EVENT REVIEW: Under the Lux's Thumb (May 2018)

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**NPCs - Do not post here. Let us know if you had any highlights or concerns in the NPC FB group. Thanks! **

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews get you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1. Post your favorite moments
that would be disarming a trap with my trap kit (a stick) and the banshee wail. honorable mention to the Fae shenanigans

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Event still felt a little slow. Especially Friday night/Saturday morning. also running into mods and mod set ups while not being able to interact with them was a bit frustrating. we shouldn't have to ask if we can see "X" on the walking half of the site. Those types of things should happen in the mod area when possible so they don't interfere with the other people.

3. What you would like to see more of
Fae, a single Fae NPC can fill up a tone of time around site :D even if its is wasted time. static NPC's of this sort in general even dirty luxers.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
A chest on a pedestal I smell a trap. Thank you Yeda for your training I got this.... wait what do I do next.... how do I get under that lid without opening it... I have a stick.... we are going to blow up.
1. Favourite moments
Disarming the traps in the dark reaches. Knowing the stakes just made it more fun OOG and nerve racking in game.

Meeting the Otterkin brother who are a part of the Penta. And trying to find their special rock.

When being a villager on Sunday and accidentally shooting another villager with an arrow and being emediately turned on. We were blood thirsty.

Missing out on my lair. I realize that you run that risk when you sign up for a wild Hunt, but if there were a way to make it happen less often it would be nice.

On the wild Hunt I went on they didn't have any loot on the creatures. Normally they have some sort of crafting supplies based on the creatures. For example, the quills could have been used to make a stack of piercing arrows or something.

3. Puzzles


In the dark reaches as we just begun the ritual to free yazig and the others imprisoned there.

Evo-"those disarming traps get in position.....
Since everyone is ready, begin ritual casting"

Warthorn -in my head- Ok, I've dealt with planty of traps before I can do this. I know the consequences of failure. I place the object i lit lit magic in my mouth and very carefully I open the lid of the lid to the chest. Looking inside the trap I see the trigger for the trap, and know exactly what I must do to disarm it. As I reach for my tools I hear a trap trigger to my right. Oh no! Diggs was on that side. I look up just in time to see his body disapate after his spirit was shattered from the trap he was working on. I cannot get distracted now, we can deal with the consequences later. I get my tools and keep the trigger from activating my trap. As I lift the lid a little further I notice a bit of wire holding the lid down. It didn't seem to be an active trigger but it would make it difficult to fully disarm the trap with it there so I try to unhook it. It was stubern but I eventually got it loose and was able to open the lid fully. Once the lid was open it was quick work to make the trap harmless. Before removing my hold on the trigger I took one last look to be sure there were no more surprises in there. Once satisfied I let go and started to clean up my tools. As I put them away I wonder how arlyne is doing with her trap.


As arlyne body disapates I think to myself, we need more people with practical experience disarming traps if the stakes are going to remain this high or higher.
1. Post your favorite moments
The high amount of big stuff I was doing... and not combat. Besides the Sunday double hook fight I think I really had 3 maybe 4 fights.
Sitting in the earth circle and seeing Mike and Alex, with his hand on his head, walking up and the second Alex's foot crossed the circle I immediately look up to Mike "ISAWDA FEEL A PULL TOO?" then having Mike allow me to help with the resurrction... which received a huge audience LOL
My interactions with big bads a, little bads and hidden bads

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Like Adam said it was a bit slow friday/Saturday morning. And really didn't notice any rando town folks but it didnt seem like npc camp had big numbers this weekend so ill chalk iy up too that

3. What you would like to see more of
Random town folks and Insta mods. Saw alot of people get some cool stuff from insta mods, i never even seen one. Don't know if maybe players are just going and grabbing everyone they see now cause that's happened in the past

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

*glares at empty chair*
"Isawda...Yous turn"
1. Post your favorite moments'
getting a bit closer to xamot than I ever expected during that play XD
the looks on the undeads faces each time I revealed the candle
the looks on the npcs faces as I went all out on that red cap
being able to step into the core of so many places and discussions. I appreciate that sometimes people need to have private talks I do too. but it was nice that so much this weekend was open that when I had knowledge or ideas that could help it was possible to actively interject.
the town folks mod sunday was amazing fun playing a scared jumpy villager and constantly yelling "drunkys down again! save drunky!" was just plain fun.
Yetta volunteering to be my CPR doll when I was teaching two new recruits first aid.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I.........I can't honestly think of any right off the top of my head place. all in all I had a really positive weekend even if I was dead tired Saturday.

