it wasn't a rule to begin with. and we weren't supposed to do it at all, but I would have liked for there to be like a post or something when that information came up. I mean it was just there literally the event before and between events it was removed. It may not mean much in the grand scheme of things but it does matter to people that deal in armour. So if when things like that are decided could we get some sort of post, even if it's just on the facebook page.
- Spending a ton of time making my new bow... then being told that there is a rule that isn't in the Rule book that states:
"Bows are measured on the curve... not straight up and down." and I still haven't gotten a reason as to why. Just that it is a rule that apparently has to be enforced. b(-_-')d
(NOTE: I am not posting this to belly ache, or for any form of debate. I am simply posting it in hopes that new players see this and are informed of it and do not make the same mistake that I made. As I have been playing for over a year, and other players that have played even longer didn't know of this still unwritten rule.)
- The second part of the Drake mod -_-' I mean... it was kindof like a "Really!?" moment... I mean especially when I found out how that mod was written... and what happened wasn't either A or B in the original mod that was written. So a C was thrown out there out of no where... it was kindof a **** move. Just saying...
- And this could be just me but, it feels like the last couple events have been slightly lack luster. I mean all of last season and even in May's event there was always a nice build up Friday night, some excitement Saturday and then some big event Saturday evening/night. and then on Sunday at the end of game there was some big thing that left off on a cliff hanger. Something to make us excited for the next event. But the June/July events didn't really have any of that and it may have been intentional, it may have been because of the rain. But well, yeah...
3. What you would like to see more of
- Instamods in town would be nice, I mean I guess playing a character that doesn't really get invited to go out on patrols. I get it, it's my own fault for not being a combat character. But it would be nice to see.
- Any form of merchant to come through the Breech, I mean I haven't seen or heard of an actual a merchant in the
breach this entire season. Maybe it's a story line thing... But I mean pretty much 95% of the NPCs that have come into the Breach that I have talked/heard with/about have been kindof... I guess angry or discruntled would be the best words to describe them. It was brought up at the end of game that a lot of us just... don't talk to NPCs when they come into town. At least for myself it's because I find Roleplay through conflict stressful and draining at the best of times. Then you have, for example Bryan's NPC coming through the front gate yelling that we are the cause of all the problems in the land. When those situations come up I'm just kind of like "Nope! I want absolutely none of that." And you can call me a lousy RolePlayer for it. But when there are all of these FishBowl NPCs coming in that there is literally no way of making them happy as a player I don't see a point to conversing with them and as a character I REALLY don't see a point to talking with them because the Character I play tends to be on the sensitive/light hearted side and he doesn't enjoy either verbal abuse or getting into a shouting match with anyone. I guess to get back to the original point I was making, it would be nice to see some sort of thing for the people that are non-combat characters to do. And Merchants are something that give that.
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character.
Scarlett leaves the meeting with the outfitters and returns to his Forge. The events from the night before still weighing heavily on his mind. He hangs his jacket on the wall then reaches into a pile of ash and pulls out a metal box. He runs his finger over the lock before taking the key from around his neck and opens it. Inside the wooden book lays inside the cover somehow soft to the touch. Sitting on his anvil he flips through the pages, unable to read the magical language he admires the illustrations for each spell. After a moment he sets the book down and starts miming the motions in the pictures. "Someday" he whispers. "Someday I'll be able to read this damn thing, maybe if I can accomplish that..." He pauses and looks towards the fire in his kiln. "Maybe then I can become a good person again"
- Logan-Thomas Stevenson
Player number 150
Character: Scarlett