Expected Death Rate

Breten said:
Well, the Calgary chapter just started up, and we've had one Masquerade, 2-3 Tavern nights, and just had our second weekend event on this past weekend. My Gypsy Scout has died twice now, once at each weekend. The first death was during a huge Orc raid were almost everyone was taken out of action and a few of us croaked. This weekend, a few of us were trying to flank a party of Gnolls. It didn't go so well, as 2 Rogues, a Scout and a Templar vs 3 Gnolls wasn't a fair fight after all when the Gnolls are all swinging two weapons for 4 Normal each and we are throwing out 2's, and have an average of 10 armour and 10 Body each.

I'm expecting to lose Garridan soon as next time I die, I'll be digging into that bag with 3 black stones, and I'm famously unlucky. I've already prepped my back up character. There are 3 of us with 2 deaths and 4-5 with 1.

Just a heads up. Don't want to see it done the wrong way but if you have died twice, upon your next res there will be one black stone and 9 white (10% chance of death) not 3 black (unless you have died 5 times). Each death past your first two "Free" ones add a black stone.
Gilwing said:
Breten said:
Well, the Calgary chapter just started up, and we've had one Masquerade, 2-3 Tavern nights, and just had our second weekend event on this past weekend. My Gypsy Scout has died twice now, once at each weekend. The first death was during a huge Orc raid were almost everyone was taken out of action and a few of us croaked. This weekend, a few of us were trying to flank a party of Gnolls. It didn't go so well, as 2 Rogues, a Scout and a Templar vs 3 Gnolls wasn't a fair fight after all when the Gnolls are all swinging two weapons for 4 Normal each and we are throwing out 2's, and have an average of 10 armour and 10 Body each.

I'm expecting to lose Garridan soon as next time I die, I'll be digging into that bag with 3 black stones, and I'm famously unlucky. I've already prepped my back up character. There are 3 of us with 2 deaths and 4-5 with 1.

Just a heads up. Don't want to see it done the wrong way but if you have died twice, upon your next res there will be one black stone and 9 white (10% chance of death) not 3 black (unless you have died 5 times). Each death past your first two "Free" ones add a black stone.

See, that's what I had thought, but the Chapter head was telling us the first two free deaths just mean you don't have to pull from the bag. But on your third death you still have 3 stones. Nice to know I was right.
Death Rates in SoMN saw a statistical hit as the chapter developed, in about 3 stages.

Opening Day - With a low APL, Level cap and restrive MI transfer policy there wasn't much room for error, thing started gentle but got rougher due to player's kicking hornet's nests, and player's choosing to sacrifice themselves for the 'team'. Oddly most of the deaths we saw where in smaller groups as our players are amazing at watching out for each other, but will often lose people during a late night werewolf hunt in the woods, or when the town is assault from multiple sides at once.

Drop Noticed #1 - As the APL crept up slightly (as our many new players helped hold it down) Life Spells, Dodges, Terminates all suddenly started solving tough issues/giving second chances and we saw a noticible drop in deaths for a short time until the next plot arc had additional challenges.

Drop Noticed #2 - Around our second year as our players per game continued to increase the town fractured from 'big ol town' with 5 player chosen 'guardians' to instead a number of teams that watch out for each other. Each team has typically also "adopted" a number of independants as far as watching our for resurrections etc. Some target the younger crowd, others make their choices differently.

Despite the two noticible dips (that corrected over time as plot adjusted) our death ratio does tend to fluctuate based on the 'height' of some story arcs, either because our players chose to take on an unscaled (read bad guys are X regardless of level) opponent earlier than expected, or kick one of their foes in the teeth and provoke reprisals.
We are a brand new chapter....death will feed well initially. ;)
we're just going to run a small dragon through the town next event... so oure expected death rate is around 30.... :eek:hmy:
obcidian_bandit said:
mythic said:
we're just going to run a small dragon through the town
So... if you wanna borrow my dragon (this one) lemme know.
Seriously, this thing is just taking up space in a garage.

Its also AMAZING.
Hellz yeah Cory! Road Trip to Seattle!

I'd love to fight that. I can't imagine NPC'ing that in July though.
Yeah, it was January when that video was taken. After three hours I was dying. Even in 40 degree weather (that's like 4 in 'Canadian degrees') I was steaming when they pulled the torso off of me. You need a handler to get you water and get in suited in/out, since you don't have hands.
Seriously though, if someone wants to borrow that...
Yeah, I took the video. Matt looked like a melted icecream cone when he was done. The little fellow with the silly gator hat is our NPC guild master Nate. He was marshaling everything for Matt and throwing his spells (Nate was technically OOG, since Matt was a little distracted wearing a dragon and all).
evi1r0n said:
Yeah, I took the video. Matt looked like a melted icecream cone when he was done. The little fellow with the silly gator hat is our NPC guild master Nate. He was marshaling everything for Matt and throwing his spells (Nate was technically OOG, since Matt was a little distracted wearing a dragon and all).

I had wondered what he was doing the first time. At first we thought he was walking around healing him or something. Makes sense, one handling the spells while the guy in the costume focuses on melee.
Breten said:
Makes sense, one handling the spells while the guy in the costume focuses on melee.

I love stuff like this, it simulates the monster having more than two "parts" that are dangerous in combat. We did a similar thing for a undead dire bear-like monster in an SF game: we had five NPCs with varying damage values/sizes of claw as the four legs and the head, and then one NPC as the "body" who also threw poison packets (to represent noxious belching).
Breten said:
evi1r0n said:
Yeah, I took the video. Matt looked like a melted icecream cone when he was done. The little fellow with the silly gator hat is our NPC guild master Nate. He was marshaling everything for Matt and throwing his spells (Nate was technically OOG, since Matt was a little distracted wearing a dragon and all).

I had wondered what he was doing the first time. At first we thought he was walking around healing him or something. Makes sense, one handling the spells while the guy in the costume focuses on melee.

There was also a set amount of damage per swing -- 20 Massive I think it was -- because the helmet/mask pretty much absorbed any sound coming out, so it was just understood that if you got hit, this is what you were taking, no verbal on Matt's part needed (which was explained before-hand and worked quite well, I think).
The "claw" arms are very safe and don't hurt at all to get hit with.
For the record, I -love- odd giant monster reps. The Ball Bearing at the last National Event was a ton of fun, even though it was about as far from a standard monster rep as you could possibly get.

My favorite are 'giant scorpions' that were 3 people, two with claw-shaped shields on their outer arm and a shortsword claw, and one in the back as the tail with a polearm. I seem to recall them spawning in pairs, and they were a blast to fight.
The ball bearing's name (OOG) is Glub-Glub and he's inflatable. Best monster rep ever, because it takes two people to steer him and one to throw packets and call defensives, and Crossroads has entertained 30+ PCs for a half hour wave battle. He's a construct, so he usually has a few other golem buddies with him.

If you're the only one driving him, though, he's a workout.
obcidian_bandit said:
Was that at a seattle event? We had those exact same critters if not. I built a special stinger pole arm for the tail and everything.

It may very well have been. I don't remember how long ago I saw them, and I have played Seattle. :)
Having fought Matt's dragon, I would consider the rep super safe, and honestly? Super fun to fight :).
