Fairdales new merchants guild


Greetings adventurers of Fairdale,
I'm sure you know who I am, your beloved Balls! I have founded a new merchants guild and this is our first gather we are in operation, even though we aren't gathering in fairdale! So let me know if there is any production type items you need and we will make it for you and have it ready for delivery in the tavern. My associate Vox the stone elf will be at the bar with your wares!

Your faithful merchants guild leader
The fairdale merchants guild, getting what's needed to those that need it!

I was wondering, could you possibly save me about ten cure light wound potions or elixirs? I would really appreciate it.

And the gather is not in Fairedale? Oh great....where exactly is it being held?

Eitiri Anvilstrike

With the war waging our King needs us many places. We are unique in our abilities. His Highness asks us at times to resolve issues others cannot.

I look forward to seeing you. It...it's been a while little sister.

Marcusagrim Anvilstrike "the Stormheart"
Man at Arms
Vanguard Unit
Goodman Balls,

Does your guild posses a spear I may purchase from you? I wont be traveling with the heroes anytime soon, however I would like to have one just in case a time to defend myself would occur. Perhaps we could set up some point when we could meet.


where exactly are the heroes going? My curiosity is rearing it's presents again.

Be safe.


Nothing has been announced as of yet. We even leave from fairdale if asked. King Brumis has created new methods of travel that may be employed. We will see. If you are there it will be nice to meet you face to face.

Marcusagrim Anvilstrike "the Stormheart"
Man at Arms
Vanguard Unit

Oh it so nice to finally hear from you!!!!! I can't wait to.......see....no I guess it would be meet again huh??? Oh well.

By the way your voice sound almost like dad's. Just saying..


I do not possess the mind set that I used to when It come to being a hero so I won't be returning. I had a brethren, who has since gone to his next life, who hated traveling by mist. I did not understand why, until I had picked me up from my ship and dropped me off a a desolate plain with no way to return except to walk. Luckily, I stumbled upon a Romani caravan traveling back to the area of Reeves. So now I only travel by horse, and I only travel to Dockside and back home. Even grand ships that I used to call home make my knuckles a bit white. Anyway if you find yourself in dockside staying a few days I'm sure we will meet up there.


If you happen to have any I would be very interested in trading for some Awaken or Purify potions or elixirs. Please let me know if there are any available and the cost.

Thank you and be well,
How many of each are you looking for? Awakens are 4 silver and purify's are 8 silver!

I have a spear and 2 quivers of arrows for you and will get them to you for 5 silver!

I will have the 10 cure light wounds potions for you for 1 gold!
Cuar the spear is 3 silver and each quiver is 1 silver for a total of 5 silver

I would like two Awakens and one Purify. I will have a gold and six silver for you when I see you next and I am very glad you started such a business I have been having trouble finding potions myself.

Thank you kindly,

Cuar vill no be needing the zpear. I am giving 'im vone. I am zorry to be ztealing your customerz. I vill repay you another time darling.

Cuar I am on my way to Dockzide to ze you now.

Lanna Rose
Ruis - I'll see if I can't send you a few of my own awakens via courier. The more you have to help others, the better. Take care of yourself. Keep healing people's butts.


I greatly appreciate whatever you wish to send to me. Also I would like to point out normally I heal people, yours is the only butt I have ever had to heal.

Be well and I hope to see you soon,
To Lana and jovunn
Thank you for the well wishing and for publicly stepping on and undermining the new business venture the 5 of us are taking. As I have been friends with you both for some time it might be more polite to handle maters like this more privately and not on the public dream scape created for the merchants guild.
Once again thank you for the well wishing.
Your friend and merchant,
Dear Balls,

Thank you for putting together this Merchants Guild. I can certainly see the need of it: as a new adventurer it is sometimes difficult to gather necessary supplies.

I have sent you a private message with my requests. I have much appreciated your sales in the past and look forward to doing business with the guild at the upcoming gathering.

Eagle-eye (also known as Swifteagle)
Swift eagal Your order has been filled see the stone elf in the tavern to pick it up Total cost is 2 gold 4 silver!