Extra things and teaching....



I've been study the magics and things and it's going kind of well, I can do some new spells and hold a few more spells then awhile ago but I'm coming up on needing to learn the ...4...5...6...7...eighth levels of spells. Like the Heal you even more than before spell and the fix what's wrong with you more than before spell. I think there is another spell in there that's a 'you look good like that, don't ever change' spell. Maybe I could even use that 'No thank you, I don't need a spell right now but you can have it' spell too.

Anyway I thought maybe I'd come to town for a day or two in awhile, probably at least a week from now. I was hoping maybe someone had an extra shield...and sword, I put mine somewhere a couple years ago but I can't remember exactly where. Also a spell book, the folks I'm studying with said I could use theirs but I guess that probably doesn't mean taking it for a few month trip is very polite.

Thanks, and see you soon,

You Should find a Shaman- they teach things good.

I am so lost this place way different than Pratorak or Gaden...and definately not my home Isle of Thonesh.

Hmm people probably not have common sense here neither.
