Dave said:Yes, I will be there. You may all go hide in your wards now
Oh but I think I wanna fight...
Dave said:Yes, I will be there. You may all go hide in your wards now
Dante said:I shall be NPCing
it just seemed right *shrug*
jpariury said:That just about made my day.
Tom said:Pshhh! You know what I meant! I meant the real definition of boffing, not the horrible euphamism. There are way better ones to use. Besides, only the Brittish use the word that way.
Dave said:Might I point you to http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=boff
Either your having sex or going for big laughs... or perhaps the tertiary meaning of a big success? I am going to have to hope it's the last one.
Tom said:Pshhh! You know what I meant! I meant the real definition of boffing, not the horrible euphamism. There are way better ones to use. Besides, only the Brittish use the word that way.
Aeris said:Oh but Holly we really want you to come.... hehe