3. What you would like to see more of
More stuff that forces co-operation between the guilds more of the good spirit we've been building between each other (I know this is more a pc thing but still). I definitely want to push adding a trap to one of the defensive ideas that evo floated so that an element of all three guilds is involved in protecting the important items discussed. if nothing else its a symbolic gesture we stand as one we fight as one we defend as one.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
I felt the fear lifting and begin to suspect the worse that I had missed the fight. Running back into the room I found that was mostly true the one that had struck me with such terror was dead as well as another. Then I spotted the last in a prison as mobious and the others discussed simply landing a kill blow in timing with the dropping of the prison I decided to interject. I wanted a workout I wanted a fight. I launched myself at the red cap using magic to disarm its weapon then unleashing my martial skill "70 slay silver!" no effect on the damn fae so I pulled out a trump card "activate I grant you the power of a magic blade! 70 slay magic!" still no effect like the damn red cap seemed to be mocking me as he picked up his weapon but I wasn't down "damn you! activate I grant you the power of an elemental blade! 70 slay fire!" I lunged forward and after multiple blocked attempts managed to land the telling blow all in all a fun little rampage to work up an appetite right before dinner.
1. Post your favorite moments
Fae runs are always fun, it's nice to go out for a random encounter once or twice.
The puzzle mod with traps and a room full of darkness in the lairea was amazing.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Repeating what was said above, the slowness on Friday. I went to bed at around 11:30, which is earlier than most, but I don't remember seeing any NPCs out that night before I retired.
LAIR envelopes seemed like they took a while to go out, and NPC camp was rushing to get them done with the little time they had.

3. What you would like to see more of
Insta-mods that have secret conditions. There was one that Morel picked up which, when opened, had a "If you have such-and-such Craftsman skill, open envelope A, otherwise open envelope B" requirement inside it, but after he took the instamod. It makes you think a little more about "is this a situation my character can handle?" while going for a walk and finding instamods.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Pigeon sat down at the bench, across from Çerec and Shatrevar. "Alright, I don't think this will work--"

"Oh, naw, we've reached an agreement." Çerec interrupted, gesturing at the high ogre seated at the table next to him. "G'on, tell him."

"I will agree to work with him, but I will not heal him," Shatrevar spoke in a measured voice, tinged with loathing for Çerec. "Until he dies. I will only heal him after such time."

Pigeon gawked, dumbfounded that the two had actually come to an understanding while he was trying to work out how to deal with them both. He hung his head, rubbing his temples, thinking about the complications of a party where the healer refuses to heal the only other spellcaster. "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" he groaned.

"Oh, ye haven't talked to him yet, have ye? Tell him my condition." Çerec said, leaning back with a shite-eating grin.
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1. Post your favorite moments
The drunk mod with Rex, and Katie's Mayor.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Friday night felt a bit slow, or at least like it took a while to get under way, but was otherwise not bad at all.

3. What you would like to see more of
Instamods. I feel like they go out in bunches, and whoever happens to go on a walk behind the NPC putting them out gets them all. I never even saw one.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
"Healing arts, are you dead?"
"I grant you the gift of life."
"Healing arts, are you dead?"
"I grant you the gift of life."
"Healing arts, are you dead?"
"I grant you the gift of life. I HAVE ONLY BEEN AWAKE FOR FIVE MINUTES, WHAT THE ****."
1. Post your favourite moments
There was a lot, so honestly it’s pretty hard to choose. I really enjoyed interacting with NPCs and the RP involved. Speaking to the fae was one of my favourite mods for sure.

2. Post your less favourite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
If I’m honest, I’m not a fan of the Silver Rose stuff. Not on the fault of the writing, that in fact is excellent. What bothers me is that we can’t bring the help we need (see: more meelee fighters). It puts us all in danger and I’m more than a little ticked that I used my entire spell list by 11am because we weren’t allowed to bring the help we needed – and AKSED to bring. The same thing happened Sunday morning when I wasn’t feeling well. I asked if Elwynd could take my place, and he wasn’t allowed - even though he went on the first mission. I do like the writing but I won't be going on anymore of the mods because of this.

3. What you would like to see more of
Rex was pretty great. I'm actually really said I didn't go on that mod because I really I wish I had! I’d definitely like to see more stuff that helps move a plot forward, but doesn’t involve a lot of combat. The Valnia stuff was the same and that was the highlight of my weekend. I like it when those who aren't a fan of combat can still be useful in the story.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

'Well there goes my only Life Spell' Cyra thought. She’d have to thank Apple for giving her the ability to save her friend.

“The circle recognizes you in – quickly” Elwynd said, stepping in. She followed, re-entering the circle containing four waiting spirits.

About to begin the resurrection, the Banshee screamed again, freezing them both in place. Well ****. At least they were both safe inside the Earth Circle this time.

She had a feeling it was going to be a rough few days.

Looking back, she was right.
1. Post your favorite moments
I had a fantastic weekend! Tons of really great RP encounters. Cory as DAM and Waythune, Katie as Apple, Taylor and Phillipe as the arguing fairies.
I also loved the opportunity to goof off as a dumb townie in the Sunday morning fight.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not a huge fan of the confusion around the voice radius effect on Friday night. It's tough when things are ruled one way once and then the ruling changes. It can really leave you feeling a bit off balance.

