Facial Tattoos


I'm making a character from an in game location that would normally have some sort of facial tattoo and I'm hoping that someone has experience with them. I'm thinking of either buying black face paint to draw it on every event or buy several temporary tattoos to use. I'd like to use the one that stays on better, and I'm a horrible artist so I was leaning towards the temporary tattoos.

Has anyone ever tried using temporary tattoo's on their face? How well do they stay on considering I'll be running around and sweating? If I went with temporary tattoos, I'd have to buy 200 or so of the same type so I'd like to get some feedback before I spent $20 bucks on them.

I would suggest making a stencil to put it on with makeup each event. You could get a plastic mask (full- or half-face, depending on size and location of tattoos) and cut out the pattern you want so that the shape and position of tattoos is consistent from one event to the next.

I use waterproof liquid eyeliner -- one appliance for pretty much the whole event if you feel like sleeping through it. Maybelline Waterproof Ultra Liner is what I've used from day one for my wild elf and it's basically the best: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Maybelline-Ul ... z/10450521
No no, it only lasts a week if you don't remove it. It seriously comes off with IPA. (It's not henna.) You paint it on, then baby powder it. She uses it on her wrists, neck, and shoulder. You can see the little neck one in this shot, but she's got one that survives under her bracers all weekend, one under her armor on the shoulder, and a bigger one than that on the back of her neck. It takes quite a bit of rubbing or flexing before it starts to show any signs of wear, and you can sleep in it without it coming off. It survives rain no problem (this picture was taken in OR, and it's often raining on us out here), and you can shower with out it coming off. A little bit of IPA on a cotton ball and a little scrubbing takes it right off though.
An artist I am not ... I'll have to get some cheap paint and practice making the design I want on myself. Otherwise, I'll be looking for someone to do it for me at HQ. Thanks for all the input.
Waterprrof liquid liner is a great option.

Also, at craft stores (I know Michaels carries it), there is temporary tattoo printer paper - so you can print your own temporary tattoos. That way you can have as nice a design as you want, and print them on-demand, too.