Event wind down


Many thanks to the players, volunteers, and staff for throwing a fun event! The world you created allowed me to play my character in most of the ways I enjoy!

Top three moments:
Friday night -
  • Rollo - "Hey, guess what you can't do."
  • Jordan as the elemental ritual caster - "What?"
  • Rollo, raising his arms to block the light - "See your scroll."
Saturday day - dicing with elementals.
Saturday night - sneaking into the crowd of undead and waylaying the one human necromancer.
Top three eh?

Me (outside a ward): "Kreiger. Did that whole bounty on your head thing get resolved yet?"
Kreiger (inside a ward): "First, I have a Magic Armor on. Second, no."

A disarmed Greg Ruddy Zombie continuing to advance and gnaw on people. Actually all the zombies for the Lowbie Saturday Night hack fest. They all had interesting personalities from the wailing one to the snickering white faced to the armored one who would welcome my thrown weapons into his chest.

And a third thing I can't describe but will say two things about - First, that it was something I had wanted to happen and tried to make happen to me in LARPs since I started LARPing 20 years ago. And second, the resources it took to do it was 1 NPC in three separate 5 minute scenes.
top moments no preference order

a dark cloaked form comes at me in the dead of night walking at a quickened pace, i am alone on my way to the tavern.
Leata "who gos there" i called
no answer , the form regain to walk even faster start at me.
Leata "identify your self or i will cast death"
with out a word or change in quickened pace the form turns a 90% turn to its left and is now walking just as fast a way from me, not a word.
that same cloaked man witch i later discovered was a cobold also was in a nightmare that same night,
i love how all it can take is one good NPC to get in side your head and mess with it.

siting on the front step of a cabin, with 3 others, talking shop about who magic works what kinds of high magic there are how hard in dagger blows dus one hit and how many dagger blows one could take before falling.... and the resulting shenanigans.
caster "here, hold this" hands something over "ok hit him"
fighter "how hard"
caster *points at blade*
4 normal
no affect
4 normal, 4 normal, 4 normal
no affect, no affect, no affect
target "hay why are you pulling your shots, i thought you hit harder then this"
fighter "i like this"
target "so why am i holding this? whants this thing do..."
caster *palm to face, takes items back*

losing track counting distrow undead at 36 as the haven rituals true empowerment gos off.

battle brownys need i say more.... "revive"
Zeth, getting his first kill by delivering the final blow to one very speedy ice elemental with a final "2 normal!" claw, followed by a bellowing battlecry (as much of a battlecry as a raccoon Earth mage can make, anyways!), to be cheered on by Crane and Nandi. Then he was called out to do a raccoon victory dance. Which he did. Singing,

"I'm a gre-at waarrioor! I'm a gre-at warrioooor!"

While hopping and dancing. Much fun indeed. :D
I highly enjoyed my 1st 'big battle' from the PC side of things.
Was happy that there was something at the end of the 'thing that takes children', too bad (being makeup heavy) I was not in game to deal with it at 4am.
Enjoyed the NPCs: you guys worked hard, tip of the hat.

Thanks to Amy-elemental, MeWe Task Force, Chicken Leg Jack & the boys (sorry, terrible with remembering names) at taking the odd newcomers to the fold.