I'm a bit upset with IBGA's at the moment as well. This is the second month in a row I have received no reply or follow up to my IBGA. I know our plot team works tirelessly to keep our story running and they may not always have time but if that is the case I would really appreciate at least a short response letting me know that they won't be able to get to me or that my efforts were fruitless. That would at least help me feel like my messages were being seen.

3. What you would like to see more of
More Random NPC's in town. It would really help solidify the fact that we are actually in a bustling metropolis and not just out in the wilderness by ourselves.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Waythune wandered among the gathered adventures. He paced slowly, causing a cold chill pass along Elwynd’s spine. The Elf knew just from the way the other moved that there was no chance of stopping this creature. As the Lich finished his speech, he turned to those trapped within the active circles of power. "Let us see what you are capable of..." Stepping into the circles one by one the party watched powerlessly as he drew chaotic power into his hand. With a single phrase, he transformed their trapped companions into dark, corrupted versions of their former selves. Arlyne begged as they watched, helpless to assist their friend. Finally, Sir Hamish could stand it no longer, he leapt towards Waythune with a powerful “50 Earth Slay.” The strike resonated through the hall, but the Lich did not seemed phased by the Knight’s attack. Only when last of the adventures succumbed to their corruption did the Lich drop his circles of power, allowing their former friends to attack. Elwynd had no desire to fight his allies, but he knew if he wished to free them, he could have to fight with all he had.
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1. Post your favorite moments
The team building exercise with Walter & Arthur. It was a nice change to having to be all business and relax bit with the other Sanctum members
Fighting the Panthergaunt. Man he's tough!
The beautiful reenactment of "The Northerner at my Doorstep."
The Dark Reaches. I knew the risks were high and it really did give the sense of danger. I was legit nervous going in.
Overall, I would say this weekend is probably one of my favorites so far. The pace was good, and the teamwork between all of the guilds seem to gel well (except that one with the pottery shards...)

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Didn't get a chance to go on a lair, but that's ok.

3. What you would like to see more of
Maybe more insta mods and Lairs.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Arlyne slowly peers into the crack of the box, checking the mechanism of the trap. She sees where she needs to disarm, and moves her light just a tad more closer...
Suddenly, she sees a flash of white light, and in total despair, she closes her eyes ...."shi-"
1. Post your favorite moments
-Spending 22.2 gold at Saturday log
-Being a team lead for a mission. As much as I don't like having to make decisions or getting groups together, being the go to outfitter for the missions feels good.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Having to get team's together and representing the outfitters at the meeting Saturday night, I'm not good at talking and both of these force me to do so lol

3. What you would like to see more of
Everything that's been happening keep it up :)

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

A meeting had been called and the heads of each of the guilds in the lux were going to be there, except for the hammer outfitters grandmaster, he was needed else where and he appointed me to go in his stead. Standing here before/among these other three, a commander of the homegaurd (I think) and two, what I can only assume are powerful templar. I can't help but feel like Grandmaster Rodan made a mistake. Moragan would have made a much better representative she is much louder and her skills in combat much more impressive than mine, the other heads would have respected that more.
The other three started arguing about who should hold on to the pieces of magic pottery. I was just about to say why the outfitters should hold on to them, having finally worked up the nerve to speak when the nightmare elemental started attacking everyone in sight.
I definitely want to push adding a trap to one of the defensive ideas that evo floated so that an element of all three guilds is involved in protecting the important items discussed. if nothing else its a symbolic gesture we stand as one we fight as one we defend as one.

You mean three of the guilds, don't forget about the Hammer Outfitters :)
1. Post your favorite moments
oh, where to start? fae runs were so much fun. Rex's drunken traps, there's just a lot. I even got an instamod ( Drink me ) my third ever.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I'd have to agree with Emily.. no male help is a bit.. much. It's not like I've ever been not included due to being female.. our guys ROCK.

3. What you would like to see more of
insta mods. but I heard a little birdie, hope we'll be seeing a whole bunch soon!

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
"Damn that cat! he needs to be declawed, and fast! " Elachae tries desperately to both keep out of reach, yet distract the beast long enough for Morrigan to gain a little distance. "Not working, my gas globes do nothing." She thinks. Despairing, an idea suddenly hits her almost as hard as that things claws.. Magnus.. he fell, but he had magic weapons. Elachae dashes for the pile at the bottom of the hill, discarding her useless blades for Magnus's. Running back, Morrigan has got the beast staggering under the weight of a couple hundred shafts! How incredible! Getting in close, Elachae simply slides Magnus's sword in between shafts to make sure it never rises again. Exhausted, but worried, Elachae retrieves her swords, and Magnus's gear, beginning the trek back to the portal, and the circle to tell Magnus the good news...
1. Post your favorite moments
My first death in the Dark Reaches - there's nothing like getting your spirit shattered while the undead howl for your soul!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Not so much a "less favorite moment" but more of a comment if you're not involved in one of the guilds. As a rogue, it's often up to me to create my own fun which is fine cuz I'm a bit of a self-starter anyway but for those who are less gregarious it could kinda suck.

3. What you would like to see more of
Player-driven narrative

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
It is mine ... my precious.
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