So, after much discussion, the plot team has decided that there is no scheduled skill reset for the game day. We intend to use the game day to tell a story of a war of attrition, battles fought hard, tragic losses, and glorious victories.
We would like to urge you to consider that when picking which missions to PC or NPC for. At the moment, we have just slightly more NPCs than PCs, based on people saying "Yeah, I'm so there", which is good, but it does mean that there is a limit to how many of our normal NPC resources we can spread out. As we mentioned, there is a significant risk of taking one or more deaths if you fail to play smart, and by "play smart", we mean to include things like running away to fight when you're more stocked or prepared. That risk is, naturally, much higher for low-level characters. There will be no obvious "this is the thing the lowbies should go on" missions - it'll be luck of the draw what you face and where you face it. Something to think about in part of planning your strategies, barring certain events, every NPC that goes out will be "fresh from the rear lines" - PCs will not. Finally, realize that if, say, you guys are lacking in healing supplies, it might be better to NPC a shift and maybe request playing an earth caster instead of PCing as your fighter.
We're not trying to be all doom and gloom about it. Many years ago (I'm old, whattaya gonna do?), the chapter I played in ran a "War weekend" once per year. The APL was 20, with every character-statted creature having 10-20 ritual effects. It was expected that every character would suffer no less than two deaths. I attended my first one at sixth level, and counted myself lucky to come out of it with only one death. But oh man, the bragging rights I had...
I want to be able to tell story of how someone held the bridge and died so fifteen others could escape and live. I want to tell the story about how cunning, talent, and skill won the day against a wall of ravening lunatics thirsty for blood. For those that want to pick up the gauntlet, my hope is that high risk will yield high reward. But most of all, I want us all to have a fun time in the sun playing the game we all enjoy, at its lethal best.